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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


I need to work, and also, to see a house. I don't want to move from this neighborhood but the house is my dream house. It's only one mile away as the crow flies but over the freeway. It's in our price range.

You will spend much more time in the house and enjoying it than thinking about its location.

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Thank you for asking about sleep, AL. I take my Trazodone and sometimes put the oils and sleep ok. I sometimes have a bit of trouble going to sleep, like last night when it hit me that I am almost 50 and will die someday and that sounds mysterious and scary. (Recurring theme) I'm not afraid to be dead, just sometimes afraid to die. It started when I was 45 and sat up in bed one night in horror realizing that my life was likely half over (or more), statistically speaking. It's fun to be me. Yay for overthinking navel-gazers! Dh is even worse. We're quite a pair.


I don't have the faintest clue what a Korean drama is. I like the Korean spam better than the sports score spam. Also, the game was NEVER moved due to cold. Not even once! One time I was being funny on spam so I reported it but asked the mods to leave it for a bit because we were having fun so they did. :D


Friends, I have a high school friend on my heart a lot this week. She is 47, had Hodgkins disease and beat it at about 19, but the treatments damaged her heart. About a month ago, she had two heart valve replacements and developed an infection. She is now fighting for her life at Emory in Atlanta. They did another open heart surgery to remove infection, her kidneys have shut down, her blood pressure meds (too low so these are to raise it) have caused her blood not to flow to her extremities, and she will lose her left hand and maybe her feet. I am horrified and have been praying for her. I woke up looking at my left hand. I have much to be thankful for. She has a husband and a 14 year old son, whom she homeschooled for awhile. Really great lady and loved by many. She is Christian.

I am so sorry. ((Tex)) It is so hard to see something so tragic. Prayers for her.

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Went to coffee with a friend this am. Phone rings. Grandma hurt her knee. Home I go:-( Looks like it is hyper extended.


I used to make good money back in the day. Now I should be on par with Onassis. I am a doctor, tech expert, personal chef, personal shopper, teacher, chauffeur, maid, attorney, and financial consultant. I am sure I missed many, many things.


I bet you ladies are with me.


Today, I took my salary in snuggles and smiles. And cake. Leftover from Grandma's bday. Yum.

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I need to work, and also, to see a house. I don't want to move from this neighborhood but the house is my dream house. It's only one mile away as the crow flies but over the freeway. It's in our price range.

I hope you get it. Dream house is a big deal... Says the woman who moved into her husband's 1960s family home and has spent every.spare.minute of the last 5 years renovating it... And it is still not pretty. Just better than before.


Incidentally, when we moved here, right after turning over the keys to the new owners of our old house, I remember driving down the road and crying. All I wanted to do was go home. This place was really dark and not pretty, and our other house was open concept and new. The only things that kept me from running back were in-laws and the lake.


I still dream of moving, but by the time we are no longer needed here, I will probably be too old and lazy to move :lol:

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Fan base of two. ;)


Sitting at the orthodontist with kids #2and 4.


I gave Jean my banking info so she can help me when I forget.

I am so looking forward to orthodontia. Come December, DS13 needs teeth pulled so we can get braces going. Ds11 may need them at the same time. There goes my shoe money, lol.


I have also decided I really need to start wearing highlighter. And I need an eyelash curler.


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Thank you for asking about sleep, AL.  I take my Trazodone and sometimes put the oils and sleep ok.  I sometimes have a bit of trouble going to sleep, like last night when it hit me that I am almost 50 and will die someday and that sounds mysterious and scary.  (Recurring theme)  I'm not afraid to be dead, just sometimes afraid to die.  It started when I was 45 and sat up in bed one night in horror realizing that my life was likely half over (or more), statistically speaking.  It's fun to be me.  Yay for overthinking navel-gazers!  Dh is even worse.  We're quite a pair.


I don't have the faintest clue what a Korean drama is.  I like the Korean spam better than the sports score spam.  Also, the game was NEVER moved due to cold.  Not even once!  One time I was being funny on spam so I reported it but asked the mods to leave it for a bit because we were having fun so they did.   :D


Friends, I have a high school friend on my heart a lot this week.  She is 47, had Hodgkins disease and beat it at about 19, but the treatments damaged her heart.  About a month ago, she had two heart valve replacements and developed an infection.  She is now fighting for her life at Emory in Atlanta.  They did another open heart surgery to remove infection, her kidneys have shut down, her blood pressure meds (too low so these are to raise it) have caused her blood not to flow to her extremities, and she will lose her left hand and maybe her feet.  I am horrified and have been praying for her.  I woke up looking at my left hand.  I have much to be thankful for.  She has a husband and a 14 year old son, whom she homeschooled for awhile.  Really great lady and loved by many.  She is Christian.


No time to do thread ketchup right now, but I saw this, Tex, and my heart broke.


Hugs to you and your friend.  I'll keep her in my prayers.



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The dentist also said we should have an ortho consult for dd9 because of her huge overbite. It is huge. And getting more huger. Dh and I are planning to sell the next child who gets a cavity to pay for her braces. Or invent a method of obtaining blood from turnips.

Yes.  This.  I'm looking into selling a kidney on the black market, and I will let you know what I find out.


Then do my dishes.

I fail to see the connection.  Also, it is a long drive to do dishes.

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Thank you for asking about sleep, AL. I take my Trazodone and sometimes put the oils and sleep ok. I sometimes have a bit of trouble going to sleep, like last night when it hit me that I am almost 50 and will die someday and that sounds mysterious and scary. (Recurring theme) I'm not afraid to be dead, just sometimes afraid to die. It started when I was 45 and sat up in bed one night in horror realizing that my life was likely half over (or more), statistically speaking. It's fun to be me. Yay for overthinking navel-gazers! Dh is even worse. We're quite a pair.


I don't have the faintest clue what a Korean drama is. I like the Korean spam better than the sports score spam. Also, the game was NEVER moved due to cold. Not even once! One time I was being funny on spam so I reported it but asked the mods to leave it for a bit because we were having fun so they did. :D


Friends, I have a high school friend on my heart a lot this week. She is 47, had Hodgkins disease and beat it at about 19, but the treatments damaged her heart. About a month ago, she had two heart valve replacements and developed an infection. She is now fighting for her life at Emory in Atlanta. They did another open heart surgery to remove infection, her kidneys have shut down, her blood pressure meds (too low so these are to raise it) have caused her blood not to flow to her extremities, and she will lose her left hand and maybe her feet. I am horrified and have been praying for her. I woke up looking at my left hand. I have much to be thankful for. She has a husband and a 14 year old son, whom she homeschooled for awhile. Really great lady and loved by many. She is Christian.



How very terrible!


I will remember them in my prayers.

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You will spend much more time in the house and enjoying it than thinking about its location.


Well... not really. We spend most of our time outside with the neighbors here. My kids walk to the local pool and walk to the park! Also all the kids can ride their bikes to school right now except for the one in an immersion program. That's a big deal. We aren't that picky--we'd rather sleep in tiny rooms so long as we can stay in our neighborhood. This is the adjacent neighborhood but we can't walk to the pool anymore. We might have to move to a different pool club. That's not a big deal to people whose primary unit is the nuclear family and where everything happens there. But we are more... rooted in the community? Our roots go deep and wide and we've worked to cultivate them. It's not the place, it's the people.


Off to make a pre-approval appointment.

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I am so looking forward to orthodontia. Come December, DS13 needs teeth pulled so we can get braces going. Ds11 may need them at the same time. There goes my shoe money, lol.


I have also decided I really need to start wearing highlighter. And I need an eyelash curler.



DSD has braces and DSS is getting them soon. I have one kid with straight teeth at least... the second one is looking to take after my sister (she looks like my sister too). That would be 3/4 with braces. Grrr.


Maybe if she takes after my sister I can get my sister to pay for the braces?

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Well... not really. We spend most of our time outside with the neighbors here. My kids walk to the local pool and walk to the park! Also all the kids can ride their bikes to school right now except for the one in an immersion program. That's a big deal. We aren't that picky--we'd rather sleep in tiny rooms so long as we can stay in our neighborhood. This is the adjacent neighborhood but we can't walk to the pool anymore. We might have to move to a different pool club. That's not a big deal to people whose primary unit is the nuclear family and where everything happens there. But we are more... rooted in the community? Our roots go deep and wide and we've worked to cultivate them. It's not the place, it's the people.


Off to make a pre-approval appointment.

I tried. Maybe wait for a home that's closer? Ask your landlord if he's willing to sell?

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DSD has braces and DSS is getting them soon. I have one kid with straight teeth at least... the second one is looking to take after my sister (she looks like my sister too). That would be 3/4 with braces. Grrr.


Maybe if she takes after my sister I can get my sister to pay for the braces?

Wow, I shouldn't complain, lol.


As far as the house, I totally get it. We are really rooted in our community as well, and it would take a lot to get us to leave. We always joke that we are going to be snowbirds because we just can't leave our little town even though we would love to get out of dodge for Jan-Mar.

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I tried. Maybe wait for a home that's closer? Ask your landlord if he's willing to sell?


Landlady is unlikely to sell but we will ask before moving.


We could wait... but the area we're looking in is HOT. People are selling for more than we can afford. Like, a lot more. We'd have to hit the jackpot on a house and we don't know if the other areas will get bought up in the meantime.


I'm going to pick up the kids from the dentist now.

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Well... not really. We spend most of our time outside with the neighbors here. My kids walk to the local pool and walk to the park! Also all the kids can ride their bikes to school right now except for the one in an immersion program. That's a big deal. We aren't that picky--we'd rather sleep in tiny rooms so long as we can stay in our neighborhood. This is the adjacent neighborhood but we can't walk to the pool anymore. We might have to move to a different pool club. That's not a big deal to people whose primary unit is the nuclear family and where everything happens there. But we are more... rooted in the community? Our roots go deep and wide and we've worked to cultivate them. It's not the place, it's the people.


Off to make a pre-approval appointment.


Sounds like you shouldn't do it.  :grouphug: ?


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I'm in a very anti MIL mood right now. Explain this to me. Why is it that everyone else needs to pull a lot of money together (more than she would ever spend) to buy her one really nice gift, the only thing she'll accept, but nobody else gets to even tell her what they want because Christmas isn't about gifts. I'm so tired of the kids being upset when their toys break Christmas morning. I'm so tired of skyping so that she can dictate when we eat, when we open gifts, and being yelled at for sitting in the wrong place or saying the wrong thing. Matt's telling her that we aren't skyping Christmas morning anymore. It ruins every Christmas and I'm bitter.

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Oh fun.


I took oldest to the ER last night to get a giant abscess in her armpit lanced. Shaving issue, apparently.


Ew. Dh had to get that done, and it wasn't a shaving issue. It was recurring, until he finally got it lanced at the ER. Hasn't had an issue since. (??)

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I still have quite a bit of other student loan debt to pay.

'Twas a thought.


Slache, that's awful.  You don't need to give her control over your Christmas, your finances, your peace, anything.  Do something different for the gift.  Turn the phones off until 12/26, and then you still don't have to answer. 

Again, that's why we moved across the country! When we move back we'll be living 2 hours away from her. Too far to stop by, too close to spend the night. Muwahahaha!





John's tooth is ready to come out.


The lemonade is no longer working. :(

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I just want to post on a thread that is 472 pages long (  :ohmy: ).


I have nothing useful or even irreverent to add. I'm not even supposed to be here!  :tongue_smilie:


Little of what is written here is useful. There is a lot of irreverence though, until the Queen shows up and we all pretend to behave.

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Amazingly many people have made that mistake.  At one point I had the keys to all the houses on my street on pegs in my kitchen.  And I have some other people's banking information.  If there is a string of robberies I am so the first suspect  


People mistakingly trust me that much, too. Once (prior to marrying dh) I would AOL chat this guy who was several hundred miles from me, although in the same state. He trusted me with all his tax info so I could do his taxes online. Although, he could have lied, and I was doing taxes with stolen info. I'll never know.


ETA: This Booya is in the hopes that I did not actually do fraudulent taxes for anyone.  :leaving:

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