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I have never atteneded a convention. I only read one book on homeschooling, which was by Gatto and more of a why public school sucks.


But I love homeschooling. I rock this gig.

Yeah, me, too.   :lol:


I went to two book fairs at conventions the first two years I homeschooled.  I never attended any of the talks given.   I just went around touching the shiny books and curricula.  It was helpful to actually put my hands on them.

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Yeah, me, too. :lol:


I went to two book fairs at conventions the first two years I homeschooled. I never attended any of the talks given. I just went around touching the shiny books and curricula. It was helpful to actually put my hands on them.

I love the talks, but looking at curriculum has saved me hundreds. At the last convention I attended I looked at things for John and myself that were so not as cool as they were online. I took the money I saved and spent it at the timberdoodle tent. Much better than curriculum.


Eta: And books from Sonlight. And maybe Starbucks.

Edited by Slache
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Congratulations!  You win a nap!


My body must have heard you because it gave up on me after lunch.  I napped.  Then Tex tried to confuse me by texting me in English.  As I told her after some confusion, I'm one brick short of a full load today.  I blame the pills but my family seems to think it might be more the norm than not. 


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Does anyone have any good vegan recipes that freeze well?


I'm supposed to plan on having a violent reaction to new medication while dh potentially travels out of country.  Fun times, that's us.  I have been avoiding getting my X-rays to delay when I have to start my new meds, but I can't put that off forever.  Also, vegan, because all kinds of food can cause inflammation.  I'm not sure what I'm looking more forward to---the nausea, vomiting, and hives, or having to eat vegan.

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It's raining. I got "Dutch Oven Chicken" cooking and smelling good and some coffee waiting for me.


And I got a Booha/h!

"Wasted away again at Booya-ville!

Lookin' for my lost shaker of salt!

Some people claim that there's a Booya/h to blame!

But I know (duh-duh-duh-duh-duh) it's my own Booya/h fault!"


OH!  A Jimmy Buffett booya! :svengo:



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On the high school thing, I think it's just the uncertainty.  Which really isn't.  Math is just do the next thing.  Science is just make sure she does the usual thing.  Latin is just do the next thing.  Add a modern foreign language and do it in order.  The whole humanities thing is up in the air, though.  Dd wants to do Omnibus.  We may school through a charter.  She may or may not take a few classes on campus. I may let her try to test out of some subjects through SAT subject tests.


But I want decisions now.

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Dawn, what you need is the ITT Marching Band to come to your house and play for you. Raise your spirits and all.



Bad! Bad Susan in TN! Why would you even think such a thing and torment your friend with such nonsense!


I want the marching band to visit!  Do I have to get sick now? :scared:

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That made me think of Chuck Norris in a thong.  DON'T DO THAT!

I'm not even sorry.


My brain is burning. Yeah, don't mix those things together--chuck norris and the other.

Thong, sweetie. It's called a thong panty.


Slacheypoo, I made your "easiest beef with broccoli" for dinner and it is divine! Plus, so easy and I made it all by myself. Dd17 helped by stirring, then eating some before leaving for theater class.

Yay! Dinner tomorrow:





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2016 Booklist:


Parenting & Skool:

10 Ways To Destroy The Imagination of Your Child, Anthony Esolen

Laying Down The Rails, Sonya Shafer

How To Bring Your Child To Christ, Ray Comfort

Simplicity Patenting, Kim Payne & Lisa Rose

Consider This, Karen Glass

Knowing & Teaching Elementary Mathematics, Liping Ma

Deconstructing Penguins, Lawrence & Nancy Goldstone

Shepherding A Child's Heart, Tedd Tripp



The Pursuit of God, A. W. Towzer

The Attributes of God, A. W. Pink

Basic Theology, Charles Ryrie

Lotus Buds, Amy Charmichael

How Should We Then Live?, Francis Shaeffer



The Consequences of Ideas, R. C. Sproul

Plunder & Deceit, Mark Levin

Grey's Anatomy (any opinions on editions welcome)

Boundaries (stopped reading when I got a series of migraines)



It's 12. Don't count them.


Eta: And no, I won't finish them all. The list is pretty though.

Edited by Slache
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While we're on it (look for the segue, cuz it's there), the only other writing teacher in town is an old, scary lady who eats small children for breakfast and makes Nurse Rached look like Mary Poppins.  I was stuck at a party with her once, and she made my blood run cold.  I have one of her flunkees in my class this year.


"Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore."




So, I read about this lady to dd16 and she makes a Percy Jackson reference. Only, the teacher in the book is a math teacher and she turned into a demon and actually tried to eat Percy.

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So, I read about this lady to dd16 and she makes a Percy Jackson reference. Only, the teacher in the book is a math teacher and she turned into a demon and actually tried to eat Percy.

If she can discuss the book and make correlations like that, I'd say it's literature. But then again, I don't have high standards.

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Imma go see what's happening in the chat board.

Nothing especially. Just a few opinions in a certain thread brought back some POVs that we're all around me growing up, and I was beginning to freak out. It was weird. I should have known from the thread title. Tis my own darn fault.

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Back in ye olden days, when oldest was 5 and I had a preschooler and a toddler---we worked on the elements of art.  I remember line, shape, color.  It was right on for my kids' technical abilities and it was still "real" art. I owned a book, but I've since sold it and forgotten about it. Maybe How to teach elements of art by Evan Moor?  I think that was it.  We read Mike Venezia's series on famous artists as well.


How to Teach Art to Children. I also got it when my oldest was 5 and still have it on the shelf. We did a lot in that book, and I also did a coop using it. Back when my mom was skeptical about homeschooling, I asked her opinion of the book since she's an art teacher. (I asked after I'd been using it for about a year.) She also likes the book, and I think purchased her own copy. I plan to use it with Gymnast too.

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Tea report, day 5:


I'm having chai tea again because I liked it. I added milk, honey, vanilla and cinnamon. The kids were up when I made it so they had lemon tea with honey. Mary was upset that there was dirt in her tea so I took the bag which seemed to resolve the issue. The sleepy time tea appears to be a success but I had a dream I was a concubine in some middle eastern country which I found odd.


Oddly, those are along the types of dreams I have when I'm pregnant, regardless of what I drink...

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Nothing especially. Just a few opinions in a certain thread brought back some POVs that we're all around me growing up, and I was beginning to freak out. It was weird. I should have known from the thread title. Tis my own darn fault.

I saw that and thought that might be it. I didn't click. I stopped reading the experienced homeschooler vs newbie too. I'm tired of having my throat ripped out for giving my son what he wants (which is 10 minutes of school by the way!) and then having the very people who did the ripping deny it openly.
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Thanks! I think I'll read Deconstructing Penguins and Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics this year. I'm not looking for anything too heavy with 6 months of pregnancy and 6 months of newborn.


I have 4 adult friends that graduated from home and their mom didn't rely on curriculum and they're brilliant, capable people. I have 2 other adult friends that graduated from home and their mom did rely on curriculum and they're... not so brilliant. Good curriculum doesn't equal a good education. :)


You are so young (as in, having young kids, not age-wise, since you're old...) and have learned this valuable wisdom already. That makes me so proud. Sniff.


I bought Knowing and Teaching Elementary Math this past year. I plan to read it this year. Thanks for reminding me that I have it.

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I like the idea of waiting until Mary can join in, but by that point I want to be doing MFW with John and that includes art. I want to do all the things. It's not good.


We aren't using a writing curriculum. I'm no help. I recently pinned this. Oddly I was the first person on Pinterest to do so.  :coolgleamA:


MFW isn't that type of art. Well, except Drawing with Children (technique). I used that with dd16 before I had started with MFW. I liked it, although I didn't get through the entire book. We did a decent amount though.

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You are so young (as in, having young kids, not age-wise, since you're old...) and have learned this valuable wisdom already. That makes me so proud. Sniff.


I bought Knowing and Teaching Elementary Math this past year. I plan to read it this year. Thanks for reminding me that I have it.

I'm an old soul (referencing a thread, not complimenting myself or committing blasphemy).

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If she can discuss the book and make correlations like that, I'd say it's literature. But then again, I don't have high standards.

:iagree: It may not be grade level for a 16 year old but it is certainly different from a cereal box.  I think there is a lot of good to be had from interacting with children's literature (notice that it is literature) even as a teen or an adult. 

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