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Off to my third soccer game of the day. Got my hair cut and "painted" today. And while the paint was drying she trimmed my two youngest dds' hair. Whew! Now we're all set for the holidays. I was dreading the idea of coming into Thanksgiving looking all straggly and gray!

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Today I cleaned out the garden.  Cleaned the bathrooms because in-laws visited.  Did laundry.  And baked a layered vanilla cake with vanilla frosting and chocolate chips.  And put together a MegaBloks set.


Oh yeah - and I went for a run.  Day 1 and counting. 

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Today I cleaned out the garden.  Cleaned the bathrooms because in-laws visited.  Did laundry.  And baked a layered vanilla cake with vanilla frosting and chocolate chips.  And put together a MegaBloks set.


Oh yeah - and I went for a run.  Day 1 and counting. 


Such productivity! Now that I'm out of school, I can start cleaning again, too. Isn't that exciting! Maybe not... I want to Konmari the heck out of this house though. And start baking again. I do like to bake. I just don't like to do dishes - that's what the kids are for.

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I've had around 50 hits on my newly relaunched Etsy even though there's only 4 listings on it, so that's actually kinda good for a day and a half.


No sales of course. I really don't have enough selection to be credible yet. Still, I'm happy to have jumped the hurdle of listing at least one thing.


I wish reddit was as useful for self promoting this sort of thing as it used to be. Nowadays the entire internet is so ad fatigued that it's really difficult to get people to look at your stuff. :-/


Connecticut's not great at having terribly useful local fairs or shows, either. We have them, but ehh..


Still brainstorming on the "get noticed" front.

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Oh yeah - and I went for a run. Day 1 and counting.

I went for a bike ride at the park across the street. Day 1 and counting?


Then I went to the school where dd17's musical is performing to help haul in and prepare sets, including a run to Home Depot for supplies. Then to Walmart for stuff dd17 needs for the thing, then home, dinner and a family movie. Now I am sitting w/dd9 who is running a fever again and is scared. She gets like that when she is sick, and especially when she wakes up in the middle of the night.

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I've had around 50 hits on my newly relaunched Etsy even though there's only 4 listings on it, so that's actually kinda good for a day and a half.


No sales of course. I really don't have enough selection to be credible yet. Still, I'm happy to have jumped the hurdle of listing at least one thing.


I wish reddit was as useful for self promoting this sort of thing as it used to be. Nowadays the entire internet is so ad fatigued that it's really difficult to get people to look at your stuff. :-/


Connecticut's not great at having terribly useful local fairs or shows, either. We have them, but ehh..


Still brainstorming on the "get noticed" front.

My sister sells a fair amount at craft shows but I don't know if that works as a venue for paintings.  

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My sister sells a fair amount at craft shows but I don't know if that works as a venue for paintings.  


Conventions can work for prints if your prints are in the right genre, but the kind of conventions I need are spaced a bit wide during the year.


Still, it'll be a start.


I had a very popular copper jewelry line once that sold well at craft fairs, but not at a price point that made them worth making. :-)

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3 kids is good, right?


4 is better.


5 is best.


You'll love it and be totally awesome at it, too.  And Mooies will be the bestest big sister ever.  A month into it and you'll all wonder how you ever lived life without the precious little kidlet(s) as part of your family.  



ETA: You'll also wonder what-the-heck-did-I-do-with-all-my-free-time-before-this-kid-showed-up.  But you already know that. :D  ;)  

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Baby #5 is so sweet it's killing me.  At bedtime now, he pats my arm and nuzzles into my neck and starts singing along with me (in baby words) our Dearest Duckling nighttime lullaby.  At the end he sings "day....is.....done," so sweetly, and then keeps on humming until I rock him into his crib and tuck him in. 


I need 15 more of him.  20 would be fine.   That's greedy, I know, but I'm addicted.  :001_wub:

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Praying fervently, Renai.  It seems to me that the worst case scenario would be her forcing an (unnecessary) incomplete just to allow time for her to submit the grades per the registrar's policies.  But I know that registrars can be a bit.... unyielding about their policies. (Don't ask me how I know this).  So I'm praying.  

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Birthday party over. I am so sick and in so much pain but I can't take proper pain killers. 


I need an ultrasound. I'm not excited about this baby. I just don't get it yet. I'm just miserable and irritated that I'm miserable for no reason. I'm in a bad mood all day every day. I'm tired of hurting. I'm tired of being sick.



Renai, what's happening?


Quackers, adopt. ;)

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Birthday party over. I am so sick and in so much pain but I can't take proper pain killers.


I need an ultrasound. I'm not excited about this baby. I just don't get it yet. I'm just miserable and irritated that I'm miserable for no reason. I'm in a bad mood all day every day. I'm tired of hurting. I'm tired of being sick.



Renai, what's happening?


Quackers, adopt. ;)

Where are you hurting, Slash?

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Where are you hurting, Slash?

My back from my injury, my uterus which is normal for pregnant me, my girly parts from the yeast infection. My back is the worst. I'm supposed to take Percocet when it's this bad but the nurse on call said that carries risks. I took acidamenefin (spelling champyon 2015!) but it still hurts so bad.

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My back from my injury, my uterus which is normal for pregnant me, my girly parts from the yeast infection. My back is the worst. I'm supposed to take Percocet when it's this bad but the nurse on call said that carries risks. I took acidamenefin (spelling champyon 2015!) but it still hurts so bad.

Oh, poor you! I understand how awful persistent back pain can be-but with no relief available! That's horrible! Could you maybe try rotating hot and cold compresses? Sometimes that will help reduce the inflammation.


Asfor the yeast infection, I've got nohing. That's about the only way my girl parts HAVEN'T failed me; I've never had one.


But I'm sending hugs and healing thoughts your way.

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Oh, poor you! I understand how awful persistent back pain can be-but with no relief available! That's horrible! Could you maybe try rotating hot and cold compresses? Sometimes that will help reduce the inflammation.


Asfor the yeast infection, I've got nohing. That's about the only way my girl parts HAVEN'T failed me; I've never had one.


But I'm sending hugs and healing thoughts your way.

I'm doing the hot/cold thing and I have a steroid cream for girly parts. Thanks. :)

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Good morning!!!!!


I still cannot believe it. I would've been ok with 10th place. Because, still, that is the BEST we have ever been. However, the kids didn't want to come in last. So I was kinda secretly hoping for 8th or 9th. I was just resigned that we wouldn't place higher than that since this was our FIRST trip to the state level. I mean these are the TOP TEN IN THE STATE. So after they announced 10th, 9th, 8th, 7th, I am thinking and praying.......I don't even remember. We tied for 5th place, but they announced the other band first. Then us. What an amazing experience. I can only imagine what the band members feel. Wow!


Ds20's name was called over the loud speaker. I am so so proud of all these children that have worked so hard. I am especially proud of mine. I am crying just thinking about it.


What a day!!!!!

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