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There's your booya(h).   ;)


Have you told her that she is practically invisible and has almost been struck twice because you don't see her, plus you have a brand new driver in the family.


If you told me that, I would be more careful.  She may truly not realize how invisible she is.


I should.  But she publicly shuns me ever since I rebuffed her tries to walk my dogs for me.  (Offers she made because as she explained, she thought I was neglecting my dogs!)  But I think she would shun me even more if I ran over her.  And I don't think I would emotionally recover from hitting someone with my car.  So I should talk to her.  But my problem is that she and her sister look similar to me and I know that one is "Shirley" and the other one just told me her name was "Not Shirley" and never told me what it actually was, so I don't know who to ask for or how to address her. 



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I should. But she publicly shuns me ever since I rebuffed her tries to walk my dogs for me. (Offers she made because as she explained, she thought I was neglecting my dogs!) But I think she would shun me even more if I ran over her. And I don't think I would emotionally recover from hitting someone with my car. So I should talk to her. But my problem is that she and her sister look similar to me and I know that one is "Shirley" and the other one just told me her name was "Not Shirley" and never told me what it actually was, so I don't know who to ask for or how to address her.



I would send my husband over to talk to her. Or just hit her. She sounds unpleasant.

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I should.  But she publicly shuns me ever since I rebuffed her tries to walk my dogs for me.  (Offers she made because as she explained, she thought I was neglecting my dogs!)  But I think she would shun me even more if I ran over her.  And I don't think I would emotionally recover from hitting someone with my car.  So I should talk to her.  But my problem is that she and her sister look similar to me and I know that one is "Shirley" and the other one just told me her name was "Not Shirley" and never told me what it actually was, so I don't know who to ask for or how to address her. 



Send dd over with cookies and a card pinned to her coat saying "YOU ARE GOING TO BE KILLED IF YOU DON'T WEAR REFLECTIVE CLOTHING AND SPEEDWALK PAST MY DRIVEWAY."  That should do the trick.  No one expects dd to know people's names.

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We're having steak with mushroom sauce, broccoli, and mashatatoes for dinner. You people are terrible parents.

I can't afford to buy steak for 8 people. :D We ate what dd9 says is the best dinner in the world, slow cooker enchiladas (made with black beans and ground turkey), which I think someone here gave the recipe for.


We also had a mixed lettuce salad, which we have almost every dinner. Ds20 has been spoiled by the university salad bar, and now at home he will sometimes just stuff a bunch of plain lettuce in his mouth to get it over with. Poor kid. Salad bar deprivation. :D

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I can't afford to buy steak for 8 people. :D We ate what dd9 says is the best dinner in the world, slow cooker enchiladas (made with black beans and ground turkey), which I think someone here gave the recipe for.


We also had a mixed lettuce salad, which we have almost every dinner. Ds20 has been spoiled by the university salad bar, and now at home he will sometimes just stuff a bunch of plain lettuce in his mouth to get it over with. Poor kid. Salad bar deprivation. :D

I don't eat much steak and the kids are little so one small/medium steak covers it. I'm definitely a salad snob though. I can't afford it, but I'd love to have a spinach, tomato, mozzarella, avocado salad with homemade dressing* every day. Oh, noms!


*Honey. Don't judge me.

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I would send my husband over to talk to her. Or just hit her. She sounds unpleasant.


She's actually not unpleasant for the most part.  She's just over zealous.  There is a funny story about that too.  The first time I met her was when she rang the doorbell and asked if she could walk Libby.  I said "OK. . . but Libby is paralyzed from being hit by a car and doesn't walk very far."  But she really wanted to do it so I leashed Libby up and let her walk her.  I thought it was strange but if she really wanted to.. . Five minutes later she was back saying "Libby had a hard time walking down to the end of the block" so we brought her back.  Well, yes.  You know. . . cause she's on 3 legs and all. . .   Anyway. . . as she handed the leash back Rocky whined from the back deck and she said "Oh, you have another dog!  Is that the one that has been whining?"  She then told me that Rocky whined because I neglect him.  Only I don't.  He whines because he's excited.  I did get annoyed as time went on though and she kept asking me if Rocky was doing ok. . . .  She then got annoyed back when I told her that i would let her know if he wasn't. 

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She's actually not unpleasant for the most part. She's just over zealous. There is a funny story about that too. The first time I met her was when she rang the doorbell and asked if she could walk Libby. I said "OK. . . but Libby is paralyzed from being hit by a car and doesn't walk very far." But she really wanted to do it so I leashed Libby up and let her walk her. I thought it was strange but if she really wanted to.. . Five minutes later she was back saying "Libby had a hard time walking down to the end of the block" so we brought her back. Well, yes. You know. . . cause she's on 3 legs and all. . . Anyway. . . as she handed the leash back Rocky whined from the back deck and she said "Oh, you have another dog! Is that the one that has been whining?" She then told me that Rocky whined because I neglect him. Only I don't. He whines because he's excited. I did get annoyed as time went on though and she kept asking me if Rocky was doing ok. . . . She then got annoyed back when I told her that i would let her know if he wasn't.

I know dogs and I become very irritated when people tell me about my dog. She acts like that because she's not walked enough. She's walked 20 minutes twice a day. Why do you act like that? Oh it must be because she's a vizsla. She's not a vizsla, she's a border collie cross. Oh no. She's a vizsla. Trust me. NO! She's not an effing vizsla. I used to prepare vizslas for show. I know what a vizsla is! Stop touching my dog. Go away.


I have that conversation like 6 times a year. There's a guy in our complex that refers to me as the girl that thinks her vizsla's a border collie. I should start referring to him as the man who doesn't wear deodorant.

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Ds15 and I just finished making peanut butter fudge!  We are almost ready for Christmas tomorrow.


Presents are wrapped, the house is mostly clean, and the food is as ready as I can get it tonight.



And dd5 seems to be OK.  She's not feeling great, but it doesn't seem to be a virus.  I think it might be a migraine.   :crying:   Poor baby.

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I got around 10 get hairs when I was about 16 and never another. My grandmother was the same and never went any grayer. I'm planning on following in her footsteps.

I started going gray in my late 20's, which is when I started coloring my hair. It's naturally dark, so it looks pretty bad when the grays come out. Dh was bothered by the fact I colored my hair when we were dating. The most important women in his life (before I came along), his mother and sister, didn't color their hair. But then, I gently reminded him that they are blondes and blondes can ease into gray, unlike brunetttes. He's used to me now!
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You're freaking me out woman!


Sorry about DD5. :(


We are having Christmas with my family tomorrow.  It doesn't bother me what day we have it; I'm just happy that everyone is willing to travel to my house instead of me packing up 6 kids and going to theirs.

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I started going gray in my late 20's, which is when I started coloring my hair. It's naturally dark, so it looks pretty bad when the grays come out. Dh was bothered by the fact I colored my hair when we were dating. The most important women in his life (before I came along), his mother and sister, didn't color their hair. But then, I gently reminded him that they are blondes and blondes can ease into gray, unlike brunetttes. He's used to me now!

Yeah, I'm a medium blonde going brown. I just deal with it. Every once in a while someone points one out. YOU'RE GOING GREY! No, I went grey. I'm done now.

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Every time I use my neti pot I think "Oh my gosh, this is horrible! Why am I doing this? Was this Satan's idea!?" And then afterwards I think "Oh, that's lovely. Why didn't I do that earlier?"


My geographic tongue is back with a vengeance. It hurts. :(



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I found my first grey hair a few years ago on a Sunday morning.


When I got to church, I found a man I know who is only two days younger that I am.


I told him that on Tuesday he would be old. ;)

I turned old yesterday, or so my mother says. What's old? I used to think 50s, but I've met people who are very not old in their 50s. Maybe it depends on the person. I'm dying somewhere around 67. I hope to not be old until I'm 60.

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There are days I look and feel 21, but there are others when I'm more 50ish. I think it depends mostly on diet, hydration and exercise. A poor diet not only leaves me weak and cranky, but makes my skin look. like. crap. And I have a lot of skin, so that's a lot of crap looking.

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I sleep walk and sometimes I do housework, but I do it incorrectly. Last night I collected all of the glasses and a plate from around the house and put them on the coffee table. I didn't think much of it but now I can't find my face lotion, deodorant or water bottle.

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My sister used to sleep walk.  She broke an entire set of glasses because she was thirsty in the middle of the night, grabbed a glass, and dropped it on the kitchen counter.  I used to wake up in the middle of the night, hear the vacuum cleaner, and go right back to sleep.  The first time it happened I got up to find out what happened.  After that, I knew.  She was thirsty; therefore, vacuum.

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That's hilarious! I've never broken anything and I've never gone outside. I do like to put things away wrong, move furniture to idiotic locations, throw sponges away and insist Matt get out of bed, take him to the living room and leave him there. He can tell that I'm sleeping by the tone of my voice, so now he just tells me to go back to bed and I do. Occasionally I peel all of the bananas, throw them away and put the peels in a bowl on the counter. I'm always so sad when I realize what happened. Eventually my mom stopped buying bananas, but we are willing to risk it. We keep them out of reach and that seems to work.

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Slache, you mentioned diet a few posts up. I have been experimenting with some pre-made smoothies. They seem to be helping me get through the afternoon slump. (Part of the problem is that I like to eat carbs without protein for lunch.)

Good idea. We need to go grocery shopping and I think I'll add that. Do you use anything for protein?

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That's hilarious! I've never broken anything and I've never gone outside. I do like to put things away wrong, move furniture to idiotic locations, throw sponges away and insist Matt get out of bed, take him to the living room and leave him there. He can tell that I'm sleeping by the tone of my voice, so now he just tells me to go back to bed and I do. Occasionally I peel all of the bananas, throw them away and put the peels in a bowl on the counter. I'm always so sad when I realize what happened. Eventually my mom stopped buying bananas, but we are willing to risk it. We keep them out of reach and that seems to work.


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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Good idea. We need to go grocery shopping and I think I'll add that. Do you use anything for protein?


I've just been trying to add some kind of meat (usually leftovers from dinner) to my lunch. 


And I like some of the smoothie drinks.  I don't have time to make my own, but drinking a couple servings of fruit really seems to be helping.

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I've just been trying to add some kind of meat (usually leftovers from dinner) to my lunch.


And I like some of the smoothie drinks. I don't have time to make my own, but drinking a couple servings of fruit really seems to be helping.

I like protein powder in my smoothies.



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I know dogs and I become very irritated when people tell me about my dog. She acts like that because she's not walked enough. She's walked 20 minutes twice a day. Why do you act like that? Oh it must be because she's a vizsla. She's not a vizsla, she's a border collie cross. Oh no. She's a vizsla. Trust me. NO! She's not an effing vizsla. I used to prepare vizslas for show. I know what a vizsla is! Stop touching my dog. Go away.


I have that conversation like 6 times a year. There's a guy in our complex that refers to me as the girl that thinks her vizsla's a border collie. I should start referring to him as the man who doesn't wear deodorant.

I have lots of stories about various neighbors.  Most of them just leave me bemused.  As I'm sure we do to them.  I was fine with Shirley/Not Shirley until she started waylaying me as soon as I got out of my car.  I have a line where I go from bemused to annoyed. 

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I turned old yesterday, or so my mother says. What's old? I used to think 50s, but I've met people who are very not old in their 50s. Maybe it depends on the person. I'm dying somewhere around 67. I hope to not be old until I'm 60.

Old is a state of mind. Although bad health can also age a person, too. My parents are only two years apart biologically speaking, but my dad has had numerous serious health problems over the last 5 years and he seems and acts at least 10-15 years older than my mom.
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Ds15 and I just finished making peanut butter fudge!  We are almost ready for Christmas tomorrow.


Presents are wrapped, the house is mostly clean, and the food is as ready as I can get it tonight.



And dd5 seems to be OK.  She's not feeling great, but it doesn't seem to be a virus.  I think it might be a migraine.   :crying:   Poor baby.


Poor dd.   :(  One kid had migraines for a couple of years at the beginning of puberty.  Of all the things I wanted to pass on to my kids, that was not one of them.

I turned old yesterday, or so my mother says. What's old? I used to think 50s, but I've met people who are very not old in their 50s. Maybe it depends on the person. I'm dying somewhere around 67. I hope to not be old until I'm 60.

I think people are old when they walk like they are old, hunched over and shuffling.

Edited by texasmama
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You folks need to know this. I started painting on my eyebrows slightly differently, and I think it is an improvement.


Carry on. :lol:

of course we would want to know. Bully for you;-)

I can't afford to buy steak for 8 people. :D We ate what dd9 says is the best dinner in the world, slow cooker enchiladas (made with black beans and ground turkey), which I think someone here gave the recipe for.

We also had a mixed lettuce salad, which we have almost every dinner. Ds20 has been spoiled by the university salad bar, and now at home he will sometimes just stuff a bunch of plain lettuce in his mouth to get it over with. Poor kid. Salad bar deprivation. :D

Enchiladas equal yum. And my kids stuff leaves too. They mostly don't like dressing. We have decided they are part bunny. Maybe they have common ancestry with Jean's cute little bunny:-)

She's actually not unpleasant for the most part. She's just over zealous. There is a funny story about that too. The first time I met her was when she rang the doorbell and asked if she could walk Libby. I said "OK. . . but Libby is paralyzed from being hit by a car and doesn't walk very far." But she really wanted to do it so I leashed Libby up and let her walk her. I thought it was strange but if she really wanted to.. . Five minutes later she was back saying "Libby had a hard time walking down to the end of the block" so we brought her back. Well, yes. You know. . . cause she's on 3 legs and all. . . Anyway. . . as she handed the leash back Rocky whined from the back deck and she said "Oh, you have another dog! Is that the one that has been whining?" She then told me that Rocky whined because I neglect him. Only I don't. He whines because he's excited. I did get annoyed as time went on though and she kept asking me if Rocky was doing ok. . . . She then got annoyed back when I told her that i would let her know if he wasn't.


Wow, what part of 3-legged dog is so hard to understand? Not Shirley is hereby shunned from ITT for the offense of moving Jean from bemused to annoyed,


Other than that, migraines suck.


And RA sucks ((Junie)) I can very much relate to that feeling of being 80 when you are very much not 80. Not cool.


Birthdays decidedly do not suck. :hurray:




Eta: Booyah baby

Edited by Professormom
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I think I'm talking to myself again. I should probably make the mac and cheese tonight for tomorrow's potluck.


It took me this long to catch up to myself again. Thanks for not going crazy with the posts, considering I was completely absent yesterday. I see I missed prairiewindmomma's so long for the rest of the year though.

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Tex, if it's any consolation, I think kitchen chairs are just not what they used to be.  Our current table has several chairs that are a bit iffy.  One, the seat has come completely apart from the frame of the chair so you have to make sure it's in place before you sit.  A couple others are extremely rickety.  I'm considering metal folding chairs next time around.  And just get really nice washable cushions to tie on them to make them more comfortable.


ETA:  Does that sound totally tacky?


Also adding:  What I'd really like to do is forget a table and chairs and have a love seat, couple chairs and coffee table instead.  But that would make having company kind of difficult. 


This is how we eat, pretty much. Except we don't have a coffee table because our living room is too small to hold one. We don't have company though, so we don't care.



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