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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Yay for Queen Ellie and Little Dd! Triumphs all around!


In another land, far far away from Texas, the Susan in TN family is falling like dominoes, though now it is mostly just fever, and less throwing up, and seems to be fairly short-lived. My head has been hurting today, but I am pretending it's from a lack of caffeine.

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likety like like like.....




Lynn.... I think the smell is fading, though it could just be that I'm getting used to it??  Hoping hoping hoping.  And hoping he took the poison back to his nest before keeling over in our wall.  


Renai.... You.Are.Awesome.  You can do today.  You are almost to November!   :hurray:


Jean.... You can do today, too!


Slache....  Being the ecumenical open-dialogue sort of gal that I am, I would love to have the no-h faction represented at my seminar.  Pleeeeease reconsider.   


I was up too late last night (I am blaming all of you), so we've had a very late start this morning.  Which means history probably won't get done unless we do it in the van on the way to, oh....... say, the coffee shop.  So in the interest of classical academic rigor, it is off to the coffee shop we go.   :auto:


(If only our mini-van looked like that....)



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Yay for Queen Ellie and Little Dd! Triumphs all around!


In another land, far far away from Texas, the Susan in TN family is falling like dominoes, though now it is mostly just fever, and less throwing up, and seems to be fairly short-lived. My head has been hurting today, but I am pretending it's from a lack of caffeine.


Oh no!!! I can't like this Susan. Plenty of fluids and rest. No school for you today. Take the day off.:)

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In another land, far far away from Texas, the Susan in TN family is falling like dominoes, though now it is mostly just fever, and less throwing up, and seems to be fairly short-lived. My head has been hurting today, but I am pretending it's from a lack of caffeine.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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In another land, far far away from Texas, the Susan in TN family is falling like dominoes, though now it is mostly just fever, and less throwing up, and seems to be fairly short-lived. My head has been hurting today, but I am pretending it's from a lack of caffeine.

Awwww Susan! I hope you all get to feeling better soon!
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Boo. ya.

It's like a ghost with attitude.


I can't believe I missed the eclipse. I hope the girls saw it. I know they went outside for a little while when it was dark.

I think there will be another bloody eclipse in 3 years.



This is so awesome. Not because she slept in her room, but because she was COMFORTABLE enough to sleep in her room. Kids should always, always, always feel safe. I personally don't care where she sleeps. As long as it's not with me.


I have pants.   :hat:   And apparently a hat.  


I'm going to topsy-turvy my life and head out for errands as soon as dd is done with breakfast and chores.  We need to keep the blood pumping by changing things up now and then.  That, and we can't do our science experiment until I've gotten some supplies.  

I always thought it was topsy-turby. The more you know...

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My husband works time and a half and is a deacon at our church. He has many obligations that take him away from our family. I told him I didn't want him to be a deacon because I knew it would be more work than he realized (I'm church secretary so I know what they do) and now he regrets becoming deacon. Fast forward...


He told me a few months ago that he wanted to volunteer for a presidential campaign. I said fine as long as I get to tell him to stay home if I find it necessary, which I have yet to do. He agreed. Fast forward...


Husband comes home today and tells me he's been promoted to a leadership position in the campaign and has people beneath him that he has to organize and meet with a few times a week. Husband is now bleeding from several places, might have bruised ribs, and is withdrawing from the leadership role tomorrow.




I don't want to sound unsupportive, but I need my husband and the father of my children available from time to time.

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Update: Husband has apologized (not an easy thing for him) and agrees that I'm correct. I apologized for my attitude and beating him half to death with a baseball bat. He said he didn't even notice my tone. I guess he was too preoccupied with yelling at me.







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My theme song.



My husband works time and a half and is a deacon at our church. He has many obligations that take him away from our family. I told him I didn't want him to be a deacon because I knew it would be more work than he realized (I'm church secretary so I know what they do) and now he regrets becoming deacon. Fast forward...


He told me a few months ago that he wanted to volunteer for a presidential campaign. I said fine as long as I get to tell him to stay home if I find it necessary, which I have yet to do. He agreed. Fast forward...


Husband comes home today and tells me he's been promoted to a leadership position in the campaign and has people beneath him that he has to organize and meet with a few times a week. Husband is now bleeding from several places, might have bruised ribs, and is withdrawing from the leadership role tomorrow.




I don't want to sound unsupportive, but I need my husband and the father of my children available from time to time.

I would have had the same reaction.  Working for a living is one thing, but some of the other stuff is optional and needs to take a back seat at this busy point in life with small kiddos.  Neither my dh nor I have any sort of life outside of work and the kids.  We are both in an equally sad and sorry position! :lol:  I recently had the opportunity to join a ladies' choir, but I do not have time for one more thing.  The kids have edged out all of it.  It is what it is.  See the above video.

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Alright, I'll bite, though those with greater youthful awareness can correct me if I'm wrong:  They are hashtags.  Code for tracking groups on social media.  (Like facebook -- so if you search #goodyoungmen on facebook, you'll get posts containing that hashtag... I think that one was a tag started by Ann Voskamp, so it's pretty much clean stuff, should you feel compelled to try it out.)


I, however, largely use them for making obscure or ridiculous statements concerning the trivial matters in my mediocre life.   I have been told by my far more savvy teenage niece that I am good at that.   Go me.  



ETA:  They are sentences or sentence fragments or phrases, with no spaces.  So they are designed to give you a migraine.  




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They are sharps, which are for raising a musical note 1/2 step, as in from F natural to F# or C natural to C#. You can also have a double sharp, but that looks completely different.


The general population has become so enthusiastic about sharps that they have become a normal part of digital speak. Gooooooooo Beethoven!

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Alright, I'll bite, though those with greater youthful awareness can correct me if I'm wrong: They are hashtags. Code for tracking groups on social media. (Like facebook -- so if you search #goodyoungmen on facebook, you'll get posts containing that hashtag... I think that one was a tag started by Ann Voskamp, so it's pretty much clean stuff, should you feel compelled to try it out.)


I, however, largely use them for making obscure or ridiculous statements concerning the trivial matters in my mediocre life. I have been told by my far more savvy teenage niece that I am good at that. Go me.



ETA: They are sentences or sentence fragments or phrases, with no spaces. So they are designed to give you a migraine.

Thank you, Quackers! Ok, I think I understand. I am not very social media savvy. I do FB, and I've seen the whole hashtag thing, but was always too embarrassed to ask. So, it says much of the non-judgemental environment of ITT that I feel safe to reveal my true self!
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Yay for Queen Ellie and Little Dd! Triumphs all around!


In another land, far far away from Texas, the Susan in TN family is falling like dominoes, though now it is mostly just fever, and less throwing up, and seems to be fairly short-lived. My head has been hurting today, but I am pretending it's from a lack of caffeine.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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My husband works time and a half and is a deacon at our church. He has many obligations that take him away from our family. I told him I didn't want him to be a deacon because I knew it would be more work than he realized (I'm church secretary so I know what they do) and now he regrets becoming deacon. Fast forward...


He told me a few months ago that he wanted to volunteer for a presidential campaign. I said fine as long as I get to tell him to stay home if I find it necessary, which I have yet to do. He agreed. Fast forward...


Husband comes home today and tells me he's been promoted to a leadership position in the campaign and has people beneath him that he has to organize and meet with a few times a week. Husband is now bleeding from several places, might have bruised ribs, and is withdrawing from the leadership role tomorrow.




I don't want to sound unsupportive, but I need my husband and the father of my children available from time to time.


I can't like this until I know who he was supporting. (j/k)



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ETA:  Well, would you look at that


BOOYAH! :leaving:


(This one, of course, is dedicated to Mrs. Mallard. :) )








This is the thread that never ends,
It just goes on and on my friends.
People started posting not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue posting forever just because...

This is the thread that never ends
You'd best come join it with your friends
'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze
And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days

This is the thread that's always there
They'll cheer you up so don't despair
The group is growing well as more people start checking in
And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive

This is the thread that never ends...


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I can't like this until I know who he was supporting. (j/k)



It's Ted. I think we can mention politicalness, just not... passionately. Matt is super duper conservative. I'm the good wife that nods and says "Exactly!" when he pauses in the middle of a rant.

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