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Attended a violin recital. My six and nine year olds cleaned their rooms after much berating. Homework for the week (two languages, math worksheets, social science) for kids almost done but 6-y-o is having trouble with Mandarin. She needs a tutor to help her work those out.


As for me... I voted, I paid a bill, and I'm getting reimbursed for something.


Also we took the kids out after a soccer game (parallel to the violin recital, probably both kids feel unloved but at least they don't think they are the center of the universe) to froyo. Also I made tater tots and bought clam chowder for dinner. The high schooler is at a movie right now with friends.


Oh, and I participated in a genetic research study.


This is pretty much a typical Saturday in our home. Sunday might be more relaxed.


And we did a load or two of laundry.


I always worry about treating my possible hyperthyroid/ADD issues. I could never manage this much if I was remotely subdued.


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Hospitals make me nervous. I'm being admitted because bp is staying high. Of course it is - I'm here in the hospital which makes me nervous.

Keep us posted.  I hope they can lower your bp quickly and get you out of there so that we don't have to come and break you out.

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How on earth did you manage to not bleed to death? I always bled a lot for at least a couple weeks and had to go real easy. (I loved being in the hospital. They brought me graham crackers with peanut butter whenever I wanted some. :) In one hospital they actually gave me a menu to order my meals off of. That place was awesome but they sadly discontinued their maternity services shortly after my 3rd was born.)


Wow.  They can do this???  


I guess our hospital is doing a fine job, then.  Yes, there is the occasional nurse who wakes you every hour on the hour through the night just to tell you how you are failing as mama by using a paci, but overall maternity does some serious doting here.  Food from the menu whenever you want (double portions for the husband too).  Snacks, whenever.  And until baby #5 they served a "date night" meal for the parents...  rolled in on a nice portable table with a crisp white table cloth, a fancy multi-course menu to choose from (separate from the usual hospital fare), dessert, and a bottle of wine.  I kid you not.  We always got a babysitter for that night so it could be just hubby and me and the smooshie little newbie. 


They didn't do it for baby #5 though.   :crying:  Budget cuts.  

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I'm feeling overwhelmed. I'm not sure whose idea it was to have a third child. Even Adam and Eve only had 2 for the first 20 years and that didn't end very well. How am I supposed to handle a third?


Adjusting to two was the hardest for me.  By three, you've already figured out the basics when it comes to the juggling act.  No worries.  You've got this.  

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We did about a year and a half of daily therapy through a neurodevelopmental therapist - we met with her every couple of months and she would evaluate and give us daily therapies to do. (A different organization, but similar to Little Giant Steps out of Plano, TX). He made a ton of progress and most of his sensitivities are gone now - water temp., food texture issues, skin/texture sensitivity, some speech issues, etc. He is much more conversational now, and can often carry on conversations with other kids, though not always.


Another thing which I suspect has helped but have no data to back it up, is that he plays the cello and we also have a lever harp that I play (too infrequently). The cello and harp were taken on without thought of the therapeutic benefits, but I have since read that these are the two instruments that are most effective in helping develop the auditory nerve because of their harmonic and overtone range (has to be live playing - recordings are not helpful in this case).


Thanks, Susan!  That's super helpful.  I feel like I hardly know where to begin or who would provide the best help.   Making a mental note to search for a neurodevelopmental therapist.   It's interesting that you mention music... Ds finds music (certain types, usually anything with a strong rhythm) to be very soothing.  We haven't got space for a piano so I've held off on lessons of any type until we move, but maybe it's worth figuring out something sooner.  

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Will they let you do your homework, Renai?  


Because personally I don't know which would be worse for my bp:  doing the work, or thinking about doing it but not being able to.  


Assuming you are rested now and feeling well,  I can imagine that it might be kind of relaxing to do it while you are otherwise bored and having all your meals taken care of for you.  UNLESS your body is actually still exhausted and you desperately need to let the meds do their work while you sleep.  In that case, my friend....please pretty please let your overtaxed system SLEEP.  It will pay off big time in the long run.  

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Spent the whole day in my jammies. Watched a couple of episodes of Stargate SG1 Season 9. And then Close Encounters, Star Man, and E.T.


That is all.


P.S. I did catch up on y'all. I am such a slacker compared to you.


That is all again.









You are not Slacker.  You are Queen.   :hat:


That is all.

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Weird me factoid: just the sight of an automatic blood pressure machine can sometimes trigger a panic attack. I really, really don't like hospitals, either. But I'm really glad you're there. Your numbers have been really high, and the hospital is probably the best place to manage it.



Her numbers were more than white coat hypertension.  They were "a stroke could happen any minute" numbers.  Which is why I was a first class pain in the butt bossypants to her yesterday.


 I am so so glad that those numbers are down this morning, Renai and that you had all those meds.  You needed them.  I prayed off and on between sleeps last night for both you and your dh.  I hope that either they can hook you up with a cardiologist or you can call (maybe tomorrow first thing) so that you can continue to get the treatment you need to keep those numbers down.  (And  yes, I'm still being a bossypants because I care.)

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I don't want to have this baby anymore.

That's normal.  It will pass.


Jean and Tex know

We are in the inner circle of knowledge.


Wow.  They can do this???  


I guess our hospital is doing a fine job, then.  Yes, there is the occasional nurse who wakes you every hour on the hour through the night just to tell you how you are failing as mama by using a paci, but overall maternity does some serious doting here.  Food from the menu whenever you want (double portions for the husband too).  Snacks, whenever.  And until baby #5 they served a "date night" meal for the parents...  rolled in on a nice portable table with a crisp white table cloth, a fancy multi-course menu to choose from (separate from the usual hospital fare), dessert, and a bottle of wine.  I kid you not.  We always got a babysitter for that night so it could be just hubby and me and the smooshie little newbie. 


They didn't do it for baby #5 though.   :crying:  Budget cuts.  

I never had this once.  

Edited by texasmama
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Why is it I can come on here or to a fb homeschool group and discuss educational philosophy but reading it for my college class is the most boring topic ever? They do not use terms like we do, it is "cognitive-interactionist", "developmental-Maturationist", or "behaviourist"  Personal I would like to throw all 3 out the window because they suck based on what I am reading.  WHy not teach educational philosophy based the same way homeschoolers look at it? Charlotte mason, classical, unschooling etc rather than this mumbo jumbo made to look more sophisticated than it really is.  

Like okay Developmental-maturationist, the educator's role is facilitator, program is holistic.  Sees children as explorers, child-centered and child-driven program, the 2 key features are integrated curriculum and integrated subjects throughout the day.  flexible schedule, pressure is not appropriate, considers development as naturally unfolding, uses common environmental materials, considers play essential.  Integrates indoor and outdoor environments, classrooms organized around interest or learning centers.  And the list goes on...  .


Cognitive interactionist: educator's role is facilitator and "open ended questioner" to facilitate thinking and problem solving.; provide open-ended materials, foster cooperative work, is a hands on participant in activities, play and conversation with the children.  Organized around key experiences in 3 domains of cognitive development, socio-emotional development and movement/physical development.  requires large blocks of time for problem-solving and communication, so time-table of day is built around "plan-do-review" which is supposed to facilitate children's thinking and planning as well as encourage their reflective thinking.

Behaviourist programs: is a teacher directed program, educator expected to use techniques such as prompting and model behaviour.  It has an academic emphasis, learning is hierarchical, steps are sequences, task analysis breaks down concepts into small steps, uses prompts and reinforcement of behaviour, uses fast paced lessons and drill techniques, uses small group instruction, follows a set time table, minimal visual distraction in the classroom, token rewards such as star charts encouraged, frequent criterion-referenced testing, mastery of concepts allows for movement to the next level.  Essentially it is what we know public school to be.

It is annoying to be studying these philosophies when I disagree with them, though the "development-maturationist" fits closer to my own beliefs than the other 2.  I have a midterm in this particular class tomorrow and I don't wanna.  What I wanna do it start a topic in class on this but the discussion board is not set up to do that, it is only set up to post and reply to the specific assigned topics and this is not one of them.  So I dumped it on you guys.  SO there this thread has some talk about education again. lol

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I took a nap this afternoon, which means that when Baby Boy cried from his nap, no one bothered to check on him.  Which means he sat in a foul diaper for at least 30 minutes, got a mean looking rash, and stank up the entire house.  Which still stinks, even though he's off now with Daddy on a hike.  Poor little fellow. And poor little me.  It reeks.  


(((Brandy))))  My undergrad was education, and my mother was completing her master's at the time.  By the time I graduated I knew I couldn't stomach a master's for exactly all the reasons you listed.  (I did complete a couple of master's degrees, just not in education).  Hats off to those of you who are doing it.... it's for a great cause.  And I'm sure some programs are better than others.  Though I think we can all agree that the WTM forums offer the best education possible.   :thumbup1:

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I took a nap this afternoon, which means that when Baby Boy cried from his nap, no one bothered to check on him.  Which means he sat in a foul diaper for at least 30 minutes, got a mean looking rash, and stank up the entire house.  Which still stinks, even though he's off now with Daddy on a hike.  Poor little fellow. And poor little me.  It reeks.  


(((Brandy))))  My undergrad was education, and my mother was completing her master's at the time.  By the time I graduated I knew I couldn't stomach a master's for exactly all the reasons you listed.  (I did complete a couple of master's degrees, just not in education).  Hats off to those of you who are doing it.... it's for a great cause.  And I'm sure some programs are better than others.  Though I think we can all agree that the WTM forums offer the best education possible.   :thumbup1:

Yeah when I finally go for my master's it will be for counselling not education.  This isn't even an undergrad either.  This is me wrapping up the 2 year diploma program in early learning and child care so I can get a raise at work before transferring over to a university (they have an agreement with this college, my 2 year diploma is a full 60 credit transfer meaning only 2 years needed to finish my bachelor's).  I graduate from ELCC in the spring, but still doing my mental health practitioner program and won't be done that until next winter term.  THEN can finally transfer to do my bachelors, and then same uni offers the master's in counselling that I can do after I finish my undergrad.  SO many many years left of schooling for me but back on track to do what I set out to do before I had kids and to finally finish all the programs I started back in the day and that I am still paying student loans on (I have past student loans I am paying off plus pay for my current courses out of pocket).  Almost there.  The courses from ELCC can be boring often because I have been in the field for 27 years, I could be teaching these courses and often have students from these classes in my daycare centers as practicum students and I do end up teaching them.  But they are required to get the certification in my province to be a director, or preschool teacher, or even just for the raise in a standard center.  So I keep dealing with idiots in my classes and material like I listed before.  I have 1 class and a working practicum(meaning I will get my practicum credits for doing what I do at work but having an evaluation done it) and I graduate from this program.  The end is near.

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