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So, I did take the call even though it was near the end of dd4's dance class. She told me that she's been thinking about it and doing interviews and she just thinks I'm the one for the job. It seems we've both been thinking about it, both reluctant to call the other about options, but she said she decided that by golly she'd call me.


She asked what could she/they do to help me, as she knew there were difficulties with my daughter. I explained little's anxiety and I could not put her in full time daycare as it has been progressively getting worse, not better over the last 2 years. When she figured dd is prek age, she said they could put her in my class.. Now the classes are two half day sessions, so what about the other half? She said she'll figure something out, but she wanted me to work there. She said a bunch of other things that would've made me blush had I been white. :D


So, there it is. She wants me there. Little one can be in my class (or the one next door), and she can work something out for her for the other half day. I told her I'll talk to my dh tonight and call her tomorrow.

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Tex, you put me to shame.  Dashing in and out and tidying up the house at the same time.  

Well, I only tidied myself the first time. :lol:


Did you ever just know that you are tired and once you hit the couch that was the end of your productivity so you pressed on toward the prize with that last ounce of your energy so you could sit on the couch guilt-free and mess around on the forums?


Yeah, that's what I got goin' here.  :D

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So, I did take the call even though it was near the end of dd4's dance class. She told me that she's been thinking about it and doing interviews and she just thinks I'm the one for the job. It seems we've both been thinking about it, both reluctant to call the other about options, but she said she decided that by golly she'd call me.


She asked what could she/they do to help me, as she knew there were difficulties with my daughter. I explained little's anxiety and I could not put her in full time daycare as it has been progressively getting worse, not better over the last 2 years. When she figured dd is prek age, she said they could put her in my class.. Now the classes are two half day sessions, so what about the other half? She said she'll figure something out, but she wanted me to work there. She said a bunch of other things that would've made me blush had I been white. :D


So, there it is. She wants me there. Little one can be in my class (or the one next door), and she can work something out for her for the other half day. I told her I'll talk to my dh tonight and call her tomorrow.

They want you, baby!


How do you feel about working full-time?  Also, ask if dd can attend your class one session and the other class the other session.  Or some other thing that you think would work.  Cuz they want you.  And that's a really good position to be in.

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I got half of lesson 2 written and then my brain seemed to go into some kind of seizure.  (Don't take me literally here.  Literally I got my headache back and can't think any more.)  I'm taking a break hoping that I will be able to think again and finish writing this lesson.  I know that I would do better with a snack etc. but I don't want to go home for that because if I do, I can guarantee you that I will not finish writing the lesson today.  

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They want you, baby!


How do you feel about working full-time?  Also, ask if dd can attend your class one session and the other class the other session.  Or some other thing that you think would work.  Cuz they want you.  And that's a really good position to be in.


I'm okay working full time, but I know the rest of the house will suffer. Unless I get going with Konmari real quick! I know she cannot attend the other session because it is a state prek program. It is what I've done before and know the rules, and a child can only be enrolled in one program


I've never been wanted before. 

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I got half of lesson 2 written and then my brain seemed to go into some kind of seizure.  (Don't take me literally here.  Literally I got my headache back and can't think any more.)  I'm taking a break hoping that I will be able to think again and finish writing this lesson.  I know that I would do better with a snack etc. but I don't want to go home for that because if I do, I can guarantee you that I will not finish writing the lesson today.  


Are you drinking water?

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Well, I only tidied myself the first time. :lol:


Did you ever just know that you are tired and once you hit the couch that was the end of your productivity so you pressed on toward the prize with that last ounce of your energy so you could sit on the couch guilt-free and mess around on the forums?


Yeah, that's what I got goin' here.   :D


I'm more like Renai with homework to do.  :lol:





Just kidding, Renai!! :grouphug:


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I'm more like Renai with homework to do.  :lol:





Just kidding, Renai!! :grouphug:



I say I'm doing homework, then get distracted with something else. Out of every 3 hours, maybe an hour of that is actually dong homework.  :huh:

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While I'm griping about the state of my house and my lack of work ethic in that area.....  I was planning to stay home all day tomorrow and work on it.  And, I just found out I have to take another child to an appt. in the morning.  My dh normally covers this kind of appt on his way to work, but he has a meeting so it's on me this time.  I need a crying emoticon.  (Did you know our standard issue crying emoticons don't have tears?  I think we need one with tears.)  I know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but every time we leave the house it's a 40 minute drive to town, and a 40 minute drive home.  I'm not worth shooting after that much time in the car.  :driving:   :glare:   :sad: :nopity:

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Hah!  I got lesson 2 done!  Now I can go home (just 3 minutes away) and drink lots of water per Renai's implied instructions and eat some chocolate (which I know she meant to say but just forgot).  And just in time because my laptop is going to die and I came without it's cord.  


Yay for finishing lesson 2.  Yay for realizing Renai meant to include chocolate.  Yay for going before laptop died. 


I'm outta likes.  So, this is my like. 


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While I'm griping about the state of my house and my lack of work ethic in that area.....  I was planning to stay home all day tomorrow and work on it.  And, I just found out I have to take another child to an appt. in the morning.  My dh normally covers this kind of appt on his way to work, but he has a meeting so it's on me this time.  I need a crying emoticon.  (Did you know our standard issue crying emoticons don't have tears?  I think we need one with tears.)  I know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but every time we leave the house it's a 40 minute drive to town, and a 40 minute drive home.  I'm not worth shooting after that much time in the car.  :driving:   :glare:   :sad: :nopity:






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I'm okay working full time, but I know the rest of the house will suffer. Unless I get going with Konmari real quick! I know she cannot attend the other session because it is a state prek program. It is what I've done before and know the rules, and a child can only be enrolled in one program


I've never been wanted before. 

You are wanted now.  Glory in all of your wantedness.   :coolgleamA:

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Yep. Glory until tomorrow.  I still have to make a decision...

Whatever your decision, you are wanted.  You said you have never been wanted.  That is huge.  Regardless of whether or not you accept the job, you are wanted.  It is now historical data.  You can write it on your resume.  "I was wanted."  


I've gone all "life coach" or something, but it feels important.

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I just saw on the chat board that it's National Junk Food day. I had some popcorn to celebrate, but that was not nearly satisfying enough.

I could get into this holiday! Hmmm...I do have some popcorn, and a bit of leftover chocolate in the freezer. Now if I only had a root beer, we'd be set.

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I don't know if it qualifies as junk food, but I got this boxed gluten free snack pack.  It had a trail mix with chocolate pieces (yum), some rice crackers and sharp cheddar cheese (more yum), some almonds (ok) and some veggie chips (had a gross soy sauce aftertaste).  

That is not junk.


Another Lynn's popcorn is not junk.


You people need to up your game.

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Oh, and for redemption from my earlier procrastination.... Tonight I unloaded and reloaded d/w (already did that once this morning, by the way).  And I fluffed the load in the dryer and folded it, and put the load from the wash in the dryer.  I need to work on my desk, several book shelves and school stuff.  (Actually, my list is a lot longer than that, but I think that's where I'll start tomorrow.)

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I think this is my first post.  240 pages, really?!   




This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they'll continue posting forever just because...


It is the thread that never ends...


I can't remember the second verse. :D

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This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they'll continue posting forever just because...


It is the thread that never ends...


I can't remember the second verse. :D


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that never ends....

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And on top of that, I'm still trying to figure out which template to use for my presentation tomorrow. I'm having a decision crisis. I can't even really start with deciding on info to put into the presentation until I know the template (I have an outline, no details). I'm so visual.



Picture frame http://prezi.com/eafwifs_mvxn/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy

Blocks http://prezi.com/bd6dvv7kslqd/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy

Random http://prezi.com/sbvjnh_6ckwy/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy


(background color can be changed)


ETA: changed the links

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And on top of that, I'm still trying to figure out which template to use for my presentation tomorrow. I'm having a decision crisis. I can't even really start with deciding on info to put into the presentation until I know the template (I have an outline, no details). I'm so visual.



Picture frame https://prezi.com/eafwifs_mvxn/edit/#17_24309637

Blocks https://prezi.com/bd6dvv7kslqd/edit/#6_30863873

Random https://prezi.com/sbvjnh_6ckwy/edit/#31_30863873


(background color can be changed)


Can't view them.  It's asking me to log in...

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Sorry everyone, but I'm getting further behind again (note to self: you are up to page 221).  It's been a busy day.  Here's a quick update and then I'm off again.


DD11 brag:  my youngest has been asked to become a sempai at Aikido come September.  Sempais are the students who help teach other students.  Usually the sempais in the kids class come from the adult's class, but when they find a kid who seems to have a knack for working with others they will ask them to become a sempai, too.  DD11 has been working with a particular student who has some difficulties, and that student is coming along well.  Sensei is pleased and impressed, and so he has asked DD11 to become a sempai.  He says in September he will give her her own small bunch of students to help train, and will change out her snazzy blue gi for the plain white gi the adults and sempais all wear.  I'M SO PROUD!!!! 


Sunday DH smoked a roast for me so I could make a smokey pot roast out of it yesterday.  I didn't get the flavorings right, and it was rather bland.  Today I made soup from the leftover pot roast.  I thought it tasted rather bland again, but DH raved about it and the kids both liked it and ate their fill.  I guess it's okay, then! 


I heard from my friend that she has to be out of her apartment by Thursday, which had me panicking.  Then I found out why -- the landlady is letting her have a bigger apartment for the same price.  My friend and her daughter are already 90% moved -- she just needs to grab the last of her stuff and clean the carpets.  She has a day off Wednesday, so she says she has ample time to finish. 


I had a massage today, a treat for myself, and it turned into a good therapeutic decision.  My knees (hurt last week) aren't hurting now, thanks to J's good work.  Hooray for massage therapists who know their stuff!


I'm eagerly anticipating tomorrow afternoon's appointment!  Can't wait to try out my new hearing aid!  I might be distracted with it tomorrow (and cooking the celebratory stuffed peppers I have planned for dinner with DH's folks), so if I'm not back before Thursday please forgive me.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Hugs to everyone, because I'm sure you will need them sometime!  I'll catch up more later in the week.

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Just got off the phone with oldest dd. She was crying because she was so disappointed she didn't get a solo. :( She was apologizing to me for not getting it. I was like, she's not there to get a solo, she's there to learn. Poor gal.

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I'm okay working full time, but I know the rest of the house will suffer. Unless I get going with Konmari real quick! I know she cannot attend the other session because it is a state prek program. It is what I've done before and know the rules, and a child can only be enrolled in one program


I've never been wanted before.

Umm, what about here? Duh.

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