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Good morning.

Amazingly the poem I read that almost made me put down the book in horror and disgust did not give me nightmares. I will finish it today and write my own reflections.

I've been told by DH to write the grocery list early.

Caffeine and chores first.

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Done! 34 quarts of applesauce canned and cooling on the counter. Applesauce is so cheap at the grocery store - this is about the time I question the value my yearly applesauce-making frenzy.



But which tastes better?  And do you know for certain how much of what is in the other applesauce?


I like applesauce, but I love homemade applesauce!

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I think it’s going to be pizza for dinner. While I was at the store I got a call that DH had probably broken at least one finger. So we’ve been at the ER waiting, waiting, waiting. Fortunately MIL can stay with/Baby but I miss him.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:   How did he do that?

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I'm here.mspent half the morning at DS's school. They are having a big fund raising dinner tonight, so I helped cut fruit for the appetizer table. I also cut my finger.


Then I went to the Afsa. My sweet DH offered to go for me because #sinusinfection, but as I was writing out the detailed list, I realized it would be easier to just go myself.


Now I am ITTing, watching Clemson and NC State and baking French bread for dinner. I could make an entire meal on fresh homemade French bread and herb butter.



I made a meal for myself of cinnamon twists -- ate the whole box of 8.  I had one slice of pizza for dessert.   :leaving:


I do feel a bit more myself today, though.  I tried to wash the outside window panes of one door, and I have oatmeal going for my breakfast.


Now it's catch up on ITT, then back to more writing as I work through some Dad Project stuff.



Making progress Booya(h)!

Edited by AMJ
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We're having tortellini soup and fresh made French bread.



"Toretellini" does sound a bit like "turtle", and those little pastas do look just a little bit like turtles.  Just saying, for Critter's benefit.

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   you can throw a handful of red-hots to make it pink!! I've done that before. Makes yummy applesauce.



It makes it bright, screaming red if you use as many red-hots as DH's aunt used.

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It’s cavernous in there. Like a Tardis.



That must save on travel expenses and storage fees.




Hooray!  I'll just move all of my junk from the spare room to Jeannie's head!  Thanks, Jean!

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This was 40 years ago. I never saw the face or the full body. So no trauma - lasting or otherwise. I literally thought “turtle “, then “no, that’s hairâ€, got the lifeguard and then they cleared the beach of all of us kids and teens. Later we found out that it was a local drunk who made a misstep on the way home from the bar and went into the ocean.



Smart kid, didn't mess with the body.  Still, retroactive hugs for his family.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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You won’t think less of me that my preteen self thought that it was exciting? I wrote my “first “ murder mystery about it. But I had no ties to the person and no adult concept of death.



Actually, that reassures me quite a lot!  Very typical reaction, and you processed it creatively.

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I got my 2K. I didn't think I'd manage that on a Saturday. Usually I'm beat after work and library out of town.



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:   Good for you!  2K of crafting story like you do is much harder than 2K of the blathering I'm currently doing.  Keep up the good work, but keep your sanity, too!

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:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:   Good for you!  2K of crafting story like you do is much harder than 2K of the blathering I'm currently doing.  Keep up the good work, but keep your sanity, too!

See, I would say that 2K of my kind of blundering through story is easier for me to write than planning extensively. My first draft generally serves as a really detailed outline for rewriting later. 

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Dh left his usb connector thingie at work. I can't look at my pictures on a bigger screen.





Maybe some more need to be given as Christmas presents this year, so everyone and every place has his/her/its own.

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My life is full of languishing items.



I told DH that I'm contemplating getting a climate-controlled storage unit for some months, to tide me over space-wise until we get Dad moved in somewhere and his stuff all dealt with.  I need someplace to stash some of my stuff, and I am not looking forward to cluttering up the rest of the house stashing boxes into nearly non-existent corners. 


DH is not thrilled by the idea (he's anti-storage unit in general), and asked if that isn't simply postponing the problem of getting my own languishing boxes dealt with.  I replied that yes, it is postponing the problem, because I simply do not have the time right now to actually go through all of those boxes as I need to.  I can't do that before I go to CO in December and get everything else done that must be done.


I mentioned I plan on also buying some shelves, inexpensive plastic ones that are quite stout, like he has in the garden shed, on which to put my boxes instead of just stacking them.  It will make getting to them more manageable, and I can more easily keep my stuff separate from anything of Dad's I end up putting in there.


DH isn't fond of the idea, but I think he does see the practicality of it.

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I think you should try again!! Baking bread takes some time to perfect , but it is so therapeutic and yummy!! I just pulled some fresh made French bread out of the oven. It's wonderful. You just need to get a good recipe and make it several times so you can get a feel for what the dough should feel like and what it looks like when it's risen enough.



DH uses his bread machine for making the dough.  Bread is his and DD13's thing currently.  I'd like to get to bread-making again some year, but I need time to get other things done so I can have the time and brain to play with it.  I don't want to bread-machine my dough.  I want to use my Kitchen Aid mixer's dough hook.

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I have 3 names on my short list of possible cello teachers for ds12. It seems that there should be more. Perhaps I'm too particular.



He only needs one teacher at a time.  Go check out those three, and only if none of them pan out should you have to consider others.

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One of these teachers (probably the best of the 3) is an hour away. One that I know very little about but seems promising is 1 minute away. The other teacher is all over the place, but not more than 30-40 minutes away (which is how far we go for our current lessons).






52 points!

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I think I'm going to go to church tomorrow. Is it bad to randomly pick one from a Google "churches near me" search?



Nope!  Give it a try. 


I once chose a dentist out of the phone book.  When I went in for my first appointment they asked me how I had heard of them, so I told them.  They were surprised -- no one EVER picked this guy out of the phone book!  I replied that with a name like "Dr. Mangle" he had to be good or he wouldn't still be in business.   :laugh:

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I know that our church has a website and other advertising so that people can find us. Some people drive by and then decide to drop in but most visitors come because we came up on a google search. Unless they were specifically invited by someone, of course.



Google searches are the current variant of driving around looking for places.

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Lol. Unfortunately, I am already employed, several times over. I just don't get paid. Dh will be eligible for unemployment and maybe sub pay, but he's made it clear he doesn't intend to do anything further until he can go out to union work again, in about a month, and his unemployment won't pay all the bills. It's looking more and more like I don't have a choice.


All that really matters to me is that the kids' education doesn't suffer.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Cooking PSA:

Chicken broth and vegetable broth are not interchangeable. Last time I made my tortellini soup I didn't have vegetable broth, so I used chicken broth. It was gross and bland. Tonight I made it with vegetable broth, as per the recipe.... excellent.



Store-bought or your own broth?

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Morning! I woke up tired. Tickly throat cough woke me up several times. I did remember the clocks, though! Time for prayer and Bible, then church. Sunday School only this morning. Dh and ds31 will cook brunch while ds10 and I are gone. After we eat, ds31 goes back to Houston.



Welcome back down here, DS31!  Drive safely!  Take care and plan for extra time if you are going through Huntsville's construction zone.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:   How did he do that?


He was closing a window when the top pane fell down on him and trapped his finger between the two panes. 


The doctor said it's not broken but the ligament is torn. Not sure if that's better or worse.


I love end of daylight savings morning! I'm so awake and not late. I hate how dark it gets so early but for a week at least, I can wake up. 

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See, I would say that 2K of my kind of blundering through story is easier for me to write than planning extensively. My first draft generally serves as a really detailed outline for rewriting later. 



Arghety argh!

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Wellllll, I don't even own a laptop or pc. Dd has a laptop which I use when needed, but I'm not very good with hers. Dh's laptop is a MacBook of some type, issued by the school district. I use his whenever it's a big project. Like Christmas pics. Guess I just need to be patient, because my own computer will not be on the Christmas list this year.



Still, if you each had your own USB thingamawhatsits then you would at least be able to hook into whichever computer is available, without having to resort to your DH's gidgimungus.

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He was closing a window when the top pane fell down on him and trapped his finger between the two panes. 


The doctor said it's not broken but the ligament is torn. Not sure if that's better or worse.


I love end of daylight savings morning! I'm so awake and not late. I hate how dark it gets so early but for a week at least, I can wake up. 



Ouch!   :grouphug:  :grouphug:   It still requires time and taping (to another finger) to allow it to heal, but I'm glad it's not broken.

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I'm all caught up!  DH is running off to Home Depot.  Time to wake DD16 and get her to shower, so she can work with her Dad on her geometry.


I think I'll let DD16 see her (not yet reset) clock when I wake her up so she can see how long she has slept in this morning.   :laugh:

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Oh no! Christmas movies are on two different channels today!! What do I do? No dvr available!



You will have to face the old-school dilemma and either pick just one at a time, or toggle back and forth annoyingly between the both of them.   :laugh:

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I have:

  • informed DD16 that her Dad will work with her on her math when he gets back from the store
  • informed DD13 that after her (delayed) shower she is to put away ALL of her clean clothes, hamper ALL of her dirty clothes, and MAKE HER BED (not yet remade after yesterday's bedding laundering)
  • ran around the house resetting all but one clock, my wall outlet timer, and DD16's morning alarms (I left the one I can't reach -- DH can reset that one)
  • rounded up stray dirty dishes and started the dishwasher
  • started a cup of chai brewing for me.

Time for chai, getting the air filter for the fish tank to stop buzzing so much, and getting on with facing the Dad Project (with more writing).


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I was supposed to roast a chicken today, but didn't thaw it. 🤔 Thinking I'm going to have to reschedule that for later this week and make chili and biscuits, instead.


DH made me a farmer's omlette for breakfast AND cleaned up the kitchen. Also, he wants to go to church next week, too, and told the kids about it over breakfast. â¤ðŸ¤˜ðŸ˜Š


Pajama day today. No sense getting regular clothes full of sickness, too.


Everyone gets a round of hugs, and cookies, and coffee/tea/hot chocolate/wine.



Thank you for the reminder!  I really need to thaw some stew meat and make the soup I planned to make last week.


*heads off to the freezer*

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See, I would say that 2K of my kind of blundering through story is easier for me to write than planning extensively. My first draft generally serves as a really detailed outline for rewriting later. 


Rambling 2k words on the ITT really is easier than whatever you may be doing though. Unless you find us hard to talk to...


I once chose a dentist out of the phone book.  When I went in for my first appointment they asked me how I had heard of them, so I told them.  They were surprised -- no one EVER picked this guy out of the phone book!  I replied that with a name like "Dr. Mangle" he had to be good or he wouldn't still be in business.   :laugh:


I once chose a dentist from the list on my insurance company's website. He asked me too, and when I told him, he lectured me that that was a terrible method. From his perspective, it should've been a great method, since it meant I was sitting in his chair.  :001_rolleyes:


Google searches are the current variant of driving around looking for places.


We stil get huge thick books of yellow pages delivered.


Light outside when I got up!!ðŸ‘☀ï¸


Here in the Pacific time zone, it's always daylight when I get up.


Oh no! Christmas movies are on two different channels today!! What do I do? No dvr available!



Check your library to see which of those 2 movies they have on DVD.

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Oh no! Christmas movies are on two different channels today!! What do I do? No dvr available!

I love Christmas movies. Especially those sappy Hallmark Channel types. Since I've been laying around because of #sinusinfection I have been scouring Amazon and Netflix for those type of movies.... brain candy. I watched a couple of decent ones and fast forwarded through a couple of inane ones. Edited by KrissiK
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