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So, y'all may remember that we're waiting a month for our new oven to come in, right? 


Guess what broke yesterday?




.... the dishwasher. 


:nopity: :svengo: :sad:


It's only 4 years old.  Old enough to not be under warranty, but young enough you think it might be worth fixing.  The control panel broke (physically broke - power button stuck and other buttons broken off into the control panel).  When I searched online I read about the same thing happening to others (Amazon reviews - that's where we learn about everything, right?)  Anyway, I called to find out how much it costs to replace the control panel..... $450!!!!!!  The control panel alone is $300.  I can get a new dishwasher for close to that! 


If you haven't bought a new dishwasher lately, you might be interested to know that they are listed with the # of decibels they register while running.  I remember picking out a dishwasher for our 2nd home about 18 years ago....  The salesman asked me what the most important characteristic was in a dishwasher.  Fresh from apartment living, I answered "How quietly it runs."  Clearly, I had not read his sales script because he corrected me that I should have said how well it cleans the dishes.  See?  I was way ahead of my time.  Now every one knows that decibels are an important feature in a dishwasher. 




Hi-ho, Hi-ho, it's back to Lowe's I go. 

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So, y'all may remember that we're waiting a month for our new oven to come in, right? 


Guess what broke yesterday?




.... the dishwasher. 


:nopity: :svengo: :sad:


It's only 4 years old.  Old enough to not be under warranty, but young enough you think it might be worth fixing.  The control panel broke (physically broke - power button stuck and other buttons broken off into the control panel).  When I searched online I read about the same thing happening to others (Amazon reviews - that's where we learn about everything, right?)  Anyway, I called to find out how much it costs to replace the control panel..... $450!!!!!!  The control panel alone is $300.  I can get a new dishwasher for close to that! 


If you haven't bought a new dishwasher lately, you might be interested to know that they are listed with the # of decibels they register while running.  I remember picking out a dishwasher for our 2nd home about 18 years ago....  The salesman asked me what the most important characteristic was in a dishwasher.  Fresh from apartment living, I answered "How quietly it runs."  Clearly, I had not read his sales script because he corrected me that I should have said how well it cleans the dishes.  See?  I was way ahead of my time.  Now every one knows that decibels are an important feature in a dishwasher. 




Hi-ho, Hi-ho, it's back to Lowe's I go. 


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: 


Wait...what brand???

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I know, I know.  You've purged half your house.  And you've exercised every day.  And you've made whole-30 meals from scratch (probably with raw beets and kale).  And you're teaching John and Mary calculus and persuasive writing.  Oh, and you're a third of the way through the Bible, probably.  Yeah, I know.




(Actually, I'm totally impressed with all you're doing.  I'm just in a smart alec-y mood today.)


Never mind. I just saw your H. No response for you.

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Ok, I am tired of being the "mean" mom when the reality is.... my kids are just being unreasonable and disrespectful. Dd comes in well before lunch and asks if she could eat lunch at the neighbor's house. Yes, of course you may. I go on to make lunch - English muffin pizzas, which do not reheat well - and as I am taking them out of the oven DS comes in and asks if he could eat lunch at the neighbors. I say "no!" And he's ticked off. You know, all I ask is a little advanced notice. I don't want to throw food away.

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So, y'all may remember that we're waiting a month for our new oven to come in, right?


Guess what broke yesterday?




.... the dishwasher.


:nopity: :svengo: :sad:


It's only 4 years old. Old enough to not be under warranty, but young enough you think it might be worth fixing. The control panel broke (physically broke - power button stuck and other buttons broken off into the control panel). When I searched online I read about the same thing happening to others (Amazon reviews - that's where we learn about everything, right?) Anyway, I called to find out how much it costs to replace the control panel..... $450!!!!!! The control panel alone is $300. I can get a new dishwasher for close to that!


If you haven't bought a new dishwasher lately, you might be interested to know that they are listed with the # of decibels they register while running. I remember picking out a dishwasher for our 2nd home about 18 years ago.... The salesman asked me what the most important characteristic was in a dishwasher. Fresh from apartment living, I answered "How quietly it runs." Clearly, I had not read his sales script because he corrected me that I should have said how well it cleans the dishes. See? I was way ahead of my time. Now every one knows that decibels are an important feature in a dishwasher.




Hi-ho, Hi-ho, it's back to Lowe's I go.



Is there any possibility that you are related to LisaK in VA is in IT? Because I think she is a descendant of Murphy (of Murphy's Law notariety). :D

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I've never had a car, but I've always wanted a red jeep wrangler. I'm told it's because I'm white.


My husband is going to take ballroom dancing with me when we can afford it.


I LOVED those Mormon dances as a teen. Awesome sauce! I was in swing club.


When I think fun math I think RS games, Miquon, Beast Academy, Murderous Maths or Life of Fred. My kid is 4 though, so feel free to ignore me. I'm also interested in the Mathematicians Are People Too series.


Matt started C25K this morning. I might start on Monday. Must contemplate.


Oh, there you are. I've missed you, because, you know, you're my bestie. :D

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1. Maybe Life of Fred?  I'm using it twice a week and CLE 3xs a week.




3. The Dora and Adam assessments are painless and even fun for kids, and it give a really great breakdown of where you child is at in reading and math.  https://www.letsgolearn.com/lglsite/assessments/


I was also going to suggest the assessments from Let's Go Learn. I've used them for years, even with kids I've tutored. When they were with Homeschool Buyer's Coop, you could get them for $15, but I don't think you can anymore.


They are online, adaptive assessments, so you get a good view of what the child knows. It keeps testing until they miss a certain number or something like that.

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Wait, when did Heidi slip in here? Who is she? And WELCOME! I think. Maybe she's been here and I never noticed. But, I notice everyone, even the ones who are missing... :confused1:


Heidi?  Oh, don't mind her, she's "Trying to blend in"

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Hi. :D I've been busy and intentionally avoiding the hive because I have no self control.


I've been coming on mostly in the late afternoons because I've been busy as well. Busy shopping. And other things. In fact, I have another PO with money to spend, so I need to get back to cutting things off my list so I can fax it in today.

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So I found my missing hosta buried in the mulch on the other side off the garden bed.  Poor thing was yanked right out of the ground and very thirsty.  And missing a few leaves.

But she is back in her home now, recovering, with a little bit of new soil and lots of water to make up for her misadventure.


I am also happy to report that my Rose of Sharon is covered in happy bees.  So many that I couldn't count them all.



Alas, DS's throat still hurts.  But we have ruled out strep, so now we're back to thinking allergies.  Poor kid.

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I'm in QA, right?  So at work today, a coworker responded to my query as to why her program was still sending testing to our lab when our lab was not accredited to the Standard that she was adding to her revised procedure, because now it is required (since April!!) by the Association for whom we manage the program (following this?  LOL), and she responded thusly:


It's not my responsibility.


Huh?  You are the Program Manager, lady.  It most definitely is your responsibility to make sure that the accredited testing required by your program is done by an accredited lab as specified in your program docs.  How do you think the lab is going to know what your new requirements are?  Through osmosis?


But I was in a non-confrontational mood (this is not the norm for me :)), so I calmly went to MY boss and took him into a conference room to freak out on him instead.  LOL  My boss looked at me, and said, "WTF?" are you serious?  And later he told me he had taken care of it with her boss. 


SMH.  If she wasn't pregnant I would have gone off on her to her face.  I mean, someone points out an egregious error to you and you just shrug?  I wanted my ninja elephant & minions to rain down on her so bad today.

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I just can't win today. Now 4 year old dd is mad at me for whatever the millionth reason is today because she's not getting her way and is going through the "Terrible Twos" at age almost-5. And the worst insult she could hurl at me is... "When I grow up, I'm not going to be a Mommy! So there!" Sigh!

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So, y'all may remember that we're waiting a month for our new oven to come in, right? 


Guess what broke yesterday?




.... the dishwasher. 


:nopity: :svengo: :sad:


It's only 4 years old.  Old enough to not be under warranty, but young enough you think it might be worth fixing.  The control panel broke (physically broke - power button stuck and other buttons broken off into the control panel).  When I searched online I read about the same thing happening to others (Amazon reviews - that's where we learn about everything, right?)  Anyway, I called to find out how much it costs to replace the control panel..... $450!!!!!!  The control panel alone is $300.  I can get a new dishwasher for close to that! 


If you haven't bought a new dishwasher lately, you might be interested to know that they are listed with the # of decibels they register while running.  I remember picking out a dishwasher for our 2nd home about 18 years ago....  The salesman asked me what the most important characteristic was in a dishwasher.  Fresh from apartment living, I answered "How quietly it runs."  Clearly, I had not read his sales script because he corrected me that I should have said how well it cleans the dishes.  See?  I was way ahead of my time.  Now every one knows that decibels are an important feature in a dishwasher. 




Hi-ho, Hi-ho, it's back to Lowe's I go. 

This is terrible.  My deepest sympathies.  It is worse than everyone eating my burrito potatoes.

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And I just made 6 year old dd cry because I wouldn't let her tape the dozens of pages she ripped out of the little cheap notebook she was coloring in. She wanted me to help her tape them all back in. And I'm just not going to do it. I'm sorry.


So, you all might just want to stay away from my house today because I have successfully made every one of my children mad today. Except for 10 year old dd, but she's been at her friend's house all day!

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And I just made 6 year old dd cry because I wouldn't let her tape the dozens of pages she ripped out of the little cheap notebook she was coloring in. She wanted me to help her tape them all back in. And I'm just not going to do it. I'm sorry.


So, you all might just want to stay away from my house today because I have successfully made every one of my children mad today. Except for 10 year old dd, but she's been at her friend's house all day!


Call dd1 at her friend's and tell her to come home and go to bed.  We don't want her to feel left out.

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Have you seen in films where the bad guy strangles someone using piano wire? Well, let me tell you right now that they are putting you on. If it was real piano wire, that bad guy would have poked his eyes out just taking it out of the box (or piano) and trying to get ahold of the ends.

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I'm thinking about signing up for ballroom dance lessons.  I think it would be so much fun.  But my husband won't humor me and do it with me.  I keep having dreams that I meet some fun guy to dance with while my grumpy husband is sitting in the corner.  Which is awkward, and makes me hesitant to sign up, but in all reality there are probably only seniors that would be there anyway.  I go to country line dancing class alone and I'm the only one there under 60.   :) Do you go solo?

Ah there you are.  You blended in so seemlessly that I didn't notice you at first.  Welcome!  

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Wait...what brand???


It's a Bosch.


But the good news is..... I FIXED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I decided to look at it up close ONE more time.  I hit it really hard and the face of the control panel snapped back in place.  Power button works!  Two of the option buttons are still popped off, but the button behind the button can still be pushed.  Now, to be REALLY careful opening it and closing it for the next 10 years.  (Right, lol.)  (There is no latch; you just have to pull really hard on the on the handle which is also the control panel.)


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These children are driving me crazy!


I didn't realize Heidi wasn't a thing. Hello Heidi.


Sorry about your dishwasher, Lynn. Eta: Never mind! Yay!


Hey, why does the bride wear white? So the dishwasher will match the fridge. :lol: Very old joke. Slache is not always funny.

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Hey, why does the bride wear white? So the dishwasher will match the fridge. :lol: Very old joke. Slache is not always funny.

I don't get it.


This reminded me though that when I dropped dd off at the Y, a bride and her whole entourage were there.  She was either getting married at the Y or on the trail behind the Y.  (No point to this really.  Just sharing.  Carry on.)

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I thought that she did give the word.  After all, "your wish is my command".  If she didn't give the word, then um. . . please ignore the elephant footprints on her face.    :ph34r:


Oh, yeah.  I gave the word.  I'm a happy girl right now thinking about :ph34r: footprints.

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I don't get it.


This reminded me though that when I dropped dd off at the Y, a bride and her whole entourage were there.  She was either getting married at the Y or on the trail behind the Y.  (No point to this really.  Just sharing.  Carry on.)


Took me a second.  The bride IS the dishwasher, don't you know?

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