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I'm up reading my daughter's history book aloud to her so she can catch up with a bunch of work she has been procrastinating to complete. They made it an independent study class (!), and she basically needed to read each chapter and answer a bunch of questions for each lesson in the chapter. It's all shared on Google drive. I told her 3 weeks ago to get started on chapter 4. She got an email from the teacher a couple of days ago saying she had until 5/11 to get all 8 chapters done. We finished chapter 4 yesterday. We finished chapter 5 about an hour ago. I read, she tells me when to pause so she can summarize and type. We are currently on chapter 7 (skipped 6 for now) and it is a pain in the patootie.

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I'm up reading my daughter's history book aloud to her so she can catch up with a bunch of work she has been procrastinating to complete. They made it an independent study class (!), and she basically needed to read each chapter and answer a bunch of questions for each lesson in the chapter. It's all shared on Google drive. I told her 3 weeks ago to get started on chapter 4. She got an email from the teacher a couple of days ago saying she had until 5/11 to get all 8 chapters done. We finished chapter 4 yesterday. We finished chapter 5 about an hour ago. I read, she tells me when to pause so she can summarize and type. We are currently on chapter 7 (skipped 6 for now) and it is a pain in the patootie.

I'm thinking SOMEONE in your house had best be committed to ensuring you have the best Mother's Day EVER tomorrow. What an awesome mom you are, Renai.

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Me and my minions today after church.  (One child did not want to cooperate.  Hmmmm, I wonder which one necessitated several photos...)


Please note that although I am old, I am HOT because Renai says I am - yeah, baby!



Edited by texasmama
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I popped in JUST to see if texasmama was still ok because the cbc had a breathless reporter saying storm, texas, storm, rain, flood, twister, texas

& yay, she's not just ok, she's uber hot & posting pics of herself to show off her gorgeous hair and teeth and everything. Awesomesauce.

as you were peeps. Happy Mother's Day!

I got a card from my dogs. They did watercolor paw prints for me.

Dd made me vegan pancakes. I've told ds that means he should make me dinner....


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I popped in JUST to see if texasmama was still ok because the cbc had a breathless reporter saying storm, texas, storm, rain, flood, twister, texas


& yay, she's not just ok, she's uber hot & posting pics of herself to show off her gorgeous hair and teeth and everything. Awesomesauce.



Thank you!  I am touched by your concern.


Texas has been slammed for weeks on end with this weather.  We had to review the tornado plan yesterday with the kids.  We brought all of the cars we could into the garage, etc.  I did a big search for important documents to put in the gun safe in case of tornado and couldn't find them!  Then I finally realized that I had that bright idea last time and had already put them in there!  So I'm hot but not too bright.   :D


Happy Mother's Day, hornblower!

Edited by texasmama
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Me and my minions today after church.  (One child did not want to cooperate.  Hmmmm, I wonder which one necessitated several photos...)


Please note that although I am old, I am HOT because Renai says I am - yeah, baby!




Sorry, Tex, but those are NOT minions.  I've seen minions; they're cute, fat, little yellow dudes.


Your little (and not-so-little) dudes are cute, too! Just not yellow. :001_tt2:



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People who don't want to hear a gross story about poop should skip this one!


 Ewwww, while I was taking Nan to the bathroom, the toilet overflowed and it was poop, then the water wouldn't stop running so I kind of dumped her off into the wheelchair and ripped off my socks and waded in to turn off the water. Then dh came down and yelled at everyone. Helpful. (roll eyes) He made ds14 wet vac it up (Ewwwwww - poop water in the wet vac). Then I unclogged the toilet and mopped the floor. Ds12 had to empty the wet vac into the woods. And I had to take Nan down the hall to the other bathroom but she would not unhand the wheelchair with her claw-like grip so I had to call college girl to get on the other side and help me. 

Happy Mother's Day to me!  :leaving:






Ummm...looking on the bright side (Time Out:  Searching for bright side...)...  ummm....






it wasn't a tornado?

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Ummm...looking on the bright side (Time Out:  Searching for bright side...)...  ummm....






it wasn't a tornado?

I seriously did not take it too seriously juxtaposed to the tornado/softball hail that could have been.  What's a little poop, after all?

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back to officially thank the Southern gals as I was able, for the first time, to use 'bless your heart' in a conversation online (in a different forum)

Without these boards I'd probably never have known this phrase, never known how to use it & would have either had to slink away or would have been provoked to outright vulgarity (of the kind that gets one banned from certain places).

But thanks to the South, I had the perfect riposte.

Man, that woman chapped my hide. (<----- see what I did there?? Is that Southern? Sounds Southern. I hope you're noticing this texasmama. I'm self-studying before I arrive for my 'being Southern' lessons with you. However, I'll wait till the tornadoes are over. And the toilets have stopped overflowing. )

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back to officially thank the Southern gals as I was able, for the first time, to use 'bless your heart' in a conversation online (in a different forum)


Without these boards I'd probably never have known this phrase, never known how to use it & would have either had to slink away or would have been provoked to outright vulgarity (of the kind that gets one banned from certain places).


But thanks to the South, I had the perfect riposte.


Man, that woman chapped my hide. (<----- see what I did there?? Is that Southern? Sounds Southern. I hope you're noticing this texasmama. I'm self-studying before I arrive for my 'being Southern' lessons with you. However, I'll wait till the tornadoes are over. And the toilets have stopped overflowing. )

Excellent work, grasshopper.  You are ready for the next step.  Please view Steel Magnolias and attempt the accent.  This will keep you busy for a long time.  :)


Mid summer, while hot, is not a big tornado season.

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back to officially thank the Southern gals as I was able, for the first time, to use 'bless your heart' in a conversation online (in a different forum)


Without these boards I'd probably never have known this phrase, never known how to use it & would have either had to slink away or would have been provoked to outright vulgarity (of the kind that gets one banned from certain places).


But thanks to the South, I had the perfect riposte.


Man, that woman chapped my hide. (<----- see what I did there?? Is that Southern? Sounds Southern. I hope you're noticing this texasmama. I'm self-studying before I arrive for my 'being Southern' lessons with you. However, I'll wait till the tornadoes are over. And the toilets have stopped overflowing. )

Honey, they's times when I am deeply grateful my Daddy come up in Enigma, Jo-gia. ; )

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Your people are from Jo-gia, sugar?  Sakes alive!


(I think that is actually the setting for Steel Magnolias.)


Sho 'nuff, baby girl.  (More like sharecroppers than plantation owners, though.  But I love me some home-smoked bacon.  Mmm, mmm, mmm.  And greens.  And chicken n'dumplins.  And gravy. And grits.  Hmm, it's almost like there's a theme going on here.)

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Visual-yes. My doctors says my eyes are fine. It's totally mental.


Dyslexic-that's what I think, but those who know dyslexia say no.


Examples-I'm so hungry I'm lactating (instead of salivating). Texas is articulate (instead of awesome). He's a cannibal (instead of a Canadian). All things I've said. Go me.


Sounds like vision function problems to me.  Have you been seen by a vision function specialist?  You can request an initial exam (about the length of a routine eye exam, maybe just a little longer) to see if further, more involved evaluation is warranted for you.  Quite a lot of vision function problems can be treated quite successfully with vision therapy, so it's worth looking into to see if it's a possibility in your case.


Vision function is about how the brain communicates with the eyeballs, how it interprets and uses the data coming in.  It is NOT about acuity.  People can have perfect eyesight and still have vision function problems.


Please consider getting yourself checked.  If you do please be sure to seek out a vision function specialist, and ask them how long they've been practicing, if they do their own vision function therapy, how long it takes, and how successful it has been for their patients.  Do not go to your routine optometrist for this; they don't have the knowledge and training necessary.  You want someone who works directly with vision function issues and has some years of experience.


DD13 has had vision function problems (several), and vision function therapy helped her quite a lot.  If you have more questions feel free to PM me, and I'll answer as soon as I see your message.

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I'm sorry. We just put our kitty down. Hugs.


Okay, hugs to EVERYONE in this thread now, since I've been busy the past few days and I'm sure I'm missing someone who needs hugs.  Hugs to you, hugs to your children, hugs to your parents and siblings and grandparents and everyone you know who need them.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I did not even catch your misspelling.  My nondyslexic brain corrected for it.   :)


I saw it, but knew what she meant and just assumed it was the computer/phone/Siri/electronic-scapegoat-of-your-choice's fault.  When in doubt give the writer the benefit of the doubt and blame technology!

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Don't feel bad.  That's the only part of the thread I remember right now, lol. 


Which thread was it?  When I did a search there were too many tee shirt threads.


I'm getting busy AND I'm missing out!  *pout pout whine*

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In addition, I have sexed the kittens.  The tabby is a girl, and the solid gray and the gray and white are boys.  Not quite four weeks old.  I am a really expert kitten sexer.   :D


I was REALLY disturbed by this for all of 2 seconds, and then I realized the word you used wasn't "sexting"....

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I'm fascinated by the diagnosing conversation.


I sometimes wonder how I would have been labeled if I were a kid now.  I am noise sensitive.  I'm not disciplined enough to be highly organized, but I need things that happen to be predictable.  (I.e.  I hate making phone calls.)


I am rather like that, too!

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Okay, here you go:


You have slight SPD with mild anxiety.  Also, you lean introverted.  


This is fun!  Anyone else?   :D


Yup, sounds like me, along with some ADD inattentive (all of the stuff undiagnosed because I've never been tested), slightly (but increasingly) hard of hearing, and too sarcastic to be understood by those who surround me.


And I more than lean introverted.

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I should add that I'm great at compartmentalizing things and often don't have the expected emotional response to various things. 


Do you have an overactive imagination, too, and the ability to fixate on something to the distraction of all else for hours on end occasionally?  Just asking because you really do sound like me so far.

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The oxymoron, or perhaps just a regular idiosyncrasy, is that the house can be a general mess, but small things are very organized. For example, I had my music cds organized on the shelf alphabetically by artist, then by date of release. Now, the dvds and books are organized by genre. Clothes in the closet by type and color.


It is everything else that doesn't have a place that is a mess. And I've been traumatized by washing dishes as a child so relegate that job to oldest dd and dh. This means that 90% of the time, there are dishes in the sink until someone comes home to wash them (we have no dishwasher except bare hands).


Yes and yes!  Hmm, sounds like some birds of a feather are congregating in this thread!


DD10 just tried to sneak up on me, but was betrayed by her shadow.  "Awwwww...."

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I'm COMPLETELY normal too... At least when I'm medicated. Ok... Mostly normal when I'm medicated. Completely is a bit of a stretch even on my best days. I do put on a good show and most people don't notice I'm a little"off" unless they get to know me. ;)


I spent a fortune having my oldest seen by a NeuroPsych. It was worth every penny too. I learned she was ADHD inattentive type (not really a surprise, just a confirmation). She has slow processing speed and below average working memory. In addition to that, I learned she was well well well above average in every other way. It was totally awesome to see the testing reflect the weirdness I was seeing in our daily home school adventures. How can she be so smart, but can't remember basic math facts after years of practice. The upside... She does know her math facts. They will just never be speedy. Now I know to just wait that extra five to ten seconds and out pops the information we need. It's buried in there somewhere under all the other cool information she knows. Now riddle me this... How can she memorize a long poem easily and still not be able to tell me quickly that 6x6 is 36? Years I've invested in these *€<{`* multiplication facts. Years I tell you.


ETA: my phone corrects the oddest things. How confirmation became conformation I'll never understand. Why won't it let me fix it?

Your DD sounds like my DD.  And my DH majored in math and engineering and didn't memorize his math facts, either.  They come with time and usage -- it's very gradual, but they do come.

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Also, my medication almost totally kills the overwhelming anxiety and depression I "enjoy" while without medication. While medicated, I can take an afternoon off school and not panic that we are getting behind. It only took years and years of failed therapy and wrong medication to get me to a state where I can lead a happy, normal, relatively boring(in a good way) life.


Someone tell me why my phone thinks the word "to" should always be spelled "too". It's a conspiracy to make me look stupid isn't it?


I think it is programmed in to compensate for all of the media professionals who still use "to" in the news reports when they meant "too".

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