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See, I'm hot within ten seconds of putting one on. There's no luxuriating. But I'll keep it in mind. :-)


My kids like to express (mock) disgust and exasperation after dinner when the announcement "Dad's taking his pants off!" is made on a particularly muggy evening because I'm just dying of heat that nobody else feels. :D


I'm not even (that) fat!!

Edited by MarkW
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Yeah. When the kids were really young (like toddlers or preschoolers) we were at the park and this woman came up to me and said "What are they?" while pointing to my kids. I knew she meant ethnicity but I was a bit snarky when I said "Human".



Yay Quackers!


Booms are scary. We live about 1/2 mile from a church that blew up a few years ago in our town. It was a huge boom that shook our house foundation. It was a gas main. Very, very sad.


Ok, I am finally caught up. Such stamina on this thread.


We have hit some milestones. I would like to move that March 15, 2015, will be an official holiday on ITT because anniversary. Any seconds? Of course, we will all be here anyway because apparently none of us can stay away. We should all plan on having a glass of vino (or beverage of choice) at the same time.


Eta: books are not scary. Booms are. Autocorrect has been in top form this morning.

Edited by Professormom
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Grumpy Dude:


I am wearing dh's robe from Restoration Hardware, which I bought for him at least 8 years ago. I love it so much that it is now effectively mine, though I still call it his. Looks as good as new, and still luxuriously soft in spite of 5 children throwing up on it and thousands of washings. When I'm hot (because perimenopause), I take it off. Problem solved.


Put it on your Christmas wish list. And be no longer grumpy.

Mine is from Woolrich, and it is soft and dreamy. I sleep with it throughout the winter, lol. The sheets are way too cold. And who needs flannel when you have a robe that feels like kitten fur? :-)

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More serious stuff from the grumpy dude on a Friday:


While I understand that people want to preserve their friendly social spaces, this whole cultural thing we do in this country (and I'm sure other countries as well) where politics are considered impolite conversation really contributes to the fact that we're more polarized than we've ever been since the Civil War, because bringing up any of the important issues is "rude" and therefore people only discuss it in purpose-built places, away from the mainstream, and then only when they get angry enough to shout at each other about everything and agree on nothing. SO nobody ever reconciles. Like ever. That's bad for us.




OK I'm done.


I would like a cozy robe, please. I haven't worn a robe in about 10 years because Crohns makes me feel like I'm burning up even when everybody else has a sweater on. It's been 40 in the afternoons this past week and I've been wearing shorts.


I hate controversy, but you make a very good point.


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Likety like to everyone!


I like holidays, so I second the March 15th ITT celebration.


My Thanksgiving document came into being out of desperation when I realized several years ago that I would likely always be making the entire dinner myself forevermore and amen. I even have the yucky pumpkin pie recipes listed that I have tried and hated, so I would stop finding them and thinking they looked great only to realize that they are gross and why did I make this recipe AGAIN. Pie is too important to waste on bad recipes.





Edited by Susan in TN
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I hate controversy, but you make a very good point.


I agree with the point as well. I have just found that most people are not well-versed in their civil discourse abilities. When I see threads that stay on point, stay civil in tone, and have a healthy ability to agree to disagree, I am there. Those are few and far between. I also have a theory that those types of conversations, the good ones that Mark is referring to, need a background of trust and relationship that just isn't there on most anonymous Internet forums. People say things in ways they would *never* say them IRL. It is an interesting phenomenon.


I do agree that honest discourse, carried out humbly and civilly, is a lost art. I actually could have written Mark's post because I feel the same way.




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More serious stuff from the grumpy dude on a Friday:


While I understand that people want to preserve their friendly social spaces, this whole cultural thing we do in this country (and I'm sure other countries as well) where politics are considered impolite conversation really contributes to the fact that we're more polarized than we've ever been since the Civil War, because bringing up any of the important issues is "rude" and therefore people only discuss it in purpose-built places, away from the mainstream, and then only when they get angry enough to shout at each other about everything and agree on nothing. SO nobody ever reconciles. Like ever. That's bad for us.




OK I'm done.



I blame this almost entirely on poor education which does not teach the skill of thinking and talking through ideas. Our brains are lazy. Facebook and the like are not helping, which tend to promote the "quick hyper-emotional 15-second-response" and then moving on to the next one.


ETA: some people are just passionate and loud and emotional. That's OK too. I know that I am learning to separate myself from people's passionate and loud responses and not take it personally. Passion is a good thing!

Edited by Susan in TN
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Likety like to everyone!


I like holidays, so I second the March 15th ITT celebration.


My Thanksgiving document came into being out of desperation when I realized several years ago that I would likely always be making the entire dinner myself forevermore and amen. I even have the yucky pumpkin pie recipes listed that I have tried and hated, so I would stop finding them and thinking they looked great only to realize that they are gross and why did I make this recipe AGAIN. Pie is too important to waste on bad recipes.





I have one too. We always have 22-34 people, two families and some strays. I cater most of it now because health stuff. I did enjoy making things from scratch but with some groups the benefits don't outweigh the cost, lol.


I also have to rent wedding chairs. It looks so pretty when the table is laid. That makes me happy.


And yes, pie is too important. I make pecan from scratch, even if I cater everything else, lol. I also have it for breakfast in Friday. It is my Thanksgiving tradition. Only once a year, so it isn't that naughty, I bet Slache would join me:-)

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I tried to get everybody using laptops in our house because space is at a premium, but they're just not convenient for... most things. The internet, maybe writing, which is probably fine for 90% of the world but my daughter and I do visual art and my wife hates laptops so instead half of our living room is computer desks that we cobbled together from IKEA parts. Sigh.


I only use my smart phone to check FB, and sometimes to google things when I'm not home. Otherwise, I use my desktop computer, the one with the ergonomic keyboard and the big monitor. Also, I do desktop publishing, which is really tricky to do on a laptop, so there's that.

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I blame this almost entirely on poor education which does not teach the skill of thinking and talking through ideas. Our brains are lazy. Facebook and the like are not helping, which tend to promote the "quick hyper-emotional 15-second-response" and then moving on to the next one.


I think education in this country has a lot of issues (obviously because here I am) but there's also something to be said for the 24 hour news cycle, the absurd pummeling of stimulation we all get from the media via the internet, television, radio, etc, and the willingness of the people in control of those media sources to just pump out agenda laden propaganda 24/7 without regard for truth, fairness, or the long term health of our society. Some of it is for ratings, a lot of it is for political gain, and nearly all of it is sick. 


Funny memes and toss off insults and so on rule the day because it's fast and easy to share them and they give you a cheap sense of superiority and correctness and validation without ever having to defend your ideas in an actually intelligent discussion in which they're challenged. There are so many contributing factors.


We've got elections being won and lost on sound bites, and the people putting out the majority of our information like it that way. It's a pretty nasty problem.

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I blame this almost entirely on poor education which does not teach the skill of thinking and talking through ideas. Our brains are lazy. Facebook and the like are not helping, which tend to promote the "quick hyper-emotional 15-second-response" and then moving on to the next one.

:Iagree: Yes. And I think social media gives people a false sense of the importance of their opinion. Not everyone needs to hear every thought that goes through your head, lol. (Not you, Susan, just the general you.) As much as we hear about "critical thinking" programs, I am just not seeing the results there. Being able to go deep matters. So does seeing all of the facts before flying off the handle. And looking at sources originating from both sides of a topic, not just the one we agree with. And realizing that someone may agree with you on an issue, but not agree with you on the best way to execute a solution.


Oh vei. Stepping off of soapbox and into the laundry room now:-)

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:iagree: Yes. And I think social media gives people a false sense of the importance of their opinion. Not everyone needs to hear every thought that goes through your head, lol. (Not you, Susan, just the general you.) As much as we hear about "critical thinking" programs, I am just not seeing the results there. Being able to go deep matters. So does seeing all of the facts before flying off the handle. And looking at sources originating from both sides of a topic, not just the one we agree with. And realizing that someone may agree with you on an issue, but not agree with you on the best way to execute a solution.


Oh vei. Stepping off of soapbox and into the laundry room now:-)


I don't know. I learned about primary sources, biased sources, fact checking, and so on when I was in high school. Does nobody teach this anymore? Is it not on a standardized test, so it got dropped? Does nobody care? What's the deal?


Anti-intellectualism sells because it's quick, easy, and gratifying. Like a Big Mac. Maybe that's all it is.

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Missed out on the party last night because I was at choir practice. This year is my parish's 75th anniversary, and so tomorrow the bishop is coming to celebrate Mass, and we're having an orchestra instead of just organ/piano, so we had the whole gang practicing. Sorry. I was looking forward to the 500th page. And Jean's birthday. My bad.


Also, Mr. Ellie had surgery on his nose yesterday to remove some skin cancer. He's a mess today--his nose hurts, and it's all runny, and he's sneezing (did allergies kick in? or his is nose runny and sneezey because it's been injured???). He's home from work today, bless his heart.

My nose is tingling for him. Get well soon Mr. Ellie!!!

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Kudos to you. If I had to have TG tomorrow, I would have no clean clothes to wear, there would be sawdust in the food, and people would be sitting on the floor, lol. Go Junie!


Laundry is in process, most of the food is instant, and there are only 4 extra people coming.  And they love me, so they don't really care what the food tastes like.  Just so long as there is plenty of it!  And really, the family won't care if we have Thanksgiving in pj's.

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Yay Quackers!


Booms are scary. We live about 1/2 mile from a church that blew up a few years ago in our town. It was a huge boom that shook our house foundation. It was a gas main. Very, very sad.


Ok, I am finally caught up. Such stamina on this thread.


We have hit some milestones. I would like to move that March 15, 2015, will be an official holiday on ITT because anniversary. Any seconds? Of course, we will all be here anyway because apparently none of us can stay away. We should all plan on having a glass of vino (or beverage of choice) at the same time.


Eta: books are not scary. Booms are. Autocorrect has been in top form this morning.


If we want to make it an observable holiday, we may wish to remove the 2015, as that particular date will never repeat, and thus we would never celebrate.


March 15.


Hear, hear.

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Kudos to you. If I had to have TG tomorrow, I would have no clean clothes to wear, there would be sawdust in the food, and people would be sitting on the floor, lol. Go Junie!

MIL informed everyone one year that I was holding Christmas dinner without my consent. Since we didn't have enough tables or chairs I told her I was putting our table in the bedroom and we were all going to sit on the floor as like an eastern thing. Christmas dinner was held at her house that year. She never tried anything like that again.

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I would like a cozy robe, please. I haven't worn a robe in about 10 years because Crohns makes me feel like I'm burning up even when everybody else has a sweater on. It's been 40 in the afternoons this past week and I've been wearing shorts.

My fibro comes with a broken internal thermostat.  This frosty morning I took ds18 to work and dropped him off.  I was freezing when I got home.  I went back to bed with yoga pants, fuzzy socks, fuzzy sweater plus extra blankets piled high.  I was able to get back to sleep.  I'm awake now but I'm still on the cold side.  This can work the other way as well.  

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MIL informed everyone one year that I was holding Christmas dinner without my consent. Since we didn't have enough tables or chairs I told her I was putting our table in the bedroom and we were all going to sit on the floor as like an eastern thing. Christmas dinner was held at her house that year. She never tried anything like that again.

Nice one!

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See dust is how I "know" things.  DS couldn't for the life of him figure out how I knew he was in that cabinet since I was at work.  Because the finger smudges in the layer of dust were kid-sized.  That's how.  Bwaaahaahaa!

Edited by ikslo
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Yeah. When the kids were really young (like toddlers or preschoolers) we were at the park and this woman came up to me and said "What are they?" while pointing to my kids. I knew she meant ethnicity but I was a bit snarky when I said "Human".

We get at least 5% "homo sapien" or "human" every time. Also, "what are you?" #storyofmylife

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I hate controversy, but you make a very good point.




I agree with the point as well. I have just found that most people are not well-versed in their civil discourse abilities. When I see threads that stay on point, stay civil in tone, and have a healthy ability to agree to disagree, I am there. Those are few and far between. I also have a theory that those types of conversations, the good ones that Mark is referring to, need a background of trust and relationship that just isn't there on most anonymous Internet forums. People say things in ways they would *never* say them IRL. It is an interesting phenomenon.


I do agree that honest discourse, carried out humbly and civilly, is a lost art. I actually could have written Mark's post because I feel the same way.






I blame this almost entirely on poor education which does not teach the skill of thinking and talking through ideas. Our brains are lazy. Facebook and the like are not helping, which tend to promote the "quick hyper-emotional 15-second-response" and then moving on to the next one.


ETA: some people are just passionate and loud and emotional. That's OK too. I know that I am learning to separate myself from people's passionate and loud responses and not take it personally. Passion is a good thing!


I agree that, no, we no longer argue civilly.


I disagree that it is a simple lack of education.  Demonizing the opposition is a deliberate strategy; it's not always deliberately being used, but it was deliberately deployed and has become widely absorbed. It is both unnecessary and impossible to debate those who are evil or are haters or whack-jobs or whatever-have-you.  I've gotten to the point where I no longer bother.


And, once again, shutup.gif.


So, anyone have any good Thanksgiving recipes to share?  I'd like to put something new on the table this year.

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Missed out on the party last night because I was at choir practice. This year is my parish's 75th anniversary, and so tomorrow the bishop is coming to celebrate Mass, and we're having an orchestra instead of just organ/piano, so we had the whole gang practicing. Sorry. I was looking forward to the 500th page. And Jean's birthday. My bad.


Also, Mr. Ellie had surgery on his nose yesterday to remove some skin cancer. He's a mess today--his nose hurts, and it's all runny, and he's sneezing (did allergies kick in? or his is nose runny and sneezey because it's been injured???). He's home from work today, bless his heart.




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Today I have to print out my Thanksgiving Dinner document which contains the dinner menu, recipies, grocery list, daily food prep and household tasks, and the Thankgiving Day Schedule of Cooking.


It is a wonder to behold.




I don't know whether to insult you ( :svengo: overachiever!), congratulate your family ( :gnorsi: ) or beg for an invitation ( :drool5: )! 



And  BOOYAH!  dedicated to Susan, Junie, Heather and everyone else with a mega-list of preparations for Thanksgiving!


Edited by Another Lynn
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I don't know whether to insult you ( :svengo: overachiever!), congratulate your family ( :gnorsi: ) or beg for an invitation ( :drool5: )! 



And  BOOYAH!  dedicated to Susan, Junie, Heather and everyone else with a mega-list of preparations for Thanksgiving!



I just wander through the store grabbing stuff and then when I get home I realize I forgot X and then just work around it. ;-P

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