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I am not afraid of Halloween.  It is just not something I want to celebrate.  For the record, I grew up in a country that does not celebrate it so I don't have the fond memories of it as a child or anything.  I did have one Halloween party in first grade in an international school but while that was fun, it wasn't particularly something I had to have for our family.  My kids were extremely sensitive when small and after the first Halloween when ds was traumatized and hid for the rest of the night behind the couch, I decided that they didn't need it as young kiddos so I stopped opening the door to trick or treaters.    Then as they got older, they did not express a desire for it.  None of us really like candy.  We have enough during the year if wanted without going around house to house.  We had a costume bin when the kids were younger and both of them did a lot of dressing up through the year.  Dd now likes to play with special effects make up but it isn't associated with Halloween for her.  Dd went to one Halloween candy a couple of years ago just to see what it was like and has not wanted to go since.  Nothing bad happened.  She and her brother just like our own family's pizza and movie tradition more.  

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I am not afraid of Halloween.  It is just not something I want to celebrate.  For the record, I grew up in a country that does not celebrate it so I don't have the fond memories of it as a child or anything.  I did have one Halloween party in first grade in an international school but while that was fun, it wasn't particularly something I had to have for our family.  My kids were extremely sensitive when small and after the first Halloween when ds was traumatized and hid for the rest of the night behind the couch, I decided that they didn't need it as young kiddos so I stopped opening the door to trick or treaters.    Then as they got older, they did not express a desire for it.  None of us really like candy.  We have enough during the year if wanted without going around house to house.  We had a costume bin when the kids were younger and both of them did a lot of dressing up through the year.  Dd now likes to play with special effects make up but it isn't associated with Halloween for her.  Dd went to one Halloween candy a couple of years ago just to see what it was like and has not wanted to go since.  Nothing bad happened.  She and her brother just like our own family's pizza and movie tradition more.  


I grew up in an area where animal sacrifices were done around and on Halloween. Not just stories of it, but evidence. Thus, we did not celebrate until our church (in Texas) started a fall festival. We could dress like Bible characters. I always picked the most obscure ones that even the pastor had trouble guessing (we made a game of it).  :lol: 


Here, I started taking Older to them when she was about 7 or 8 years old. Dh decided with #2 that he wanted to do something more, like buy a costume. I told him he was nuts. Older had made some fairy wings for #2 during Easter, so that's what she wore to yesterday's trunk-or-treat/chile cook-off. The chile was good, btw. She ran 50,000 through the bouncy house obstacle course, played games, and got lots of candy. Today, dh bought pan muerte (dead bread?!?). I was like, seriously? But, today is Dia de los Muertos. Which we don't celebrate either. Dh is bringing all kinds of crazy stuff in this house all of a sudden...

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I've managed to get my co-op and private lesson plans finished, and a Kit Kat eaten. They aren't as tasty as I remember. I think Aldi chocolates/caramels have ruined cheap chocolate for me. I do still like Milk Duds and Mary Janes.

What's a Mary Jane? I like Kit Kats and Butterfingers!

Dh gave dd a Milk Dud to help get a loose tooth out. Worked like a charm!

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What's a Mary Jane? I like Kit Kats and Butterfingers!

A Mary Jane is one of the dreaded black or orange wrapped candies - sort of peanut buttery. I can't eat Butterfingers because when I was young I thought they were chocolate covered crispy butter. They are still gross to me.


I am cooking acorn squash halves right now. I hate squash soups.

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None of us really like candy.   


More for us!



I think it's a stupid holiday, but hey, DS has fun with it. We avoided scary stuff until this year. (We went to a community party with a couple of slightly scary features this time.)

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I like Halloween. It was always an opportunity to come up with creative costumes as a kid. I did costumes for the boys when they were small. But they don't really like trick-or-treat. We always ended up with candy that nobody really wanted to eat (funny thing, pencils that we got were always used!). Anyway, about two years ago they opted to just stay home. We carve Jacks, read scary stories and watch a movie. We buy chocolate.

Good thing, too. In the neighborhood we used to go to they had a really bad accident last night. That was always the scary part for me--all the cars around.

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I like Halloween. It was always an opportunity to come up with creative costumes as a kid. I did costumes for the boys when they were small. But they don't really like trick-or-treat. We always ended up with candy that nobody really wanted to eat (funny thing, pencils that we got were always used!). Anyway, about two years ago they opted to just stay home. We carve Jacks, read scary stories and watch a movie. We buy chocolate.

Good thing, too. In the neighborhood we used to go to they had a really bad accident last night. That was always the scary part for me--all the cars around.

Oh, no. I worry about accidents too. I hope and pray all is well.


We have went to a church festival the last 8 or so years (except this year, of course). Before that we went back to our hometown, before FIL passed, and trick or treated. The whole family would come with grandchildren. The town only consisted of about 75 homes, and everyone knew everyone. Everybody would walk too. No cars. No accidents. Since dh and I TorT there when we were children, we knew who always had the best candy. Good times.

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Matt is digging his own grave and laughing while he does it. I was praying to the porcelain god and crying in frustration because I've been hungry for days and he tried to be funny, but really, really wasn't. On the bright side I feel really good now so I'm going to go eat something. Then kill him slowly.


Eta: Throwing up coke is very unpleasant. I don't recommend it.

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Dh has training this week, so I have to do double the usual driving.  My Mom will help me some, thank goodness.  It would be nice to have more than half a week's notice about these things.  We'll have to leave at 6:45 tomorrow morning to take oldest to school and then we'll get to CC (co-op) over an hour early.  (Ok kids, pack your breakfast, pack your snack, pack your lunch.....) 


Yes, I'm whining. 

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Glad you're feeling good and eating something.


Don't like the throwing up coke bit. Sorry! Wish I could make it all better.

I'm going to the doctor Tuesday and getting anti-vomit pills. Matt's at Costco now getting slim fast for the really bad times. And lemonade because you all seem determined to make me find out what drinking lemonade backwards is like.

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Matt is digging his own grave and laughing while he does it. I was praying to the porcelain god and crying in frustration because I've been hungry for days and he tried to be funny, but really, really wasn't. On the bright side I feel really good now so I'm going to go eat something. Then kill him slowly.


Eta: Throwing up coke is very unpleasant. I don't recommend it.

Oh sweetie. Glad you were able to find something to keep down.

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I'm going to the doctor Tuesday and getting anti-vomit pills. Matt's at Costco now getting slim fast for the really bad times. And lemonade because you all seem determined to make me find out what drinking lemonade backwards is like.


I don't recommend lemonade. It is acid and hurts a lot on the way back up. I stayed far away from it. Even the burn of lemonade heartburn, if it doesn't reach vomit proportions, is not worth it.

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I think it is shameful that some of you have abandoned this thread for an imposter thread.



But mooooom! I was just playing.


I don't recommend lemonade. It is acid and hurts a lot on the way back up. I stayed far away from it. Even the burn of lemonade heartburn, if it doesn't reach vomit proportions, is not worth it.

I was going to water it down.

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But mooooom! I was just playing.


I was going to water it down.


Trust me on this. Just say no. But, then again, your stomach is different from mine. You may be able to handle it. Look at it first, ponder it, then if you don't feel nauseous, give it a go. After all, I did drink orange juice most morning with no problem. But, I pondered it first.

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The babies-my precious, practice grandbabies Numbers 3 and 4, do NOT like dryer sheets. They want FOOD.

I wasn't going to eat them. I was going to do laundry.


Trust me on this. Just say no. But, then again, your stomach is different from mine. You may be able to handle it. Look at it first, ponder it, then if you don't feel nauseous, give it a go. After all, I did drink orange juice most morning with no problem. But, I pondered it first.

Orange juice! How horrid!

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I wasn't going to eat them. I was going to do laundry.


Orange juice! How horrid!


I know, right? That and cheese.


I drank an Emergen-C daily. Since I don't like bubbly water, I mixed the tangerine flavor with orange juice to mask it. Or, sometimes I would mix the juice in my smoothies. Smoothies mostly consisted of milk, yogurt, strawberries, and rarely banana. Dd #2 is allergic to dairy (except hard cheeses), strawberries, and citrus. Sigh...

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