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I took my morning meds.


And I have now memorized the first two stanzas of the Llama Song.  This is what I'm doing to stave off Alheimer's.  (Or as dd predicts, what I will be singing once I have Alzheimers. . . .)



Bravo!   I should tackle that one.  I really want to learn One Night One Morn, too.  




In other news...


Ds Baby is now officially a full-fledged biped.  :ohmy:  :svengo:

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Dd6 had a check-up today with the new general practitioner. New to her, I guess. Most of her siblings have been to see her at some point, but it took 4 months to get a new-patient appointment for her. Then naturally, I couldn't find her immunization records before we left.


Her ears are pink and lungs are a little noisy, but we think it's because she is getting over something, not anything new developing.


(Neighbor kids have just barged in the house. Dd12 is chasing them out. Good girl!)


What can I make for dinner that is not gross? Oh, I can throw together some beef stew.

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Slache, that just sounds so crazy. I'm so glad she's getting a 2nd opinion! I think she needs elephant ninjas to come help her communicate her position better (or help her MD hear her better!)

She was blindsided the when she was diagnosed. She was given about 2 minutes of his time and couldn't think of any questions. This time she went in with a list. Is it really cancer? Why are we waiting? Can we treat my symptoms? (I googled a lot prior to her visit). If she waits she might need further treatment and she would prefer to have just the surgery. The doctor doesn't seem to understand why and said her symptoms are what's to be expected. If the second opinion wants her treated now I'm going to help her report him. The whole thing sounds ridiculous. There is still a chance that there's something he's not communicating properly, but I was pretty done at "your symptoms are not a reason to treat."


Also, she has 4 kids and is fixed so she's not going through the whole "my family will never be complete" thing. I would be so sad if she'd never had children.

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Tex - what exactly is AHG?  


American Heritage Girls.  

Thank you so much. I had been debating with myself for about a month whether I should post it or not. I am glad they enjoyed it. We love marching bands here.

I really enjoyed the performance!  I have always greatly admired folks who could play an instrument while marching.


I am taking zinc and now I can't taste anything.  I even gave away part of my breakfast apple.  It had no taste.  


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So I had to deal with my mother this afternoon. There was a $30 charge on her checking account for AD&D Insurance (which took an hour to figure out) that she says she didn't sign up for. After calling the bank and the insurance company, I discover she signed up for this in October 2014. She swears she did not, but at this time she was in a full manic episode. She does not remember at all. I remember because I treated her for lice, ended up with them myself and shaved my head the last weekend of September. I remember because I was doing a Sunday school fundraiser at my hometown festival, and it is always the last weekend of September. After I finally got her into treatment, I had to drop loose from her for a while because I was mentally and emotionally exhausted. It was awful, but I just couldn't deal with her at that time. Just so many bad memories from childhood and other times.


Anyway, she is angry. She says she is changing banks and on and on. I don't know if she signed up for the coverage or not. I think probably so, and she just don't remember. She doesn't remember when she quits her meds and has an episode. It is like a month long blackout. In this case it was almost two months until she was stable again.


Sorry for the rambling. It helps to type all this out. Her moods are just so extreme. I kinda shut down when she starts an angry rampage. I wish I could cope better. It is a wonder I am a little normal.

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:grouphug: Dawn.  No sorry needed.  All us ninjas are here for you and happy to give a listening ear.  



And  :grouphug: Slache.  (I shall stop ignoring you now.  Though I am taking a nap while the pizza dough rises and the kids watch a movie with dh, so actually I'll kinda be ignoring all y'all for a bit.)

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Spent the afternoon konmari-ing the crawlspace.  Woo-hoo!  Three 33 gallon bags G-O-N-E.  Plus a mini-van load of junk dh hauled off to the donation center last weekend.  A few more items need to be doled out on a weekly basis as our garbage service only allows one oversized item per week.  And dh still needs to go through a pile of old books before I can donate them.  


I still have a full weekend of work before this never ending project is finished, but I am slowly crawling out from under it all.  It feels great.  


And the freezer outlet is up and running in the garage.  Ahhhh....a full upright freezer.  The stuff of dreams.   :001_wub:

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DH and I went to Smashing Tomato for pizza tonight. I don't think I've ever had Indian food.


I cooked an authentic "Indian Butter Chicken" recipe once. Even bought specialty spices and Naan from a bakery, but it was one of the most boring dishes I have ever eaten. I suspect it would be better at a restaurant.


Right now I am in the mood for cheese curls.


Slache, I can't believe a doctor would think debilitating pain is not reason enought to start SOME kind of treatment!




On the project front, I think we are finally done with the clothes tubs and can start hauling them back downstairs.

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Attention:  Whine alert.


I am sitting here with damp hair.  Because I just got out of the shower.  After spending ALL DAY moving wet earth in pouring, cold rain.  Because the Fjord's paddock wasn't draining and her stall was flooding.  Which we knew was a problem IN THE SPRING.  But SOMEONE (who has a defective Y chromosome and is SUPPOSED to be in charge of things like moving earth) kept putting it off and putting it off until the poor pony had a mess to live in. So this morning (yep, it started at feeding the ponies time), I finally flipped out and took care of it my own darned self.  About four hours into it, SOMEONE was shamed into helping (which is good, because that someone is way better with the tractor than I am), but I was solely responsible for moving the earth with the shovel.  Five bucket loads redistributed throughout two paddocks.  I am tired, I am sore, and I AM CRANKY.


Good thing it's pizza at Nana's tonight.  She'll give me wine and force me to be nice.


Whine over.  Thank you for listening.

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I'm feeling sad and a little depressed about having to put my old cat down tomorrow. It's not like I haven't gone through this multiple times in the last three years as my household cats are all 10 and older. Anyway, I was in a sensitive, vulnerable place today and I adopted a kitteh. She's four months old. Springy. Young. Lively.

I haven't had a young cat in ten years. She's coming to live with me next week! Oh, Lord, what have I done? 

It's all this baby talk. I can't have babies anymore, so I need baby kittehs. And chickens. Baby chickehs I plan to order this spring.

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Does it have to be a dress-dress?

This is what dd17 did - a long black maxi dress and a black cardigan-sweater type thing. It looked nice and was long and black.




No, I don't think it has to be dressy. It just has to be floor-length. Also, probably not sleeveless, because church.

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I'm feeling sad and a little depressed about having to put my old cat down tomorrow. It's not like I haven't gone through this multiple times in the last three years as my household cats are all 10 and older. Anyway, I was in a sensitive, vulnerable place today and I adopted a kitteh. She's four months old. Springy. Young. Lively.

I haven't had a young cat in ten years. She's coming to live with me next week! Oh, Lord, what have I done? 

It's all this baby talk. I can't have babies anymore, so I need baby kittehs. And chickens. Baby chickehs I plan to order this spring.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I'm so sorry. :crying: :crying:

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Day with the district consultant. She got on my nerves. Changed a bunch of stuff. Wants a bunch of needed new stuff implemented on Monday. I survived. I also told her this was the wrong week to want everything changed as this is my last week of school I'll see how I do on Monday. No lesson plans completed for next week because ... district consultant.


Evening bp 120/91


I prepared well for the consultant by taking my morning meds. :D Because she makes my bp rise.

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I'm feeling sad and a little depressed about having to put my old cat down tomorrow. It's not like I haven't gone through this multiple times in the last three years as my household cats are all 10 and older. Anyway, I was in a sensitive, vulnerable place today and I adopted a kitteh. She's four months old. Springy. Young. Lively.

I haven't had a young cat in ten years. She's coming to live with me next week! Oh, Lord, what have I done? 

It's all this baby talk. I can't have babies anymore, so I need baby kittehs. And chickens. Baby chickehs I plan to order this spring.

:(  I am very sad for you and your old cat.  I am completely enamored with my old cat and call her my best friend.  I cannot imagine life without her.  Young kittehs are SUCH a lot of pain in the butt, but she will bring some joy to your life.


No, I don't think it has to be dressy. It just has to be floor-length. Also, probably not sleeveless, because church.


Okay, Ms. Ellie, you can get a simple black floor-length comfy skirt at the Gap.  I have two.  Pair it with a black top or sweater.  It will be fine.   :)  I have no idea of your size, but these come in S-XL and the sizing is very forgiving because stretchy.  My other suggestions is Chico's for a skirt. (the traveler's type)

Day with the district consultant. She got on my nerves. Changed a bunch of stuff. Wants a bunch of needed new stuff implemented on Monday. I survived. I also told her this was the wrong week to want everything changed as this is my last week of school I'll see how I do on Monday. No lesson plans completed for next week because ... district consultant.


Evening bp 120/91


I prepared well for the consultant by taking my morning meds. :D Because she makes my bp rise.


I am so proud of your bp!

I'm having fun trying to infect and kill off the entire world.  So far I'm only successful on Easy Mode.  

This is the weirdest statement I've ever heard.

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Attention: Whine alert.


I am sitting here with damp hair. Because I just got out of the shower. After spending ALL DAY moving wet earth in pouring, cold rain. Because the Fjord's paddock wasn't draining and her stall was flooding. Which we knew was a problem IN THE SPRING. But SOMEONE (who has a defective Y chromosome and is SUPPOSED to be in charge of things like moving earth) kept putting it off and putting it off until the poor pony had a mess to live in. So this morning (yep, it started at feeding the ponies time), I finally flipped out and took care of it my own darned self. About four hours into it, SOMEONE was shamed into helping (which is good, because that someone is way better with the tractor than I am), but I was solely responsible for moving the earth with the shovel. Five bucket loads redistributed throughout two paddocks. I am tired, I am sore, and I AM CRANKY.


Good thing it's pizza at Nana's tonight. She'll give me wine and force me to be nice.


Whine over. Thank you for listening.

Just think of the killer arm muscles you no doubt sport. Rock it.

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Okay, Ms. Ellie, you can get a simple black floor-length comfy skirt at the Gap.  I have two.  Pair it with a black top or sweater.  It will be fine.   :)  I have no idea of your size, but these come in S-XL and the sizing is very forgiving because stretchy.  My other suggestions is Chico's for a skirt. (the traveler's type)



Will check out the Gap tomorrow (unless I'm rained in). I have a black sweater that will work.

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