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I woke myself up by taking ds out for a driving lesson.   :driving:   Or more accurately letting him take the car out, with me in it of course.  He did very well.  I even had him drive a little ways on a busier road (at a non- busy time) so that he could get the feel for faster driving with no stop signs every few blocks like there is in the residential areas.  


Yes, driving instruction would be enough to wake a person up.  Though I'm not sure it's good for your adrenaline levels.  (I'm speaking of driving instruction in general, with no reflection on the specific driving skill of your ds.  Or mine.)


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Dd and I have finished going through and deciding on activities and crafts for all 9 camp lessons.  Woo to the Hoo!  She and dh even went out and bought the materials for one thing since dh was going to the best store for it anyway.  


Tonight we need to experiment with making catapults.  Fun!  (Got to try things out ourselves, you know. . . ) :lol:

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Took the kids to dinner and was reminded of why we are not fit for public.



We did too. And the nice older couple sitting next to us said they enjoyed the twins endless chatter and loudness. I actually believe they meant it. :D  (I apologized anyway, and I hope they meant it.)

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Took the kids to dinner and was reminded of why we are not fit for public.


My little one isn't fit for public. If me and the oldest one get started, we have the potential of really embarrassing dh. We're usually good though, because the youngest is crazy enough for the four of us put together.

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Two spilled drinks (by the same person), one boy knocking chips out of the other boy's hand, chips spilled to the point a waitress brought a wet rag, and a deep emotional discussion with one child who is over responsible for my feelings. I sat with wet pants and a wet shirt. No, I was not the drink spiller.

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Two spilled drinks (by the same person), one boy knocking chips out of the other boy's hand, chips spilled to the point a waitress brought a wet rag, and a deep emotional discussion with one child who is over responsible for my feelings. I sat with wet pants and a wet shirt. No, I was not the drink spiller.


I understand. My little is capable of all this and more. Last weekend was the first time we've gone out in about a year. It will probably be at least another year before we try again.  :mellow:

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I understand. My little is capable of all this and more. Last weekend was the first time we've gone out in about a year. It will probably be at least another year before we try again.  :mellow:


That sentence is really awkward. Someone please fix it.

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Company beach party yesterday!   :party:


Weather was perfect, we had enough hands for all the gear, (I was not pregnant), and the kids refrained from melting down until after we got home, so after three years of figuring out how to best navigate this thing, I think we've finally got the formula down. Woo hoo to us!  I even got to socialize quite a bit and the kids made some new friends (though we were at the wrong end of the beach to hang with the other hs-ing family there, which was a bummer).  


Only problem is that several of us reacted allergically to something... so I'm home with a badly swollen throat while dd3 and dd4 are off to church with allergic conjunctivitis.  (They look worse than they feel, but do they do look awful.)

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Now that is funny!


Ds12 is going through a hormonal clumsiness, I am convinced.  He spilled or dropped things four times yesterday in my presence, and I was gone all day without him!  I did explain this to him - the hormonal stuff.  He is also my clone in that he tries to move too quickly.  It was him who launched himself out of a chair like the house was on fire and spilled an entire cup of water on my new laptop a couple of years ago, killing it and costing $1000 to replace.  He is a bull in a china shop.  He was the drink spiller, once on his brother and once on me.


Hugs to ds 12.  I've been there.  

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Also yesterday:  my mother and sisters "surprised" me with arrangements to steal me away to a resort next weekend in honor of my upcoming fortieth.  I use quotes because they needed my help in tracking down a location that will fit us all in at the last minute, so I've actually been in the know from the git-go (with instructions to not tell myself upon pain of death).   


The real surprise, though, is that they succeeded in finally finding a location! (I mean, a location that wasn't a Motel Six in the heart of North Dakota. Because it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to find decent weekend lodging on the coast during August at the last minute.)  So next weekend I will be taking long soul-filling walks along the beach, or lounging by the pool with nothing to schedule but my late afternoon massage and margarita.  


(Okay, I'm not certain I'll spring for the massage; but the option is there, and that knowledge alone reduces my stress-level by about 63%.)

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Also yesterday: my mother and sisters "surprised" me with arrangements to steal me away to a resort next weekend in honor of my upcoming fortieth.


(Okay, I'm not certain I'll spring for the massage; but the option is there, and that knowledge alone reduces my stress-level by about 63%.)

Spring for the massage, duh!

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Hugs to ds 12.  I've been there.  

Me, too.  When I was pregnant, I broke everything and dropped everything that wasn't breakable.  Also, we are not a family with huge amounts of gliding grace.  We are big people and we clump around knocking our large selves into doorframes and walls and furniture.  I always tense myself up when dh walks past me when I am sitting because I KNOW he will bump and jar my recliner. 

Edited by texasmama
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Also yesterday:  my mother and sisters "surprised" me with arrangements to steal me away to a resort next weekend in honor of my upcoming fortieth.  I use quotes because they needed my help in tracking down a location that will fit us all in at the last minute, so I've actually been in the know from the git-go (with instructions to not tell myself upon pain of death).   


The real surprise, though, is that they succeeded in finally finding a location! (I mean, a location that wasn't a Motel Six in the heart of North Dakota. Because it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to find decent weekend lodging on the coast during August at the last minute.)  So next weekend I will be taking long soul-filling walks along the beach, or lounging by the pool with nothing to schedule but my late afternoon massage and margarita.  


(Okay, I'm not certain I'll spring for the massage; but the option is there, and that knowledge alone reduces my stress-level by about 63%.)

This is so lovely.  I always knew I missed out on a lot not having any sisters.  <sniff>


Yes to the massage.

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Also yesterday:  my mother and sisters "surprised" me with arrangements to steal me away to a resort next weekend in honor of my upcoming fortieth.  I use quotes because they needed my help in tracking down a location that will fit us all in at the last minute, so I've actually been in the know from the git-go (with instructions to not tell myself upon pain of death).   


The real surprise, though, is that they succeeded in finally finding a location! (I mean, a location that wasn't a Motel Six in the heart of North Dakota. Because it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to find decent weekend lodging on the coast during August at the last minute.)  So next weekend I will be taking long soul-filling walks along the beach, or lounging by the pool with nothing to schedule but my late afternoon massage and margarita.  


(Okay, I'm not certain I'll spring for the massage; but the option is there, and that knowledge alone reduces my stress-level by about 63%.)


Ducklings!!!  This is awesome!!!  I am so happy for you!!!


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 I always knew I missed out on a lot not having any sisters.  <sniff>





There are lovely benefits, yes.  On the other hand.....???   :lol:


There are female complexities (at least in my family) that exhaust me.    Drama that wears me to my bones.   I think maybe I'm the level-headed brother that never was?  Anyway, I love my sisters, and in small doses we have a blast, but certain concoctions (like, ahem, sisters+mother+Christmas+travel+a wholelottachildreninachallenginghouse) are a bit too overpowering for me.  It is then that I envy my friends who have only brothers.  Such peaceful transparent simplicity.  


This weekend will be lovely, though.  I think everyone else wanted to do the city, but my first choice (a relaxing quiet coastal town) turned out to be more affordable.  I'd sort of dreaded the city option, as the things I enjoy there (museums, gardens) are not the things my family enjoys (department stores).  But now they can still enjoy shopping, and I can listen to the waves instead of honking and breathe the salt air instead of fumes.  Should be much-needed rehab.  

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<snip> I can listen to the waves instead of honking and breathe the salt air instead of fumes.  Should be much-needed rehab.  


I'm looking forward to this too in a couple weeks - waves, sun, and salt air.  But we won't be going in the water since we're going to Shark Central.  Bummer.  (That means I'll have plenty of time to check in here while we're gone!  Always a bright side.)

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There are lovely benefits, yes.  On the other hand.....???   :lol:


There are female complexities (at least in my family) that exhaust me.    Drama that wears me to my bones.   I think maybe I'm the level-headed brother that never was?  Anyway, I love my sisters, and in small doses we have a blast, but certain concoctions (like, ahem, sisters+mother+Christmas+travel+a wholelottachildreninachallenginghouse) are a bit too overpowering for me.  It is then that I envy my friends who have only brothers.  Such peaceful transparent simplicity.  


This weekend will be lovely, though.  I think everyone else wanted to do the city, but my first choice (a relaxing quiet coastal town) turned out to be more affordable.  I'd sort of dreaded the city option, as the things I enjoy there (museums, gardens) are not the things my family enjoys (department stores).  But now they can still enjoy shopping, and I can listen to the waves instead of honking and breathe the salt air instead of fumes.  Should be much-needed rehab.  

It sounds very relaxing.  The big city?  Not so much.  My best vacation ever was at Cape May, NJ.  Quiet, coastal town that was gorgeous.

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I'd go for soda. Having mine while waiting for my steamer to heat up. I'm doing my housekeeping today so I don't have to do it Tuesday. 


You are good.  I do not want to be good.  :lol:  However, I do have laundry going.  Laundry covers a multitude of sins, right?  :coolgleamA:


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You are good.  I do not want to be good.   :lol:  However, I do have laundry going.  Laundry covers a multitude of sins, right?   :coolgleamA:

Not so much. I just don't like to do two hours of housekeeping where I could do one. :laugh: I am going to play tomorrow, so I don't want to pay for my playing on Tuesday, that's all. 

Laundry absolves almost anything. That, and dishes. 

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I'm home alone. No chocolate. Already indulged in a drumstick. And popcorn. Eeek! I feel so guilty! What bad thing should I do next? Surely, I should not look at my to-do list, right?

Have you watched a "chick flick"? Gotta do that when you're home alone! At least I always do!
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This is so lovely. I always knew I missed out on a lot not having any sisters. <sniff>


I never had sisters, either. I wanted at least one badly. And I still do! That's why when we adopted our daughter, we made sure we got her a sister. Well, we applied for one, but they gave us two. And she is the best big sister ever. She really is sweet and adores her little sisters. She's 3 years older than one and 4 1/2 years older than the other.
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I'm home alone. No chocolate. Already indulged in a drumstick. And popcorn. Eeek! I feel so guilty! What bad thing should I do next? Surely, I should not look at my to-do list, right?

Perhaps you should be planning your Great Cupcake Kerfluffle of 2012 celebration? Tomorrow is the 3rd anniversary, you know.

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Have you watched a "chick flick"? Gotta do that when you're home alone! At least I always do!


Hmmmmm..... That's a great idea.  I'll have to scan and see if anything good is on.  I'm not a big movie fan - I think I don't like to focus that long.  (I used to be able to focus for long periods of time.  I blame motherhood, lol.)


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Perhaps you should be planning your Great Cupcake Kerfluffle of 2012 celebration? Tomorrow is the 3rd anniversary, you know.


Oh my!  Time flies!  I'm not good at planning celebrations.  That sounds like lots of pressure.  <sigh>  The best part of the Great Cupcake Kerfluffle of 2012 was all the celeb pictures that were posted.  Which we can't do anymore.  so sad.


But I'm impressed that you know the anniversary.  You are ON! 


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