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My clothes shopping method:


I search the entire store including the ten girls, woman's, obese, maternity and means section. I grab 2 different sizes of everything I like. Maternity is great for dresses off you didn't know. I always try the biggest size on first because having a large be too small and *then* having the extra large still be too small is very depressing. I put everything on one side of the stall and make sure it's on the right hammer before I continue. It's bad enough that I'm handing 20 things back I'd better at least put them on the right hammer. I only make 2 piles: yes and no, because I only buy things I absolutely love. If it's a maybe it's a no. Hmmm.grammar. anyway. I do this once a year. It always works out well So it's not depressing. If you only take 5 things back and you're not a size 6 you're bound to be disappointed. Keep your options open and don't think that just because it doesn't look good on the hammer that it won't look good on you.


Yeah, I don't buy anything I don't absolutely love. A maybe is a no. I think I shop about once a year too, because I just despise shopping in general.

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Well, shopping for clothes for me anyway. I'll shop for my girls anytime.

Yo tambien. I do like shopping for myself a lot more after so much weight loss. I think another 40 pounds and you won't be able to keep me out of the stores.

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I think I mentioned that Nana is here.  We were at her house tonight. As we are every night when she is here.




Our familial enjoyment of Joan Hixson as Miss Marple was interrupted by the door bell.  DD-12-(3 months from 13!) answered, because there was a group of kids on the porch.  The group, which turned out to be a small group of boys, engaged her in a short conversation and then announced that C___  "likes"  DD.  Which was interrupted by C___ hastily announcing that "It's a prank! It's a prank!"  DD turned the conversation into a short joke and then returned to the family fold.  She then explained who each boy is and explained that "What can I say-boys.  Defective Y chromosomes."  But I could tell that she was also thrilled with the attention.




I am so not ready for this.




Please return to your page 100 hilarity.


I need alcohol.

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I think I mentioned that Nana is here. We were at her house tonight. As we are every night when she is here.




Our familial enjoyment of Joan Hixson as Miss Marple was interrupted by the door bell. DD-12-(3 months from 13!) answered, because there was a group of kids on the porch. The group, which turned out to be a small group of boys, engaged her in a short conversation and then announced that C___ "likes" DD. Which was interrupted by C___ hastily announcing that "It's a prank! It's a prank!" DD turned the conversation into a short joke and then returned to the family fold. She then explained who each boy is and explained that "What can I say-boys. Defective Y chromosomes." But I could tell that she was also thrilled with the attention.




I am so not ready for this.




Please return to your page 100 hilarity.


I need alcohol.

1. That's adorable.


2. I have narcotics.

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I woke up to vomit again I though you guys would don't it entertaining that I really had to struggle to remember if Matt was my husband or my mom. (Answer =husband)


That is all.





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Yeah, I don't buy anything I don't absolutely love. A maybe is a no. I think I shop about once a year too, because I just despise shopping in general.


I used to like shopping, but I don't anymore.  It's not as much fun when you don't have much extra in the way of spending money and you're old enough to realize what credit cards really are (evil).


And I make my husband shop with DS for his clothes.  So then I can't be blamed when he "has nothing good to wear."

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Now, that was definitely the most shameful incident of post-padding I've seen in a long time. And Slash, you missed it again.


I think I had an even longer run much earlier in the thread.  Slache only just barely missed this one.  I was faster, but just barely.  She gets a runner-up Booyah.

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Okay, at the time I posted the above it WAS at the top of page 100.  I think our moderator might have come through and deleted the spam posts, so now Renai has top of page 100.

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I hate shopping too. I'd prefer to do everything online, but I have to try things on. Most of the time, nothing fits,, and I have to pick the least of several evils. I like pants that go on my waist, not on my hips, because hipsters don't factor in big buts. It ain't purdy. That's all I gotta say.


So, yeah. I hate shopping. With a passion.


I agree.  I like waistbands that hit my actual waist, too, for the same reasons.  Also, I have found that hip huggers kept pressing uncomfortably on certain nerves in the hips even before the baby seats formed there.  WAIST bands prevent this when they rise high enough, and I don't feel like my pants are going to fall off if I bend or stoop.


I also have LONG limbs and a short torso.  The current cultural preference is for longer torsos, and, if one tucks one's shirt in, wearing "higher" waisted pants and skirts gives a decidedly '80's tone to the outfit.  There are benefits to shirt-tucking (protection from waistband tags being one), but there are also inconveniences, too (increased "shirt creep" now that my bootie has spread).


I'd like the Jessica Fletcher look to come back in style.  I won't match it exactly, but I could be quite trendy if that were the current trend!

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Okay, at the time I posted the above it WAS at the top of page 100.  I think our moderator might have come through and deleted the spam posts, so now Renai has top of page 100.


When I came on this morning there were only 99 pages showing for me, and none of the 100 page posts.  But yeah, I'm thinking the same thing - posts were deleted.


ETA:  Anyway, congrats ladies - you did it!

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My clothes shopping method:


I search the entire store including the ten girls, woman's, obese, maternity and means section. I grab 2 different sizes of everything I like. Maternity is great for dresses off you didn't know. I always try the biggest size on first because having a large be too small and *then* having the extra large still be too small is very depressing. I put everything on one side of the stall and make sure it's on the right hammer before I continue. It's bad enough that I'm handing 20 things back I'd better at least put them on the right hammer. I only make 2 piles: yes and no, because I only buy things I absolutely love. If it's a maybe it's a no. Hmmm.grammar. anyway. I do this once a year. It always works out well So it's not depressing. If you only take 5 things back and you're not a size 6 you're bound to be disappointed. Keep your options open and don't think that just because it doesn't look good on the hammer that it won't look good on you.


Overlooking the many artifacts of your phone and/or drugs the above describes my shopping method pretty closely.  I'm training the girls to do this, too, especially since they both can be hard to fit as well.  DD13's love of the idea of shopping is developing into a realization that it's not just all find-the-pretty-try-it-on-love-it-buy-it-be-admired-by-everybody.

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Both kids Loved it and asked for seconds.



And it was cheap.


I really need to try it, too, and on a day when we get together with extended family.  If SIL's kids like it, too, I might be able to convince her to make it.  They need inexpensive food options.  SIL herself hates fish, though, because she gutted enough of them fishing with her Dad.  This recipe looked like the sauce might be enough that she might not notice the fish in it, though, so maybe I can get her to eat it.


She thinks a lot of the foods I like are weird, but I've come up with some SIL-approved options, too, so she will at least try some of the stuff I make.

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Yo tambien. I do like shopping for myself a lot more after so much weight loss. I think another 40 pounds and you won't be able to keep me out of the stores.


That's because you will be fitting into the things they tend to stock more of.  Let us know when you get there and we will all come watch you shop and look to you for inspiration.

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I think I mentioned that Nana is here.  We were at her house tonight. As we are every night when she is here.




Our familial enjoyment of Joan Hixson as Miss Marple was interrupted by the door bell.  DD-12-(3 months from 13!) answered, because there was a group of kids on the porch.  The group, which turned out to be a small group of boys, engaged her in a short conversation and then announced that C___  "likes"  DD.  Which was interrupted by C___ hastily announcing that "It's a prank! It's a prank!"  DD turned the conversation into a short joke and then returned to the family fold.  She then explained who each boy is and explained that "What can I say-boys.  Defective Y chromosomes."  But I could tell that she was also thrilled with the attention.




I am so not ready for this.




Please return to your page 100 hilarity.


I need alcohol.


BIL came over yesterday to borrow DH's small trailer.  He mentioned in passing that his eldest DD (age 15) brought her new-ish boyfriend around to hang out for a day with the family.  BIL now wants to bring him (boyfriend) over to a bigger family pizza night when other BIL (in Dallas) and family are down visiting.  The plan is that all 3 (DH and both BILs) are to wear their DADD (Dads Against Daughters Dating) t-shirts.  Both BILs can loom quite intimidatingly due to their height, and DH, while shorter, can be quite hard to figure out with his pocket knife and penchant for odd bits of technology. 


And I think C____ really does like your DD!



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It's 12:15. Do you know where your children are?


One was wrapped around the pile of stuffed critters in her bed, and the other was snoring in hers. 


Why?  What did you do with yours?

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I woke up to vomit again I though you guys would don't it entertaining that I really had to struggle to remember if Matt was my husband or my mom. (Answer =husband)


That is all.






This is entertaining in sooooo many ways!  Last night my groggy mind would have found this completely understandable, on all fronts.

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Andi really really really really like nick burkharts house.


I like it too!  No spoilers, please!  I have Grimm recorded, but I haven't had a chance to watch the latest episode yet.

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Double-shot of espresso, of course.  


Did you know that espresso-roasted coffee beans have less caffeine than regular roast?  The darker the roast the more caffeine is broken down.  For a true kick in the pants you need to make your espresso from coffee that has been roasted as little as possible.

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HUH???  I mean, REALLY???????  




I even skipped ahead in my catching-up, so eager was I to find out what sort of party I missed while sleeping.  


Soooo disappointed.  


She got it by default, after she posted that post (and several others).  Catch up on the posts you skipped, and you will see the true progression.

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Must eat food, feed kids, and teach now.  I'll also see if the cat is ready to come in and STAY in out of the rain for a while.  She kept insisting she wanted out earlier, only to change her mind on the doorstep and ask again seconds later.  I finally shut the door on her when she actually crossed the threshold most of the way.  Our back door is in a sheltered breezeway, so this is not as cruel as it sounds.


She has a litter box in the house, plus clean water and cat food she likes.  I don't know why she thinks I can clear up the weather so she can do her business outside, drink from the flower pots, and chase small critters.  I have never stopped the weather in her entire life, yet she still seems to think I could and should.

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Okay, at the time I posted the above it WAS at the top of page 100.  I think our moderator might have come through and deleted the spam posts, so now Renai has top of page 100.


AhhhhhHA! So much is clear now.  Slache making no sense is one thing, but  I was really beginning to think all y'all were partying a wee bit toooooo hard.  




Long may this thread be ignored!!!  :party:  :party:  :party:

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Did you know that espresso-roasted coffee beans have less caffeine than regular roast?  The darker the roast the more caffeine is broken down.  For a true kick in the pants you need to make your espresso from coffee that has been roasted as little as possible.


I did not know this.  


Are you a barista IRL???  

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SOOO close! I am 8th away to being the 5000th post writer!





And no.  To qualify for such a prestigious position, you must first:

a) read every post of this entire monster

b) have at least 3 booyas under your belt


c) cut Slache down to size (she needs that at least once an hour)

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And no.  To qualify for such a prestigious position, you must first:

a) read every post of this entire monster

b) have at least 3 booyas under your belt


c) cut Slache down to size (she needs that at least once an hour)


I changed my mind.  


All you really need to do is "c."  


Welcome again!!!!!!! 



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