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Good Morning!






(((Renai)))  (((Gymnast)))


Jean, glad you are feeling better! 


Dawn rocks!  :001_tt1:  LOVE Peter, Paul, and Mary!  I used to have that 25th anniversary show on VHS; not sure what happened to it. 


And Bohemian Rhapsody Muppets.....  :lol:   Da Da?

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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


:grouphug: Renai and gymnast

:grouphug: JoJosMom

:grouphug: Susan

:grouphug: Mark


Good Morning!!!


Glad y'all liked the videos. I thought we could use a smile.:)


Lynn, I love Peter, Paul and Mary!!!! As a child I loved Puff the Magic Dragon.


Slache, I'm sorry, I don't like Stacey or Lacey. However I love Grace or Gracie. Little dd has Grace for a middle name. I think Gracie is very sweet.

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Good Morning, BTW. :001_smile:


Also BTW, I have figured out why we are having all these problems.  There has been a serious disturbance in the Force.  Our hula infusions have been severely limited, allowing the Dark Side to infest our psyches.



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Don't threaten my husband! If anything happened to him I'd have to get a job! It would be horrible!




Nah, you wouldn't have to get a job.  Just pack up the chillens and head to pseudo-grandmas house.  It'd be a little crowded, but we could make it work! :tongue_smilie:

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Kitten still seems to be recovering well. She's curled in her kitten nest, napping.

I plan to type about 4000 words today--I wrote two chapters longhand yesterday, and I'm bound and determined to use Scrivener for as long as I have it until I buy the program. I really enjoy working with a dedicated writer's program, and that's saying something.

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Susan, everything ok?



Yes, just a lot of negative news/issues coming up today. I would really like to rake a few people over the coals, but am resisting the urge to do so because it would not help matters.


Thank you for the hugs - I sure need them today!

Edited by Susan in TN
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Yes, just a lot of negative news/issues coming up today. I would really like to rake a few people over the coals, but am resisting the urge to do so because it would not help matters.

Hugs, again. I know what you mean. Biting your tongue is stressful.


My mom calls it "raking one up one's side and down the other". :lol:

It actually sounds very painful if you think about an actual rake. But of course she means telling someone off. :lol: again.

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Also, a kid dropped a pencil in the toilet which had "stuff" in it.  Currently one child is trying to hold court on who ate all of the chips.  Now we have moved on to one child freaking out about another child touching the hamster.


I am in my happy place.  I am in my happy place.  I am in my happy place.

Edited by texasmama
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Also, one son dropped a pencil in the toilet which had "stuff" in it, then the other son with slight OCD freaked out even though I had son #1 glove up with surgical gloves, no less, to remove the evidence.  Currently one child is trying to hold court on who ate all of the chips.  Now we have moved on to one child freaking out about another child touching the hamster.


I am in my happy place.  I am in my happy place.  I am in my happy place.


Maybe you should join Susan and #justkeepbreathingbreathingbreathing.




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I took a nap and had a zombie apocalypse dream. No zombies, just logistics. Lots of blue prints, very boring. There was one cat.


We were Christmas shopping the other day and DS picked up a double-sided meat tenderizer, began swinging it, and told me it would be handy in case of a zombie apocalypse.  Now he knew the first store he would loot.  I informed him it was too light, not enough heft, and there were better tools out there for that sort of thing.  So the next store we were in he did indeed find a better, heftier double-sided meat tenderizer.  And he agreed with me.  You need the weight.



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We were Christmas shopping the other day and DS picked up a double-sided meat tenderizer, began swinging it, and told me it would be handy in case of a zombie apocalypse. Now he knew the first store he would loot. I informed him it was too light, not enough heft, and there were better tools out there for that sort of thing. So the next store we were in he did indeed find a better, heftier double-sided meat tenderizer. And he agreed with me. You need the weight.



My heart sunk when I saw your quote notification. I thought someone was pulling me back into the gun thread. I was so relieved to see you. I think I need to go back to bed.

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I got on a conference call for work that was supposed to be 1 hour but ended up being two. During the call I actually started raising my voice because a "problem" we've been discussing for almost 6 months that is so petty, if I told you what it was you would cry, was brought up again and when I told them that the technical solution is TRIVIAL and that I've already reworded the explanation as many ways as I can and they clearly WILL NEVER understand it until I implement it and SHOW THEM, I couldn't help getting a little heated about it.


Oh and then we were asked what system issues are big for us (the call was with a consultant from the software vendor) and I described the severity of my biggest bugaboo of the year, which compels me to send not-quite-correct data to Medicare, as something that "makes me want to kill myself."


In my defense, I'm a little distracted right now by worrying that my heart will stop so social niceties, which I have to expend effort to project, go out the window to some extent. I'm somewhere very mild on the ASD spectrum and man, I cannot deal right now.


The technical solution to both problems is EASY but when you get four business directors from four different hospitals on the phone (all women), they just cannot get over the fact that the solution is something they've never thought of nor tried before and they don't want to "risk it", where the risk is that we'll have to restore one table in the database which takes about 3 minutes if it doesn't work. But primary to that egocentric baloney is their deep seated, stubborn belief that my solution just can't possibly work despite the fact that it's trivial to implement and trivially obvious why it WILL work EXCEPT that they've been doing it stupid for FIVE YEARS and just can't let go of the stupid because they're used to it.



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I got on a conference call for work that was supposed to be 1 hour but ended up being two. During the call I actually started raising my voice because a "problem" we've been discussing for almost 6 months that is so petty, if I told you what it was you would cry, was brought up again and when I told them that the technical solution is TRIVIAL and that I've already reworded the explanation as many ways as I can and they clearly WILL NEVER understand it until I implement it and SHOW THEM, I couldn't help getting a little heated about it.


Oh and then we were asked what system issues are big for us (the call was with a consultant from the software vendor) and I described the severity of my biggest bugaboo of the year, which compels me to send not-quite-correct data to Medicare, as something that "makes me want to kill myself."


In my defense, I'm a little distracted right now by worrying that my heart will stop so social niceties, which I have to expend effort to project, go out the window to some extent. I'm somewhere very mild on the ASD spectrum and man, I cannot deal right now.


The technical solution to both problems is EASY but when you get four business directors from four different hospitals on the phone (all women), they just cannot get over the fact that the solution is something they've never thought of nor tried before and they don't want to "risk it", where the risk is that we'll have to restore one table in the database which takes about 3 minutes if it doesn't work. But primary to that egocentric baloney is their deep seated, stubborn belief that my solution just can't possibly work despite the fact that it's trivial to implement and trivially obvious why it WILL work EXCEPT that they've been doing it stupid for FIVE YEARS and just can't let go of the stupid because they're used to it.




:grouphug: They sound horrid.

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If my BOSS got it, I'd be OK with the others being intractable, but she doesn't get it either and that makes me MENTAL.


They want to be able to record "mail stop" in the address for any given doctor. We have 5 hospitals in our system. "Mail stop" is a field in the address record, meaning that there's a parent-child relationship. The address is the parent container and the mail stop is contained within it, follow me?


They are CONVINCED that they need FIVE FIELDS in the address record so that they can have one for each hospital's mail stop, even though any given mail stop will ALWAYS be tied to a street address which can only possibly be relevant to ONE HOSPITAL. So any given address will only ever need to use one of those five fields they think they want. It's like saying we need a different "city" field for every city in the state because we can't just put different cities in the same field, that's crazy! They are paralyzed and won't just let me solve the problem and it's been SIX MONTHS. Meanwhile we have way more important data that we need to reconcile because FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.


Shoot me.

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I got on a conference call for work that was supposed to be 1 hour but ended up being two. During the call I actually started raising my voice because a "problem" we've been discussing for almost 6 months that is so petty, if I told you what it was you would cry, was brought up again and when I told them that the technical solution is TRIVIAL and that I've already reworded the explanation as many ways as I can and they clearly WILL NEVER understand it until I implement it and SHOW THEM, I couldn't help getting a little heated about it.


Oh and then we were asked what system issues are big for us (the call was with a consultant from the software vendor) and I described the severity of my biggest bugaboo of the year, which compels me to send not-quite-correct data to Medicare, as something that "makes me want to kill myself."


In my defense, I'm a little distracted right now by worrying that my heart will stop so social niceties, which I have to expend effort to project, go out the window to some extent. I'm somewhere very mild on the ASD spectrum and man, I cannot deal right now.


The technical solution to both problems is EASY but when you get four business directors from four different hospitals on the phone (all women), they just cannot get over the fact that the solution is something they've never thought of nor tried before and they don't want to "risk it", where the risk is that we'll have to restore one table in the database which takes about 3 minutes if it doesn't work. But primary to that egocentric baloney is their deep seated, stubborn belief that my solution just can't possibly work despite the fact that it's trivial to implement and trivially obvious why it WILL work EXCEPT that they've been doing it stupid for FIVE YEARS and just can't let go of the stupid because they're used to it.




My husband who works in IT would say that there are idiots everyone--gender rarely plays in to who is too dumb to understand technical stuff.


That said, seriously, why do so many business people not under IT (& conversely, so many IT people not understand business).???

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Oh no it's not about them not understanding technology (although they don't), it's the motherly thing where they talk to me like a misbehaving little boy when I try to explain why their understanding is a misapprehension. Sigh. 


I admit that my mom being a lunatic probably contributes to me taking it a certain way, but the fact remains that the solution is simple and they with their six figure salaries should really understand it.


I confess that I don't understand everything about their business workflow (largely this is because they haven't got any business rules and all 17 of them do things differently), but I also know to ask them about it and not presume to tell them how they do their jobs. Sadly the same respect in reverse does not happen. Buh.

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My mantra today is: "You can't fix stupid." 


I find myself walking away from all kinds of conversations and people (IRL) trying to pick fights.


I'm sorry I dissed Aldi but seriously, ours are all gross. ;-)


They have those pay dispensers for carts where you have to put in a cash deposit to use one and then the store itself is just a bunch of palettes full of whatever wheeled in straight off the trucks and coolers full of very dubious looking meat. Not at all appetizing. :-(

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I'm getting 2016 squared away. It's a December tradition. :D I've picked out my bullet journal, written my budget (I won't link that because you might cry), I've decided on Bible stuffs, and general workout ideas (keeping this loose). I still need to set up my Plan To Eat stuff (got it 50% off on BF/CM, but haven't set it up yet), and decide on a book plan. I try to read 24 books a year. Why are you laughing? Anyway, what about you? Any 2016 plans?

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Hi Lynn!  I have waxed philosophical and spoken in Latin while also referencing Anne Frank so while I am not strong of body, I am strong of spirit.  Plus, bonus points for the use of Latin.


You have a beautiful mind and spirit (literary references, Latin quotes.... where does it end?), but your body has betrayed you.  :grouphug:


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