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Well, that's all good for people with NORMAL schedules, who don't homeschool evenings. Our school week ends after schoolwork is done Friday night. That's the deal he made. He knows it. So I was thinking fun school night, rather than math and writing.


Are you on board with us doing our dissection lab and then watching a movie afterwards? I might be able to make that happen.

OK - I think we can handle that. Though I'm not so keen on the dissection bit. :D

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I did with a highschooler but I think your son is much  younger?  We used the Mindstorms books/curricula that is out there and sort of cobbled our own out of that. 


He's 9.


What are some of the aspects that might make it difficult with someone younger?  I'm okay with covering necessary info in a lead up to doing robotics.  He'd be on board as long as:


1) He knew it was a lead up to being able to build a robot.

2) No tests or excessive writing.

3) It is fun and interesting.

4) I make it his idea not mine. :sneaky2:

Edited by ikslo
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OK - I think we can handle that. Though I'm not so keen on the dissection bit. :D



I hated dissection in grade school.  We did it in 7th, I think?  But that was with frogs.  Yuck.  The individual organs has turned out to be so much more fun.  I never got to do a brain and an eyeball and a heart when I was in school. 

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He's 9.


What are some of the aspects that might make it difficult with someone younger?  I'm okay with covering necessary info in a lead up to doing robotics.  He'd be on board as long as:


1) He knew it was a lead up to being able to build a robot.

2) No tests or excessive writing.

3) It is fun and interesting.

4) I make it his idea not mine. :sneaky2:


Well, it sort of depends on what you mean by "robotics".  When ds was younger, we did stuff where you assemble an already programmed robot with kits from Home Science Tools.  When he was older, he was doing his own coding.  Some of this was boring, actually, even if it was neat to see that your robot really could move the block from point A to point B. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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I hated dissection in grade school. We did it in 7th, I think? But that was with frogs. Yuck. The individual organs has turned out to be so much more fun. I never got to do a brain and an eyeball and a heart when I was in school.

I didn't do a dissection till college anatomy class. Loved it. We dissected a cat. My partner-college BFF and I named it Bill. (Bloom County was all the rage back then). Then we found the ovaries, almost ripped them out but our prof stopped us just in time, and then we had to rename our cat Billy

Jean. Boy, we had good times in that lab. Had a really cute lab assistant, too!

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So I am thinking we should dissect a heart tonight.  It's Friday.  Why not, right?  Also, I just ordered new smaller sized gloves for his hands and a lab coat, and I don't want them to go to waste. 


Thinking more on science for next year, and while I still might go with physics, I am tempted to do robotics.  He's been into robots lately.  Maybe start over the summer and see how it goes?  Hmmm.  Have any ITTers done robotics as an actual class/subject with their kids?


Girlfriend, you know how to party!

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Well, it sort of depends on what you mean by "robotics".  When ds was younger, we did stuff where you assemble an already programmed robot with kits from Home Science Tools.  When he was older, he was doing his own coding.  Some of this was boring, actually, even if it was neat to see that your robot really could move the block from point A to point B. 


He wants to build himself a butler.  LOL


I'm thinking we should start smaller, though.  I was actually considering Supercharged Science: http://www.sciencelearningspace.com/ultimate-science-curriculum/ultimate-science-curriculum-robotics-vol-1/?ampt=374584249


According to their customer service it is $37 for all three units (not each), lifetime access. 


This is the only subject I have not settled on for next year.  He wants FUN.  So I am trying to do his definition of fun.  I'm becoming too "school at home" and he's getting stressed out/bored.

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I didn't do a dissection till college anatomy class. Loved it. We dissected a cat. My partner-college BFF and I named it Bill. (Bloom County was all the rage back then). Then we found the ovaries, almost ripped them out but our prof stopped us just in time, and then we had to rename our cat Billy

Jean. Boy, we had good times in that lab. Had a really cute lab assistant, too!


I have no idea who Bill from Bloom County is, but I liked your story anyway.

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Silly child. 


Now scram and do the google thing.


So that weird cat is Bill?  I live under a rock.  I sort of maybe remember seeing the cat on a T-shirt somewhere.  Once.  Maybe?


Sigh.  No clue.  No frame of reference.  No idea.  And I am okay with that.


I'm not even happy admitting I know who Uncle Grandpa is.  I do, and he's annoying. 

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Young whippersnappers!


Okay, so I did some more research, and I remember the comic, but meh.  It wasn't ever on my radar as one of the good ones, and I think I usually skipped over it.



My favorite movie growing up was Oklahoma!  I never really cared for cartoons.   I read Calvin and Hobbes, but only in German so I could practice my translating.  I was an odd child. 

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Finished math with 14yo ds.  Now, I'm keeping Mozart (still the Horn Concertos) going while they play minecraft.  They're killing brain cells and I'm feeding brain cells.  Maybe it will even out. 


I disagree that Minecraft kills brain cells.  So your kids are feeding their brains on multiple levels right now.







If my son beats me at one more trivia game by answering a question correctly and following it up with, "like in Minecraft..."  

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I hated doing dissections.  I'm not sure which was worse, the smell or the sound.


I never even considered doing Honors Bio in high school because they dissected cats.  I hate cats and I still couldn't imagine doing that.  And the school reeked for weeks.   :ack2:


In college I had to dissect a fetal pig.  My lab partner -- a swaggering, tough guy from the Bronx, yo --  dropped the class almost immediately.


Not sure if I would be up for a heart dissection or not.  I kind of like going to the cardiologist if I get to watch the monitor during a cardiac echo.  I think it's fascinating.  Not sure if I would like it as much right in front of me like that, though.  Maybe.


When dd5 was born, we knew that she had a hole in her heart and that she possibly a heart defect*.  A nurse came to get her when she was about 12 hours old so that she could be examined by a cardiologist.  She looked at me kind of strangely when I excitedly asked, "Can I come?"


Dd5 has a teeny, tiny hole in her heart that does not cause her any issues.  She also has a minor heart defect (pulmonary valve stenosis) that is improving and does not cause any problems for her.



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I disagree that Minecraft kills brain cells. So your kids are feeding their brains on multiple levels right now.







If my son beats me at one more trivia game by answering a question correctly and following it up with, "like in Minecraft..."

This is a computer thing, right? Is it a program you buy or have an online subscription to?
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So that weird cat is Bill?  I live under a rock.  I sort of maybe remember seeing the cat on a T-shirt somewhere.  Once.  Maybe?


Sigh.  No clue.  No frame of reference.  No idea.  And I am okay with that.


I'm not even happy admitting I know who Uncle Grandpa is.  I do, and he's annoying. 


Uh-oh.  Now I'm the one who's stumped.  Is this one of those "I'm too old to get it" things?

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Did you all see the Science Wars video by the same guys who did the Periodic Table song? So funny!



Ok, I watched it. I feel like chemistry was not well represented. And the whole mathematics being immune to misinterpretation? That's crap and he knows it. Aren't we forgetting something? Something kinda important? These people need to write a new song.
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Random rant: I hate the term "real woman". What is it about a 21 year old with perfect skin and a six pack that makes her not as good as the rest of us? She has imperfections too! And things she doesn't like about herself. She's just as real as I am and I was *never* a size two.

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She's my mother in law's aunt. John's named after her husband. Erin called me crying. Matt will be devastated. I hope no one calls him while he's at work.


I didn't mean to be self absorbed with the picture. It's the only one I had on the computer because it's my old FB profile picture.

Edited by Slache
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She's my mother in law's aunt. John's named after her husband. Erin called me crying. Matt will be devastated. I hope no one calls him while he's at work.


I didn't mean to be self absorbed with the picture. It's the only one I had on the computer because it's my old FB profile picture.


I didn't think that you were self-absorbed.  It's a beautiful picture.  (I'll let you give hugs to Matt.   :D )


Sorry for your loss.  

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Actually she's the one we climbed Mount St Helens for. They wanted to climb it but by the time they made it out here they were too old. She asked us to climb it for her. :)



And a volcanic Booya for Mrs. Clair!

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