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I had an aunt Virginia. She was wonderful. She helped raise me when my mom left and my parents divorced. She died suddenly when I was 9, and I was heartbroken. Thus, when I hear the name Virginia, I remember her with love and admiration.


My middle name is Marie. As is my mother's and dd16's. I don't like my name.


My maternal grandmother was Nova Myrtle. She went by Myrtle because she hated Nova (pronounced Novie). I lived with her from 14-18. We took care of each other. Her husband was Emery Elwood. Names are strange.:D I kinda like Nova with the short /a/.


My paternal grandmother was Clara (pronounced Clarie). Again I like the short /a/ Clara. Her husband was Floyd.


Wow, there's a bunch of info for an I.D. stealer.:D

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Anna Grace. Elaine Grace. Eleanor Grace, for Ellie. ;) Annabelle Grace. Guinevere Anne. Elizabeth Anne. (Elizabeth going very well with John and Mary, by the way.) Josephine Grace. Guinevere Lynn.


Or the French... Genevieve. One of the coolest women I ever knew was Genevieve. Genevieve Anne. We shared a birthday.


Elizabeth Ann is my sister's name.  The other sister is Caroline Alexandra.  My grandmother was Eleanor, and Beth's daughter, my niece, is named after her  we call her Ellie.

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Just wanted to say that we have a relative named Maria. When ds was 3, he called her Diarrhea. I thought it was hilarious. She looked like this. :glare: (It's not like he knew what that was. He also called the garbage truck the Bargish Ruck).

Matt's Cambodian friend can't say diarrhea, so he says diary. He always brings weird food in for Matt "Here. You eat this. It give you diary." He is so strange.

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Good Morning! Friday!


I have a mountain of laundry to deal with. We have bits and pieces of school to do today and I need to catch us up on science lessons. We are supposed to bring something to a Christmas potluck dinner tonight, but I haven't had time to think about what to bring and I have no car today to pick something up at the store. Maybe I could try some sugar cookies and test out the vanilla. :D

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Matt! You can do it!

He's still here. His boss has "important things at the office to take care of" that have him 2 hours late every day, so it doesn't matter if he's a little late. One of the guys is an hour and a half late once a week because his wife has early classes and he has to take the kids to school. Nobody says anything because nobody cares. The boss has no idea.

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My doctor says that my lipid panel (cholesterol, triglycerides, and such) is amazingly good and that my ten year risk for heart disease is 0.7%. So yay!


My heart issue, of course, is electrical not vascular, so it's still probably an issue, but hey now I feel totally justified in having all of those Wendy's Baconators for lunch (no seriously, those things are awesome.)


Happy Friday, ITT. I am working from home and while I'm waaaaaaaaay more productive from here, my organization definitely frowns upon it so it's stressful. I hope everybody's doing well.

Tomorrow is the big library party with my first Chewbacca appearance, so here's hoping I actually finish the costume tonight...... D:


Here's my second draft stilts:




They've been taped up better since and I padded the "shin guards" to make the legs contour properly with some upholstery foam and some gorilla tape. Now I just need to hair them (and cover up all that green with more gorilla tape, but that can be done while hairing them.



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Chewie looks dangerous.  I would fall off and break my neck. :lol:


You guys!  I had weird dreams in which dh and I were 16 and wanted to get married but we were too young.  Also, Nan had died but was then alive again but no one but us knew it.  We were going to sell her two cars.  She was sleeping in a chair in my kitchen holding a doll.  I knew she was going to die again, and I didn't know what we were going to do with her body since everyone already thought she was dead. :confused1:  It was very unsettling, and I was supposed to drive Nan in the car but I was afraid because she was like a Nan zombie or something. :leaving:



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Also, I attended the boys' basketball game and only hollered once, when several kids tackled a son and knocked him down.  We won handily, but this team's defense seemed to consist of hacking everyone.  We had good refs, though.  And then, in the middle of the game, the lady next to me said, "Look, there's money on the court" and I saw a quarter doing a big circle in the middle of the court so while the boys were down at the other end, I ran onto the court and grabbed it.  At the same time, the ref was kicking something, and the same lady said, "Look, there is gum on the court!" so I quick, grabbed a kleenex and ran out and got the gum from the court.  After that, I was able to relax, but pretty much I am the basketball court superhero or something.  I kept the quarter because I figured I had earned it. :hat:

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Tsuga, I said he likes German Catholic names. I don't. ;)


Quackers, Grace? It was my second guess and you said nothing.


Renai, more than once in a while. My husband loves it until we start talking baby names.


Nope.  Not Grace.




It shall never be revealed.  My maiden name became my middle name when I married.  And even my pre-married middle name is a surname (family tradition).  The first middle name was ugly, the second boring.   But for the price of your crockpot recipes and your cell#, I will gladly share either.  



Guinevere and Grace are both very pretty options for Slashababy, though.  And Eowyn, too, from LOTR; though because it's so clearly a LOTR name, you are really making a statement if you use it.   



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