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I cooked. Tacos, refried beans, Spanish rice. I ate mine as a taco salad. The kitchen has been cleaned and dishwasher loaded. I am really tired now!!


How do you know it was Spanish rice? Does your rice talk? That's horrific.



I never got dressed today. Or really even outof bed. I did morning time in a robe and went back to bed.

We're out of coffee and I'm going with it. Less coffee = more water+room in cabinet. And less coffee creamer.



It can also happen if you use certain varieties of apples. Ida reds and one other that I can't remember.

I didn't know that.
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I made chicken noodle soup for dinner, and bought some french bread to go with it. My bread baking efforts of the past haven't turned out well, but I may try again this winter.



I think you should try again!! Baking bread takes some time to perfect , but it is so therapeutic and yummy!! I just pulled some fresh made French bread out of the oven. It's wonderful. You just need to get a good recipe and make it several times so you can get a feel for what the dough should feel like and what it looks like when it's risen enough.
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I don't Nanowrimo, but a non-fiction idea tackled me. I declared a DH & DS Day (DH has been working early and late the past couple of weeks and DS has been trying to demand that he retire) and worked on it at Panera. I really needed the day off. If anything comes of it, I'll let y'all know. I got ~1500 words, but I started with the easy part.


Belatedly-- Happy birthday to John, who I hope was able to recover his clothes from a certain mischievous character. Savoir is for knowing information, while connaitre (sorry, not going to go find the circonflex right now) is for being familiar or well acquainted with people, places, etc. On sait qu'il pleut, mais on connait la pluie.

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It sounds wonderful. Where did you get your recipe from?

My French bread recipe is from here: armagazine.com/french-baguettes. It says it is for a bread machine, but I just use the same ingredients except I use 1 packet of yeast. I just throw all the ingredients into the bowl of my KitchenAid, put on the dough hook and let it go a while. Then I pick up the recipe ##2. It's a great, easy recipe and goes great with soup.
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I have 3 names on my short list of possible cello teachers for ds12. It seems that there should be more. Perhaps I'm too particular.

One of these teachers (probably the best of the 3) is an hour away. One that I know very little about but seems promising is 1 minute away. The other teacher is all over the place, but not more than 30-40 minutes away (which is how far we go for our current lessons).




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One of these teachers (probably the best of the 3) is an hour away. One that I know very little about but seems promising is 1 minute away. The other teacher is all over the place, but not more than 30-40 minutes away (which is how far we go for our current lessons).




Can we commit to the one minute away one for 3 months and see what we think?

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Everyone must be off penning their masterpieces. 


No, I took Broccoli to his tournament. He got 3rd place in both forms and sparring. It took for.ev.er. Then after that we had a snack and did some shopping, and I cooked dinner, etc. 


What’s for dinner? I’m going to the store in a few minutes w/ no plan. Not hungry except for moah chocolate! (Read it like more cowbell!)


Green beans, roasted potatoes, spam&eggs.


Savoir is for knowing information, while connaitre (sorry, not going to go find the circonflex right now) is for being familiar or well acquainted with people, places, etc. On sait qu'il pleut, mais on connait la pluie.



So, then saying you don't know whether the French are rioting about the butter shortage would be "je ne sais pas", oui?

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I think I'm going to go to church tomorrow. Is it bad to randomly pick one from a Google "churches near me" search?



You probably don't want to take my advice on matters of theology, but I think it's probably less bad than to pick one by seeing which church near you is a gym or pokéstop in Pokémon Go and decide based on that. Out of the 3 churches closest to our house, one is a gym, one is a pokéstop, and the third one isn't anything. 

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No. That’s why there are those search options.



Wouldn't that count as a fallacy of some sort? If I google "satanic temples near me" I get search results (on a map) too. Though the first result is a Wesleyan church and I'm clueless about the others as well (I don't think Wesleyans are satanists... but like I said, clueless). 

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Okay, picked one. It's called Fisher's and it's nondenominational. I have no idea if it's Pokemon affiliated, but I like the name.



To be clear, none of the churches I've encountered are Pokémon 'affiliated'... it's just that the company that created Pokémon Go had a previous app in which users tagged landmarks, and a lot of churches got tagged as landmarks, and then they used all* the tagged locations in that app when they created Pokémon Go. I think locations can actually request to not be gyms/Pokéstops anymore, though I'm not 100% sure. And places can pay to become a gym/Pokéstop as well, afaik, but iirc that shows up in the game as obvious that that place paid to be in the game. 


*Though I think that if too many tagged locations are too close together they don't include all of them. 

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To be clear, none of the churches I've encountered are Pokémon 'affiliated'... it's just that the company that created Pokémon Go had a previous app in which users tagged landmarks, and a lot of churches got tagged as landmarks, and then they used all* the tagged locations in that app when they created Pokémon Go. I think locations can actually request to not be gyms/Pokéstops anymore, though I'm not 100% sure. And places can pay to become a gym/Pokéstop as well, afaik, but iirc that shows up in the game as obvious that that place paid to be in the game.


*Though I think that if too many tagged locations are too close together they don't include all of them.

No, it's a conspiracy to get heathens to church

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Wouldn't that count as a fallacy of some sort? If I google "satanic temples near me" I get search results (on a map) too. Though the first result is a Wesleyan church and I'm clueless about the others as well (I don't think Wesleyans are satanists... but like I said, clueless).

I know that our church has a website and other advertising so that people can find us. Some people drive by and then decide to drop in but most visitors come because we came up on a google search. Unless they were specifically invited by someone, of course.

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I know that our church has a website and other advertising so that people can find us. Some people drive by and then decide to drop in but most visitors come because we came up on a google search. Unless they were specifically invited by someone, of course.


Ours does, too.  And we have an ap.

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No, it's a conspiracy to get heathens to church


Working great. We go to church all the time now (okay, not even every day, but anyway...). That said, the last time I set foot *in* a church was on vacation in Germany, because tourism. 


Right. I was trying to not get the terminology wrong, cuz I don't know anything about the game, but I got it wrong, anyway. However, I have also now learned something about the game, so it's a win.



I didn't mean to correct your terminology... I just wanted to make sure I hadn't made it seem like the churches *chose* to be in the game. 

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I’m trying to burn the house down by forgetting that I put a pan on the stove.


How's that working out for you? Also, you may want to rethink posting about intent to commit arson on a public forum. 


Definintely - I'm thinking about talking to them and setting up some lessons in the summer.



Wait... is TN in the southern hemisphere? I know it's to the south of here...

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Working great. We go to church all the time now (okay, not even every day, but anyway...). That said, the last time I set foot *in* a church was on vacation in Germany, because tourism. 



What's the saying? You can lead a heathen to water, but you can't make him attend an actual service? 

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Wait... is TN in the southern hemisphere? I know it's to the south of here...

:D I'm planning way ahead. I am sloth-like when it comes to making these kinds of changes. Ds is currently taking lessons from a teacher that I don't care for. He likes her a lot, and the three girls take violin/viola lessons from another teacher in the same studio so it might be a little awkward to quit one child and not the others. Maybe not, though.

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