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No worries folks, not trying to bring everyone down, just frustrated. Now at work bleaching toys instead of at home cleaning. But I will be happy to return to work after the break to. Spotless classroom ready to face the new term. I will work on my house tonight for the same reason. I hate cleaning, but it is certainly therapeutic


I know what you mean about starting the new term spotless. We were able to clean the classroom on Friday. My assistant even brought his mom to help (he's young), and I had both my girls. Well, Gymnast was helpful for maybe 20 minutes, lol! And, yes, cleaning can be therapeutic. I definitely need it in my house!


Things will work out, Brandy.

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I am home, finally. Tlih is settled in her apartment with a new walker with wheels, fresh groceries, and medication sorted for the week. I have an appointment with the social worker at her apartment tomorrow at 10 a.m. to see about getting more home healthcare.




I'm about to engage in a cookie baking frenzy! Wish me luck!

We are going to do this Wednesday. What kind are you making? We will be doing gingerbread men and some others yet to be decided upon.


I say save your money on the gift bags and just put a bow on them.


The Christmas I was ten and my sister twelve, we got 10-speed bikes. Parents stuck a bow on them, and they were the first thing we saw when we woke up. I have a very fond memory of us shrieking so loud it woke my parents up. Shortly after we were jumping up and down on their bed.


I think wrapping would have lessened the impact, as we would have known it was a bike from the size/shape but not had that instant WOW feeling, kwim?

Thanks for sharing this story. That is what I will do then. I hope my children can look back and have wonderful memories like this. My childhood was awful, and sometimes I feel as if I am doing this whole parenting thing from scratch because I have nothing to go from. Except what NOT to do.

I am not allergic to poison ivy

Dh and everyone of my children are allergic. So allergic we have to get shots of prednisone at the pediatrician's. Sometimes we can get by with the oral dosage. The Dr will usually call it in without an office visit anymore. Ds20 got it in the winter one year when he and dh burnt the fence row off. So it is possible to get it from the smoke. Edited by Openhearted
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I live in suburbia and the big city before that.  I'm not around a lot of poison ivy to begin with.  The one year of my life that we lived on a farm in the US, I sat in a big patch of poison ivy with my friends.  Every one had a miserable rash except for me.  Since I don't know if you can develop an allergy to it upon further exposure, I will not experiment with it.  Seems safer that way.   

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We are going to do this Wednesday. What kind are you making? We will be doing gingerbread men and some others yet to be decided .

I made chocolate crinkles, fudgy oatmeal bars, pinwheels and checkerboards (pretty but only mediocre tasting) and peppernuts (aka pfeffernusse, a nod to my German Mennonite heritage)


And they are done, the last batch is cooling, I will package then in a few minutes and then the kids will deliver them.

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I am doing very little Christmas stuff this year.  We have a few decorations up - dd did all of that with a bit of help from ds when she forced him to.  I bought everything online and we don't go all out with presents anyway.  I am doing no baking.  I am going to send out a newsletter but it won't get to anyone before Christmas.  It will get there when it gets there.  I am doing no singing or even attending any special Christmasy things.  Dd and ds have attended a few but they are at that age when they have a social life separate from me.  I am not bah humbug.  I'm just in survival mode physically and this is the way it is going to be. 

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Since you have already sent me one picture this winter with your yard covered in snow, I don't feel sorry for you!  :001_tt2:


But, but, that was last week and mostly gone. Today, the temp is 40F. Wednesday says we'll get a rain or snow shower. That usually means it will be in the mountains and won't touch us. Maybe on and off snow on Saturday. The temp  highs will range from 33-41, and the lows from 13-26. It's just not cold enough, or too cold, to have snow. Oh, well.

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Christmas box from MIL is here. We have a 2 toy rule and there are at least 20 gifts per kid. This box cost over $200 to send. She used to not wrap dollar store garbage but she must have figured out the kids weren't getting that stuff because everything is wrapped. The box was left in the rain and I had to wipe some gifts off, but nothing seems broken and only one thing is ripped open and it's a blank cardboard box so I can just wrap it. I'm glad it's here before Christmas. She told us it would be here Saturday and she would get it here before Christmas if we paid her for it. I hope she doesn't expect any money from us, because we're not sending any.


Mary's eyes almost fell out of her head when she realized that the box was presents. I had to corral her out of the room because I wasn't finished going through everything and as I was forcing her out she yelled "No! Not the Mary!"

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I am doing very little Christmas stuff this year. We have a few decorations up - dd did all of that with a bit of help from ds when she forced him to. I bought everything online and we don't go all out with presents anyway. I am doing no baking. I am going to send out a newsletter but it won't get to anyone before Christmas. It will get there when it gets there. I am doing no singing or even attending any special Christmasy things. Dd and ds have attended a few but they are at that age when they have a social life separate from me. I am not bah humbug. I'm just in survival mode physically and this is the way it is going to be.

We put up a tree and light decorations. I like holly above the windows and I hang our Christmas cards up on the door. We put our nativity on the piano and hang stockings. I don't bake for Christmas. Nobody wants our cooking because they all have so much at that time, and so much is given to us I don't think we need any more in the house. I give away cookies in the spring in lieu of Christmas cookies. They are always well received.

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Decent chance of rain and 66 in Arkansas for Christmas day. The boys are getting sleds from one set of grandparents. Maybe we'll get some snow in January or February. Or April. In time to kill the peach crop, you know.

I'll be down in Arkansas for "3rd Christmas" with my family. :) Miss my home state. 


It'll be pouring in MO and OK as we travel, starting tomorrow. Glad Im not the one driving!

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A confession.  My guest could have arrived starting a half hour ago.  The longer it takes for her to get here the better because the less I have to entertain.  The less I have to entertain, the less tired I will get.  Boy, I sound like a lousy hostess don't I?  I really do like people and I will enjoy the visit.  I just don't know when dh will get off work and how long it will take him to get home etc. before we can go out to dinner.   Her arrival time was a bit up in the air because she is getting a ride from someone else. 



Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Mary Poppins visited me today. My friend's 10 year old daughter. She fed the kids (twice), organized a dish-washing brigade, presided over trivial disputes, read a dozen books aloud, supervised in the backyard, and reorganized the toy closet (labeling each bin with pretty cardstock labels.). Jean has the proof.


I got all the Christmas food shopping and all the Christmas wrapping (except stockings) DONE, and still have energy to bake tonight. I think.

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Not too terribly wrong. Greasy Mary can still walk her slippery little chicken self to the shower, right?

I'm not sure. Now she's laying on the kitchen floor crying because we wouldn't let her have her roll unless she ate her chicken which she did not do. She says she's dying because she's sad.


John just announced that he peed in the shower for the first time. He's quite proud.

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I'm lazy. Still on the phone.


But thank you all for all the diagnostic assistance. Ringworm maybe??? But on the neck? I've never had poison ivy / oak / sumac. I DO have enough tree allergies to light up like a Christmas tree at the allergists office. And tree-induced oral food allergies. And potato allergies, which are related to latex allergies. And they all began in my twenties and have worsened and expanded. Ate a harmless Strawberry last week and my mouth broke out in painful sores that lasted for 8 days and made eating / talking a real party.


So I'm still leaning toward rosin. DH is adamant about the ivy, though.

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Guest and her sister came.  We visited for about 30 minutes.  Sister is deadly allergic to tons of food and so she can't eat with anyone but she did visit with us in our house even though we probably killed her with all of our animals that she is also allergic to.  We took Guest to our very nice local Mexican restaurant.  Dh assured her again that we really did not mind eating out and preferred doing so.  Had a nice dinner.  She is now back with the kids in their rooms listening to their guitar playing, petting the bunny etc.  Dd came out a minute ago to whisper in my ear that Guest (who is mid 30's) has "so much energy"!  I am owie and can feel the owie freight train coming on stronger but I've volunteered dh to drive Guest to her parents 45 minutes away.  Overall this has been a really nice visit.  :)

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I'm laying in bed miserable and pukey while Matt is cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming, and parenting.


"Do you love me?"

"Very much."

"Because I'm useless."

"Only for the next several months."

"I plan on being useless for about 3 months after birth."

"That's why I didn't give an exact number."

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Guest and her sister came.  We visited for about 30 minutes.  Sister is deadly allergic to tons of food and so she can't eat with anyone but she did visit with us in our house even though we probably killed her with all of our animals that she is also allergic to.  We took Guest to our very nice local Mexican restaurant.  Dh assured her again that we really did not mind eating out and preferred doing so.  Had a nice dinner.  She is now back with the kids in their rooms listening to their guitar playing, petting the bunny etc.  Dd came out a minute ago to whisper in my ear that Guest (who is mid 30's) has "so much energy"!  I am owie and can feel the owie freight train coming on stronger but I've volunteered dh to drive Guest to her parents 45 minutes away.  Overall this has been a really nice visit.  :)


I've killed my friend's kid several times over. He's allergic to animals and plants, which I have in abundance. Thankfully, she was only desperate a few times, so I haven't killed him as often as I could have. 


Glad you had a good visit.


Sorry you're owie.

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