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Awww, you all are so sweet.  I'm not that energetic.  I have never been the typical "cheerleader" type - far from it, actually - physically awkward, low-maintenance clothes and appearance, anti-social, and a skeptic of mandated enthusiasm.  But, I love you guys and think you're accomplishing amazing things.  So, I'm all for encouragement!

You are awesome.  Every group needs Another Lynn.  Just trust me on this.  :)

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  • Slache


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  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Be proud of me folks.  I used a hashtag on fb for the first time tonight, actually I used 3 of them in the same post lol.  It was one of my oversharing posts, but it was important to me to share it and then it morphed into me sharing about a t-shirt campaigned tied to what I was sharing, and I ended up not only linking to the campaign but also hashtagging the titles of the charities associated with it.  Might not be a big deal, but I was a hashtag virgin and now I am not lol

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Be proud of me folks. I used a hashtag on fb for the first time tonight, actually I used 3 of them in the same post lol. It was one of my oversharing posts, but it was important to me to share it and then it morphed into me sharing about a t-shirt campaigned tied to what I was sharing, and I ended up not only linking to the campaign but also hashtagging the titles of the charities associated with it. Might not be a big deal, but I was a hashtag virgin and now I am not lol

Thou art an harlot!

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Slash, how do you use Education Unboxed? Feel free to take your time answering because I'm not supposed to be here anyway. I'll check back later. Much later. :D



I watch the videos myself and then start acting it out next to him. He often decides to do something completely different but I see our math time as a time of discovery and while I want his brain stimulated I'm not concerned about progressing forward. He's very language oriented so we have structure and progression in phonics with review and stuff, but he might not start a formal math program until 1st grade. Education Unboxed jumps around a lot. He can't do some of the early videos, but can do some of the 1st gradeish ones. What math program do you hope to use?


Oddly enough, my kids enjoy watching the videos, and then after they've done the exercise a few times with me, they like to "teach" it to themselves or each other.  It's become a great source of independent math work. 

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Oddly enough, my kids enjoy watching the videos, and then after they've done the exercise a few times with me, they like to "teach" it to themselves or each other. It's become a great source of independent math work.

John does too. It's just more convenient for me to watch them by myself. He does think the girl is quite purty though.

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Awww, you all are so sweet.  I'm not that energetic.  I have never been the typical "cheerleader" type - far from it, actually - physically awkward, low-maintenance clothes and appearance, anti-social, and a skeptic of mandated enthusiasm.  But, I love you guys and think you're accomplishing amazing things.  So, I'm all for encouragement!



OOOOOooo!  Member title!  Our very own ITT Cheerleader.  Except you could probably come up with something jazzier than just that.  


I've been up since 5am and it is now 9:46pm and I still have 9 chapters to go, so I'm not terribly creative.  

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Okay.  I must READ.  


9 Chapters To Go.  



Cheer me on, Slache and Renai!  (okay, don't, or I'll just be tempted to keep checking back here to boost my tired little ego.)  I really need to finish tomorrow's reading in the morning.  This nighttime stuff stinks. 


I had an amazing Deb Perelman Zucchini Bake recipe for dinner tonight.  Must share.  Probably not whole30 but you can freeze and save it for next month.  


Now I'm going.  Really.

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Okay. I must READ.


9 Chapters To Go.



Cheer me on, Slache and Renai! (okay, don't, or I'll just be tempted to keep checking back here to boost my tired little ego.) I really need to finish tomorrow's reading in the morning. This nighttime stuff stinks.


I had an amazing Deb Perelman Zucchini Bake recipe for dinner tonight. Must share. Probably not whole30 but you can freeze and save it for next month.


Now I'm going. Really.

I just wanted to remind you that there is no H in booya.

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Positive note:  Being sickly depressed with separation anxiety left me with no outlet other than work.  But I got my edits done.  In a day. Kind of a loooooooong day.


Negative:  Dinner is going to be very late.  I wish I could go to Renai's house.  I love me some catfish and greens.  :drool5:


So, on tonight's agenda:  Much, much reading.  But I like Genesis, so there you go.


Oh, and I like dubbing Lynn the official cheerleader.


This is turning into a stream-of-consciousness post.


Oh, and Susan will be glad to know that Poopaerobics is a standard part of my day.  And has become part of my vernacular, because it sounds sooooo much better than "cleaning the barn."  :laugh:

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Confession. I was a cheerleader. I wasn't one of the preppy popular kids, but I was hot and funny. I loved being a cheerleader. It was only my freshman year at my school in California before we moved to Oregon. The cheerleaders in Oregon sucked.

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AMJ, so excited for you!


Go, Renai, Go!


Slache, I missed the vent, but hugs for difficult situations and implementing so many good habits!


(BTW, dh and I did C25K again this am after a week and a half interruption.  yay!)


Tex, yay for getting the ceiling fixed.  Boo for the interruption of having people in your house all day and using your kitchen sink! 


againstthegrain - sorry for lack of sleep.  But yay for changing plans for fall - simplifying and streamlining is good for everyone!


Jean - glad you found the cat.  You are trying to channel your inner MacGyver?  My dh fixed our toilet once years ago after hours of struggling (and maybe a few choice words) and came out singing the theme song from Rocky.  You can be whoever you want to be, lol.


Brandy, glad to see you have your priorities straight! 


And, one more cheer for Renai doing her homework:  Hope you're getting a lot done!  (Btw, do you have to take older dd to eye specialist this week?  Did I miss that?)



Lynn is like our own private cheerleader! :willy_nilly:   (That was the closest one I found.)


I feel left out. :huh:



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I'd make a lousy cheerleader.


Off to sleep!


Nah.  I liked your cheer.  It cheered me up!


I love my new and improved bathroom.


It was hot here today.  I actually swam at the pool.


I realized last night that I have varicose veins in m legs that really stand out after being on my feet all day.


Best friend from high school called and complained that her house hasn't sold yet.  It went on the market less than a week ago...




Okay, that's all I got.  This ninja elephant needs a shower and some sleep.

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Now that I'm home from vacationing on the OBX, I'm really missing having a kitteh. Mr. Ellie is ambivalent about having another fur baby, but we've had at least one, and mostly more than one, fur baby since 1978. It feels weird to be without.


Right-before-bedtime musings.

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Strayer Upton is a math program used in I believe the 1920s. Here is my vintage math journey. I discovered Ray's (in TWTM me thinks) and went through much of it as it's public domain. I was in love. Why is math no longer taught like this? It is so simple. It covers everything a child should know in my opinion, such as how debt, taxes, and all that other horrible stuff works. Keep in mind that vintage maths were not written with the intention of a child finishing Calculus by the end of high school, so if that's your goal then this might be a bit too much. Hunter said she likes SU better than Ray's because you progress from one book to the next instead of juggling several books at a time. Hmm. Interesting. I was going to buy them to check them out and in the mean time started this thread. I never purchased the books because I then remembered School Arithmetics which would allow me to do the oral problems from my phone and print the rest out as worksheets. Booya. Read the Strayer Upton description to see what I'm planning on using if you care as they're essentially the same.


School Arithmetics 1

School Arithmetics 2

School Arithmetics 3

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Holy cow.  SO I shared earlier about my fb post (my hashtag one).  It was sharing my personal struggle with depression.  I got a pm from a girl I grew up with, as young teens we were really good friends, these days we are just fb friends.  She thanked me for my post.  She has been struggling with depression for years, she never really tells anyone.  Tonight she was having a rough go of it and then she read my post.  She told me tonight it helped her decide to fight harder, to not give up.  That now she knows she is not alone in this battle.  

It's funny, the urge to write that post had been weighing heavily on my heart today, so much so that on my lunch break at work I composed it on paper in my car and then just typed it up onto facebook after work.  I was really worried about putting it out there for all my friends and family to see and to learn the truth.  But now I see it was meant to be.  It helped a friend hold on longer.

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So, I'm doing an auto-immune elimination diet. I'm not sure that I have any actual food issues, but it couldn't hurt to cover all bases, right? No grains, no dairy, *no eggs,* *no sweeteners.* :blink: Five days so far; I don't feel any better/different, although I have pain in my calf muscles and the backs of my thighs. And insomnia. So here I am.

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So, I'm doing an auto-immune elimination diet. I'm not sure that I have any actual food issues, but it couldn't hurt to cover all bases, right? No grains, no dairy, *no eggs,* *no sweeteners.* :blink: Five days so far; I don't feel any better/different, although I have pain in my calf muscles and the backs of my thighs. And insomnia. So here I am.

I'm on an elimination diet. No alcohol, dairy, sugar or grains. I can have eggs though. It's basically a whole food diet. I can have meat,veggies and fruit. I'm on day 2 of 30.

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Good Morning to Ikslo of the Painted Bathroom Realm.  May all your dominations succeed for you today.  :)


Thanks! :hurray: I feel better now that everyone is paying attention to me. 


Actually, I took the morning off work so that I could have the dentist check out my chipped tooth.  You know, the one I chipped eating a jawbreaker a few weeks ago at work?  I think I posted that here.  Or maybe it was the Annoyance Thread. Co-worker had out a dish of them and I hadn't had one since I was a kid.  Looked so fun.  Until I got distracted and do what I always do with hard candy - I bit down.  I should know better.  And you all can laugh, it's okay.  I can take it.  Thankfully, I have had no pain from this, just a jagged molar and therefore an irritated tongue.  But I needs me to get it taken care of before it causes more issues. :sad:

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Thanks! :hurray: I feel better now that everyone is paying attention to me.


Actually, I took the morning off work so that I could have the dentist check out my chipped tooth. You know, the one I chipped eating a jawbreaker a few weeks ago at work? I think I posted that here. Or maybe it was the Annoyance Thread. Co-worker had out a dish of them and I hadn't had one since I was a kid. Looked so fun. Until I got distracted and do what I always do with hard candy - I bit down. I should know better. And you all can laugh, it's okay. I can take it. Thankfully, I have had no pain from this, just a jagged molar and therefore an irritated tongue. But I needs me to get it taken care of before it causes more issues. :sad:

I'm sorry.

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Now that I'm home from vacationing on the OBX, I'm really missing having a kitteh. Mr. Ellie is ambivalent about having another fur baby, but we've had at least one, and mostly more than one, fur baby since 1978. It feels weird to be without.


Right-before-bedtime musings.

Oh my yessssss, you need a kitteh.  Sit tight, and I will find you one.  I am very good at this.




So, I'm doing an auto-immune elimination diet. I'm not sure that I have any actual food issues, but it couldn't hurt to cover all bases, right? No grains, no dairy, *no eggs,* *no sweeteners.* :blink: Five days so far; I don't feel any better/different, although I have pain in my calf muscles and the backs of my thighs. And insomnia. So here I am.

I think you need all these things to sleep!  I have been taking melatonin to try and avoid night terrors, and I wake up in the middle of the night when it wears off or something.  Not working for me.


Thanks! :hurray: I feel better now that everyone is paying attention to me. 


Actually, I took the morning off work so that I could have the dentist check out my chipped tooth.  You know, the one I chipped eating a jawbreaker a few weeks ago at work?  I think I posted that here.  Or maybe it was the Annoyance Thread. Co-worker had out a dish of them and I hadn't had one since I was a kid.  Looked so fun.  Until I got distracted and do what I always do with hard candy - I bit down.  I should know better.  And you all can laugh, it's okay.  I can take it.  Thankfully, I have had no pain from this, just a jagged molar and therefore an irritated tongue.  But I needs me to get it taken care of before it causes more issues. :sad:

This is terrible.  You are smart to get it checked out.  They should call them tooth breakers.

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