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I almost forgot to start our Jesse tree tonight! 🙇. But remembered before anyone fell asleep!

I started making a very lovely flannel pieced Jesse Tree one year. But never finished it. So, we have a kind of hokey looking Advent Calendar, but... alas, it is still up in the attic. This weekend....this weekend!
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Good morning! Where's mom?


Renai, I woke up around 5 wondering how you are doing...


Lots to do today, but good things. Like grocery shopping. We're out of eggs. And we have the Christmas Old Lady party this afternoon, which should be fun.



I need to go to bed. It's almost 11:00. But this is the first few minutes I've had of silence in the whole entire day. I lit a few candles, read an Advent Devotional by John Piper and sipped some herbal tea. It has been very nice.

We have this - I like his writing!
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Good Friday Morning!


Yes, I slept in.  It was lovely.  Youngest and I went to the concert last night - it was awesome!  The concertmaster from the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra was the soloist on the Shostakovich violin concerto.  Then he sat in the middle of the violins and joined them for Beethoven's 7th (very cool) which was fantastic - very Beethoven.


We have fun plans tonight, but otherwise I think today needs to progress leisurely.   :chillpill:  :001_smile:

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Good Friday Morning! I hope everyone has a great day. We are skipping everything today because I woke up sick. And here I thought I escaped the ITT virus.


Yay for skipping everything, boo for being sick.   :grouphug:


Mom decided that a shower might be nice this morning. Now it is time for caffeine. Then writing. Then school. Then housekeeping. And laundry. Semper Laundry. I ought to write that on a sign and hang it up over the washing machine.


I need that sign.  


Sorry you're sicky.


On Facebook. A lot!



Yes, did you see her post from a KY news story that typo-ed "math" for "meth" - as in "A Math Lab was busted in KY" ?   :lol:   That was one of our local stations, though the meth lab was not local.  I shared it with dc - some approved the idea that math is illegal in KY and some declared they would have to move.   :D

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I have to go get my blood drawn today. I don't want to. I might throw a tantrum if I thought it would get me out of it.


I can't even have coffee. And it's so far away. And needles. Ugh.


I guess I should be a grownup about it. But I don't wanna!


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

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The day just won't end. 10.5 hrs working, no break. Then dd17 accidently took my car keys with her to dance so after work had to walk to the dance studio to get them, walk back to work to pick up my car and then drive back to the studio. Walked down the mall to the grocery, bought puppy food. Dd9 made the bag explodr all over the mall floor as we made it back to the studio. Had to crawl around mall floor scooping puppy kibble. Now sitting at studio for 1 more hour until dd17 is done dancing.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Aunt Flo just got on a plane for a visit. She'll be here any day now, I just know it. I am not the most pleasant person today, despite my best efforts.


DH tried to talk to me around 20 B.C.* and I may have snapped. Then work was one thing after another with my boss out of state, and surprise visitors, safety near misses, and overdue re applications. Dirty dishes waiting for me in the kitchen when I got home, but no dinner to make up for it. I had to clean to cook. DS didn't have his assignments done and then procrastinated through 3 subjects. And we ran out of clean bath towels midweek, which usually does not happen here.


I just want to go to bed and wake up on Saturday.


So I really feel for Brandy, as my day was only half as bad. And for Jean, because allergies suck.






*20 minutes before consumption of coffee



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Good Friday Morning! I hope everyone has a great day. We are skipping everything today because I woke up sick. And here I thought I escaped the ITT virus.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Mom decided that a shower might be nice this morning. Now it is time for caffeine. Then writing. Then school. Then housekeeping. And laundry. Semper Laundry. I ought to write that on a sign and hang it up over the washing machine.



Yes, a very fitting laundry sign.  I might suggest that to FIL as a tongue-in-cheek present for SIL who has 6 kids.   :laugh:




Yesterday I confirmed that switching to kitchen cotton yarn made the coffee cup-shaped coasters come out the right size, while mercerized cotton of supposedly the same weight made them too small.  Now my fingertips are drying out massively from working with the kitchen cotton.


So what did I do?  I decided that the coasters still look a little thin and wimpy for coasters, and decided to try to create my own coffee cup-shape in crochet.  I'm basing it on a spiral, and currently trying to figure out how and when to change stitches to get the non-round parts of the shape.  This might or might not work; if it doesn't I'll just make more of the other pattern.


After drying out my fingers at bedtime and upon awakening this morning I got up, got dressed, got breakfast (after checking blood glucose -- I'm being good), and started putting away kitchen stuff and baking goods that were still left out from Thanksgiving.  I moved some kitchen gear that gets infrequently used from the pantry to the cabinet over the fridge, clearing up more pantry shelf space once more.  I also started my grocery list.


I've hounded both girls through the shower and now the last one out is getting breakfast.  Normal homeschool followed by more errands and housework, and prep for the kids' music recital tomorrow.


Oh, and more Christmas shopping online, if I have time.

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Yay for skipping everything, boo for being sick.   :grouphug:



I need that sign.  




Yes, did you see her post from a KY news story that typo-ed "math" for "meth" - as in "A Math Lab was busted in KY" ?   :lol:   That was one of our local stations, though the meth lab was not local.  I shared it with dc - some approved the idea that math is illegal in KY and some declared they would have to move.   :D



Oh, that is too funny!

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Good Morning!





Further homework into effects on blood glucose indicate that either coffee or caffeine (or the two in combination?) appear to cause increases in blood glucose responses to meals eaten after the caffeine/coffee consumption.


*sigh*  I'm not a frequent coffee drinker, but I do like chai, various teas, and hot chocolate.  I like hot cider, too, but that is naturally too high in sugar so I can't have it except rarely and in very small amounts.  This news about caffeine/coffee requires more homework, and is putting a damper on my hot beverage anticipation.

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I have to go get my blood drawn today. I don't want to. I might throw a tantrum if I thought it would get me out of it.


I can't even have coffee. And it's so far away. And needles. Ugh.


I guess I should be a grownup about it. But I don't wanna!


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I have to go get my blood drawn today. I don't want to. I might throw a tantrum if I thought it would get me out of it.


I can't even have coffee. And it's so far away. And needles. Ugh.


I guess I should be a grownup about it. But I don't wanna!


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk


I actually don't mind having my blood drawn.   :leaving:



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AMJ, Are you newly diabetic?  I feel like I missed a post somewhere.



Diagnosed in June, but my doc didn't tell me to check blood glucose levels.  I decided for myself a few weeks ago to do that (today is day 21!), and have been doing a bunch of reading up on it all, too.  There's so dad-blasted much to learn and figure out.

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Diagnosed in June, but my doc didn't tell me to check blood glucose levels.  I decided for myself a few weeks ago to do that (today is day 21!), and have been doing a bunch of reading up on it all, too.  There's so dad-blasted much to learn and figure out.



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Speech to text strikes again.  I just realized than an email I sent yesterday (via my phone) to the Yahoo email list for our homeschool group contained "parque de" instead of "Park Day".  

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Further homework into effects on blood glucose indicate that either coffee or caffeine (or the two in combination?) appear to cause increases in blood glucose responses to meals eaten after the caffeine/coffee consumption.


*sigh*  I'm not a frequent coffee drinker, but I do like chai, various teas, and hot chocolate.  I like hot cider, too, but that is naturally too high in sugar so I can't have it except rarely and in very small amounts.  This news about caffeine/coffee requires more homework, and is putting a damper on my hot beverage anticipation.


Bummer!  I don't have blood glucose issues, but that is bad news.  I love my pre-sweetened cereal for breakfast, shortly after my 2 cups of coffee (half-caf, actually, so really 1 cup of "coffee").  Even more reason to switch to a high protein breakfast.  


Diagnosed in June, but my doc didn't tell me to check blood glucose levels.  I decided for myself a few weeks ago to do that (today is day 21!), and have been doing a bunch of reading up on it all, too.  There's so dad-blasted much to learn and figure out.



:grouphug:   I think you're doing a great job staying on top of it all and making changes!   :hurray:

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Speech to text strikes again. I just realized than an email I sent yesterday (via my phone) to the Yahoo email list for our homeschool group contained "parque de" instead of "Park Day".

I called a close friend something terrible several years back. I think it was f*cking b*itch. Fortunately she knew immediately it wasn't me. I think we were talking about food. It was like "then you bring it to a boil you're a fb and I usually serve it with salad." :svengo:

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Further homework into effects on blood glucose indicate that either coffee or caffeine (or the two in combination?) appear to cause increases in blood glucose responses to meals eaten after the caffeine/coffee consumption.


*sigh* I'm not a frequent coffee drinker, but I do like chai, various teas, and hot chocolate. I like hot cider, too, but that is naturally too high in sugar so I can't have it except rarely and in very small amounts. This news about caffeine/coffee requires more homework, and is putting a damper on my hot beverage anticipation.

Well, thanks for wrecking my day 😡!


Just kidding'😜 Does your research say how long after drinking coffee the effect lasts? I generally get up, drink my coffee while I check in on ITT and do my devotions. Then it's washing the goat and getting DS up, breakfasted and off to school. So, usually it's a good 1-2 hours between when I have coffee and eat breakfast. Although sometimes I do have my second cup with breakfast. That's not as necessary, though.

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Stupid VA outpatient clinic! They've overbooked again. My appointment time was 10 minutes ago and there are still like 6 people in front of me. I'm starving and I would kick a kitten for a cup of coffee right now.






Maybe I wouldn't literally kick a kitten. I'm not sure. I can't imagine a situation where my coffee allowance was actually dependant on my willingness to harm baby felines.


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DD12, while putting on her socks and shoes this morning, told me she had been repeatedly getting annoyed at herself about her shoes.  She had formed a habit of just shoving her shoes off of her feet, which meant that before she could put them on again later she would have to first untie the laces.  Last night she remembered this when she was kicking off her shoes, so she took the time to untie the laces and have them ready to put back on again today.


"There, future self, are you happy now?"


This morning the response came.  "Yes, past self!  Thank you very much!"




Hey, DD12 got a self-communication booya(h)!

Edited by AMJ
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Bummer!  I don't have blood glucose issues, but that is bad news.  I love my pre-sweetened cereal for breakfast, shortly after my 2 cups of coffee (half-caf, actually, so really 1 cup of "coffee").  Even more reason to switch to a high protein breakfast.  




:grouphug:   I think you're doing a great job staying on top of it all and making changes!   :hurray:



Thank you!


What perplexes me are the consistently higher numbers I am getting since Thanksgiving, even with me being home and more careful about what I am eating.  I suspect it is the hand cream (really thick stuff) I've been putting on my hands (which I started about Thanksgiving week).  My hands were getting quite dried out from all of the hand-washing for the finger pricking, so I reverted to this thick stuff that really works a treat.  I wonder, though, if it is leaving a residue on my fingertips even after I wash?  I will have to test this.  I think if I reserve my pinkies for a few days for the finger pricking I can refrain from applying the goop to them and see if my numbers improve.

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I called a close friend something terrible several years back. I think it was f*cking b*itch. Fortunately she knew immediately it wasn't me. I think we were talking about food. It was like "then you bring it to a boil you're a fb and I usually serve it with salad." :svengo:



Oh, my.  Thank goodness for friends who know us!

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Well, thanks for wrecking my day 😡!


Just kidding'😜 Does your research say how long after drinking coffee the effect lasts? I generally get up, drink my coffee while I check in on ITT and do my devotions. Then it's washing the goat and getting DS up, breakfasted and off to school. So, usually it's a good 1-2 hours between when I have coffee and eat breakfast. Although sometimes I do have my second cup with breakfast. That's not as necessary, though.



I have only read one helpful thing so far on this topic, and it was written in 2007 and referred only to tests of coffee drinkers and blood glucose levels after eating within an hour of drinking coffee.  I need to go hunt down more articles and actual studies so I can see if they have taken this any further.  There was a lot of other, non-helpful google listings in which people were primarily blaming the creamer they were putting in their coffee, but the one reliable source I had read stressed that the studies he saw focused on black coffee, among people already accustomed to drinking coffee.


My questions are:

  • Is it the caffeine itself, in which case teas and caffeinated foods must also be consumed with caution, or is it something in the coffee particularly that causes the increased blood glucose levels?
  • Are there ways to reduce the effect?
  • Are the effects perhaps stronger in habitual coffee/caffeine consumers than in those who only occasionally consume such?
  • How does timing affect this?

Still plenty of homework to do into what studies have been done (and how), and I will still likely end up running my own tests on myself to see how my own body reacts.

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I've been looking ahead to see how much curriculum I have left for the rest of the year. Looks like I have all I need and am where I expected to be in December. Go me!



Good job!!!!

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Stupid VA outpatient clinic! They've overbooked again. My appointment time was 10 minutes ago and there are still like 6 people in front of me. I'm starving and I would kick a kitten for a cup of coffee right now.






Maybe I wouldn't literally kick a kitten. I'm not sure. I can't imagine a situation where my coffee allowance was actually dependant on my willingness to harm baby felines.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Go snap at them and tell them your blood sugar is going too low.  You need your blood test NOW so you can eat, and you need food NOW.  Be really snappish.  It really sells the message.

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:grouphug: :grouphug:


Go snap at them and tell them your blood sugar is going too low. You need your blood test NOW so you can eat, and you need food NOW. Be really snappish. It really sells the message.

I can't do it.


The other patients have been waiting too. And it's not really the receptionist's fault.


The whole VA system is broken. They had too many vets that couldn't get appointments for months, so they started overbooking to try to squeeze people in. Now my clinic in particular is both overbooked and understaffed.

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I have only read one helpful thing so far on this topic, and it was written in 2007 and referred only to tests of coffee drinkers and blood glucose levels after eating within an hour of drinking coffee. I need to go hunt down more articles and actual studies so I can see if they have taken this any further. There was a lot of other, non-helpful google listings in which people were primarily blaming the creamer they were putting in their coffee, but the one reliable source I had read stressed that the studies he saw focused on black coffee, among people already accustomed to drinking coffee.


My questions are:

  • Is it the caffeine itself, in which case teas and caffeinated foods must also be consumed with caution, or is it something in the coffee particularly that causes the increased blood glucose levels?
  • Are there ways to reduce the effect?
  • Are the effects perhaps stronger in habitual coffee/caffeine consumers than in those who only occasionally consume such?
  • How does timing affect this?
Still plenty of homework to do into what studies have been done (and how), and I will still likely end up running my own tests on myself to see how my own body reacts.
My mother has huge issues with vitamin absorbsion. Her dietitian said not to drink caffeine within an hour of eating because caffeine causes food to be pushed through your body faster so only fast absorbing things (like sugar) are broken down in your system before the food is eliminated. Edited by Schadenfreude
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I feel like my brain is a stack of note cards with bits of info on them that someone threw up into the air today and scattered across the house. There is so much that I need to remember and be on top of, and I just want to watch Netflix and drink hot cocoa because the work of remembering/doing is too much.

I liked this in support and because I can empathize, not because I like it. How bad would it be to forget it all until tomorrow?
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