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Oh, yeah, and your (Paige's) family is completely unreasonable (other than the cake timing... I have no clue about that, but I don't think it's crazy that you'd be able to get that with less than a week's notice in most places, even with the picture stuff... other than maybe the whole proximity to Thanksgiving thing... people don't buy cakes for that though, do they? - that said, brother should deal with his own cakes... if he wanted you to deal with it, he should've just told you (the design etc) when you asked).

Edited by luuknam
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I've always wanted to rock and cuddle babies in foreign orphanages when I'm widowed and lonely. 


(Actually, I want to do that now, too; but the logistics are a bit complicated with all the other people in tow.) 


The paperwork for NICU isn't bad, and you can go for as little as an hour.  I plan on being a baby rocker at some point. :)

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I wonder if there's anything else I can not fold. I can't skip folding all together because of the vision issue. 



Does "vision issue" mean out of sight?  


I don't fold anything related to kids.


They've learned to do the KonMari roll, but whether they do it or not is up to them.  They have canvas drawers hanging in their closets, so everything is at least sorted (by them) and out of sight.  Even for the boys, who have no closet doors. 


Saves me an enormous amount of time.





It's a Lazy Mama Booyah!!!!

Edited by Lotsoflittleducklings
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Does "vision issue" mean out of sight?


I don't fold anything related to kids.


They've learned to do the KonMari roll, but whether they do it or not is up to them. They have canvas drawers hanging in their closets, so everything is at least sorted (by them) and out of sight. Even for the boys, who have no closet doors.


Saves me an enormous amount of time.





It's a Lazy Mama Booyah!!!!

The kids can't seem to handle messes Just like their mother. I don't know if it's a maturity thing or visual processing thing. If I just throw their clothes and the drawers they will say they have no clothes Edited by Slache
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My brother informed us that he wants a custom cake for nephew's birthday next week. Where does he think I'm getting one with this kind of notice and who's paying for custom cakes? I asked him 3 weeks ago if they wanted cake and he said it was too soon to think about and then I assumed they didn't need one since they hadn't said anything and won't be here on nephew's actual birthday.


I could get a cake out of one of the grocery store design books, but brother wants a special one. He sent us a picture to copy. I'm sending my parents out to ask the grocery store if they can do it. If they say no, we aren't trying anymore.


Oh- and MIL and BIL want to come for Christmas. I invited them for Christmas and they declined. We said since they couldn't make it for Christmas, MIL could come when she did last week and we bought her a flight. Then, just like I knew would happen, MIL says she wants to come for Christmas after all. And the kicker- she wants us to buy her AND BIL a flight. I think she purposefully declined at first because she wanted to come twice. DH has not decided but told her he wasn't thrilled with the idea of buying another flight so soon- it was one month or the other. We use our airline points, and DH had to explain that the points aren't free and we're trying to save up for our own trip with the kids. 


And...my be nice campaign is failing. Just told my mom not to mess with me. :crying: It wasn't said nicely either. It's their bad luck to come after MIL was here for a week who is way worse than them. I guess I'll do like I tell my kids and start over and try again. I was asked for the 15th time if a certain store was in our town and said no a little shortly and was lectured on my lack of patience. After I spent 6 hrs with DD at the doctor.

Time to move, and give no forwarding address? Because, really, they are all being ridiculous.  


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My likeys are gone.    :crying:





Slachey --- Yours are also kind of young for folding/rolling.  Mine were older than yours when they started doing it and doing it well.  None had trouble with messy drawers, though I must confess --- ahem --- that I may have turned a blind eye to the repeat outfits until I'd seen them more than twice or thrice. 







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I've had a sore throat all day.  Just had half a glass of grapes to kill any throat germs.  Getting ready to go to a casual piano "recital" at the retirement home.  I'm thinking it would be more enjoyable if I brought the rest of the bottle with me.   :eek:  :cheers2:  :svengo:  :tongue_smilie:   


Just kidding.  I would only really need half the bottle.   :tongue_smilie:



Truly kidding.   :hat:   I wouldn't actually drink at the retirement home or a piano recital.   :leaving:

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My kids live in their pajamas.  I don't care if they're wrinkled.


We don't fold, but most of our clothes get hung on hangers.  


Yes, my kids look disheveled sometimes.  I choose my battles.  *shrug*


(Five girls with long hair -- that's the real battle.   :svengo: )

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I'm back. Have not ketch upped. But I did have ketchup on my McDonald's French fries.


Costco was an absolute zoo. I had to park waaaaaaaaay out in the back 40. But I picked up my Christmas cards. I decided to get that done early. No, I did not use the perfect picture, but we all look decent. It's a little too shadowy, but it was taken at family camp and that's in the mountains, so there were trees.


And we got our flu shots.


And I got a turkey. A fine 24 lb. beast who is residing in the little fridge in the garage.

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The factory job never called me, so I guess I failed the skills tests. I never was very handy with a drill.


I want to be a librarian when I grow up.



Or someone else did a better job on the skills test, or appealed more to management for w/e other reason.


To be a librarian you need an MLS, and it doesn't pay all that much.

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Did I mention that DW once went to the movie theater alone to an R-rated movie and got charged the under-12 price? That cashier was obviously not thinking (the movie theater had a policy that you could see an R-rated movie without your parents if you were under 17 or something - I think she told me she was 16 at the time, but I'm not sure). 


Anyway, just mentioning all that just to say that it doesn't mean anything when someone cards you, doesn't card you, asks you if you're 65, doesn't ask if you're 65, etc yada yada. 

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You are very kind. But I know that 30 years of illness has made me look older.  Plus, I don't dye my hair like a lot of my peers. 


I should have said "yes" and gotten the discount. 



I think some places ask and then still want to see proof though. Not sure... I don't pass for 65, and probably won't for a few more years (even my mom is only 63). 

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And my mom seems to have her mom's genes... she's got maybe 2 gray hairs if you look very hard. 



She doesn't look 45 though, but the hair color thing cuts down on the questions, and also means she's be more likely to get carded for senior discount stuff - I don't know that she's ever tried to lie, but... the lack of gray combined with a mousy brown color that's obviously natural just means it'd be stupid to try to lie. 

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She doesn't look 45 though, but the hair color thing cuts down on the questions, and also means she's be more likely to get carded for senior discount stuff - I don't know that she's ever tried to lie, but... the lack of gray combined with a mousy brown color that's obviously natural just means it'd be stupid to try to lie. 



(and I know that she doesn't have much of a moral issue with lying about age, as I remember her claiming I was 12 when I was 16, and, other times before then too)

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I finished my watercolor poppy. But it will be another week before my art teacher can look it over for me. I did discover a drawback (or plus) to hot-press paper. You cannot scrub it. You can, however, wet it, lift off the paint with a dry brush, and that works a little bit. Interesting.

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And we have After Eights, which, well, it's after 8... am. And we have a couple of 'truffles', and stuff to make hot (or cold) chocolate. And, I guess, stuff to make chocolate pudding. 


Dutch vocabulary word of the day: chocolade. That means 'chocolate' for you English speakers. Also, it's pronounced shoh-koh-lah-duh. Just in case you wake up in NL and find you have a chocolate emergency.*


*Of course, in real life, almost all Dutch adults speak enough English to understand some zombie-like "must.have.chocolate"... but anyhow. 

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