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Exercise Thread ~ March 15th - 21st


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After yesterday's rest I killed myself today (good way). I'm glad I didn't attempt it yesterday as I would have bombed. 


Today was Tabata HIIT followed by Spartan 500. I will admit that by the time I got to round 8 of the Spartan video I had to take the jump out of most of the burpees. I thought the jump squats would be harder to complete all 10 rounds but it was actually the burpees. Go figure. I'm glad a ate applesauce before this workout or I would not have made it energy wise.


DH is grocery shopping and I hope he's bringing home more berries cause I could eat my weight in strawberries right now.  

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After yesterday's rest I killed myself today (good way). I'm glad I didn't attempt it yesterday as I would have bombed. 


Today was Tabata HIIT followed by Spartan 500. I will admit that by the time I got to round 8 of the Spartan video I had to take the jump out of most of the burpees. I thought the jump squats would be harder to complete all 10 rounds but it was actually the burpees. Go figure. I'm glad a ate applesauce before this workout or I would not have made it energy wise.


DH is grocery shopping and I hope he's bringing home more berries cause I could eat my weight in strawberries right now.  


I need to try Spartan 500- it looks fun, in a sadistic way.


I'm not craving berries but cruciferous veggies- I don't know what's gotten into me, twice this week I roasted cauliflower and then brussel sprouts with a couple of strips of bacon for breakfast... my kids were not impressed but that just meant more for me.  


I did get open mat in yesterday and was very careful not to stress my back:)  


Today- stretching and hopefully a family hike after church.  Then some kata work and kettle bell swings but no TGUs.

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Starting to ease back into more walking.  On Saturday I worked in the garden - weeding and tidying - for most of the afternoon.  Today, I did the same for about two hours, then walked with Husband in some beech woods for about half an hour.  I need to find a replacement yoga class this week, as my regular one clashes with parent-teacher night at school, so it will be fun to try something new.

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I had a 'drive 2 hours in a spring snowstorm to my inlaws and then have an all day family get together followed by a 90 min drive home on plowed roads" kind of day.  So, I am very impressed that I came home and did 30 mins of tracy anderson. 


I still don't have a car (borrowed my sister's for today's trip) and tomorrow will have some walking to dentist, choir etc so prob that will be my cardio. I will still try to get my 30 min mat workout in. But, we might have the car back by end of business tomorrow. So, hopefully no one mile jog on ice/snow/slush from ballet to piano tomorrow evening.

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No time for a hike yesterday, we started cleaning out the shed and it took 3x as long as expected and we ran out of daylight. However, I got in 5 solid hrs of hard work, moving heavy stuff and otherwise moving around working my butt off. My period started in the middle of the night so I didn't sleep well and I never know how I'll feel. Plan right now is to go on a hike or bike with the kids, if I can muster the energy and am not feeling too icky. Strength training was on the docket too, we'll see. 

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It's good to have a total day off, right? Right?



Yes it is and I did yesterday too.   :D


Strawberry season???????   I'm just waiting for all the snow to finally melt!


Today, WO stretch roll.


One of these days, I'll actually type out what my WO is.  I'm just too lazy to do it. 

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Managed bodyweight exercises today- skipping Mutu and Yoga- still hoping for a walk, trying to meet some friends.

"pull-ups" - 6-8 reps-with the TRX bands, body just about parallel- I wasn't up for negatives today

push-ups- 8-10 reps-knees

rows- 26.4lb kettlebell- 5 reps each arm

dips- feet resting on bench - so legs parallel- 6-8 reps

step-ups with kettlebell- 18 in step- 10 reps- alternating legs

squats- extra deep- bodyweight only- working towards the pistol- 6-8 reps

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Gym today: training then 30 min elliptical


Today I bench-pressed 50 lbs :D (3 x 12 reps). I also did reverse lunges w 10 lb dumbbells, back extensions holding 35 lb, a standing oblique twisty thing using bands, wide-grip lat pulldowns (only 20 lb---that was difficult), and finished w planks, lifting alternate feet (3 sets for 45 sec, ouch).


I am tired in a very good way :)

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Soror, those pistol squats are so hard!  I can get almost halfway down, but it's tough.  

I know right? I showed the kids and they had them down with just a couple of practices, I believe it is going to take me a little bit :) I was doing 1 legged squats this summer but not that low. Right now I'm working on performing the move through with 2 legs and then practicing it as far as I can go with just one leg. I can make it to parallel with my butt right now but going past that point and back up is going to be tough!!


Ended up at the park yesterday and was there 3 hrs(long story, involving lost keys, mud covered kids and sunburns). We were walking for at least 1 hr of that. Yesterday was the first day of my period and the best I've had since, I don't even remember some time before I got pregnant last time. Not sure if that is hormonal or if it is the electrolytes I'm taking (they have potassium, magnesium, niacin, d-ribose, creatine and something else) they really seem to give me a boost of energy- did I mention that? Of all the many supplements I've tried this is one of the few I can tell a definite difference with. 


Today's plan is yoga but I've been up since 3:30, I don't know.....

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Ok, yesterday I got in 30 mins of Tracy Anderson. I also did a lot of walking to appointments, and going up and down flights of stairs. We have a family rule of no elevators.  We don't live in a big city, so it's not a big deal to walk a couple flights of stairs, lol. It's not like we are going to things on a 30th floor.


I just looked at the calendar and my period is due in 48 hours. I am not feeling great, very crampy etc. This is exactly when things fall apart for me. I don't feel comfortable, I am sleepy, yet have trouble sleeping etc.  I have also gained 3.5lbs in 3 days. Ah the joys of being 48. 


So, here is my goal for the rest of this week: I will do at least 30 mins of TA but I will not judge myself if I don't want to do a cardio workout. That is going to be ok. It isn't ideal, I know. But that workout is harder than you might think and I feel it the next day. I can manage 30 mins when I feel like this, but not an hour a day. I often get the mindset that if I can't do it 'right' then why bother doing any. Then it is difficult to restart etc.  So, if I just want to do the 'fun parts' then that is going to be ok!

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redsquirrel- my periods have been really hard on me since then returned this time, at first they totally knocked me on my butt for the entire time pretty much and it wasn't until half-way through the month that my energy returned, however I found out that I was iron deficient. I shouldn't have been considering my diet but I was having absorption issues. I hammered in the iron supplements and got up to a decent level and it is so much better, this month I had started on the electrolyte as well and it has been my easiest period in forever. It is lighter and I only had some times off and on the first day that I had to lay down, instead of all day or several hours, I was even able to exercise the first day. Anyway, just a thought....


I got in a playground workout today, swinging on the monkey bars, balance walk, climbing the flag pole (I failed), trying a few swinging moves on the bars and sprints- about 25 minutes. We also took a short leisurely walk this afternoon (about 20 min) and I'm getting ready to do my mutu. I'm looking forward to yoga class tomorrow and I'm soooooo hoping for a decent night's sleep.

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Nothing today, but I got more sleep than usual. Just a few more days of the fast. Then I'll slowly start building up my exercise again. 



I just looked at the calendar and my period is due in 48 hours. I am not feeling great, very crampy etc. This is exactly when things fall apart for me. I don't feel comfortable, I am sleepy, yet have trouble sleeping etc.  

My period is due very soon also and I feel like rubbish. I hope it arrives before Tuesday, since I have a flight to Barbados on that day. I always seem to get my period, or at least the absolute heaviest day, on flight days. I'll be 47 tomorrow, so I hear you on the age thing also :grouphug: . It seems to keep getting harder. 

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I added more cardio in at the gym. I get bored easily so I did 25 min on the treadmill, then the weight routine, then 15 min each on the elliptical and rowing machines. It was fun. My workout was later in the evening than normal and I really felt the effect of a poor nutrition day about halfway through. Today, more protein.

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Trying out a new yoga class tonight (because I had to miss my regular one last night to go to Hobbes' parent/teacher night).  She says she doesn't do headstands, shoulder stands or handstands.  Hmmm.... I like shoulder stands.  We'll see though.  


My foot is doing better.  I'm starting to add in gentle walks.



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missed checking in but I've been working out!


Started a new zumba toning class where we mostly flail around with 2.5lb weights which are a bit like maracas so they make noise. 2.5lb sounds wimpy until you've been flinging them around for an hour while trying to dance LOL. Still doing the other 2 zumba classes each week. Have noticed I'm not doing deep enough stretching as I suddenly can't do certain yoga poses so need to address that.

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OMG, Negin, Barbados!  I hope you have a lovely time.



So, my period showed up 2 days early, lol. At least I know why I was feeling so crampy yesterday.  And today I am wondering what was I thinking? I reeeeaaaaallllyyyyyyyyy don't want to exercise today. I want to sit on my butt and read stupid things on the internet, maybe eat a bunch of hummus or something.


But, I will try to get that 30 mins in later today.

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Session w trainer followed by 35 min elliptical.


Today he had me leg press 270 lb :D I also did stupid one-legged bridge things (hate those) and twisting planks (w straight arms), lat pull downs, some fly things w the cable machine to strengthen my shoulder, and a balance step-up move leaning forward (he called it a 'swan'). 3 sets of 12-15, rotating through.


Is it nap time?



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Did and enjoyed yoga class last night.


Just did Gentle Flow Yoga with Deep Stretches with Yogi Nora, easy and challenging at the same time, it was nice and slow but the stretches were deep and some poses are hard to do slowly. She was great with cuing about postures, which was fabulous as I need to focus on position and breathing. She is very smiley, she reminds me of the Denise Austen of Yoga, perpetually happy. Getting ready to do Mutu- 1hr ish total


It looks like a lot of us are doing Yoga, does anyone have any favorite videos? I've been enjoying the Short and Sweet Yoga but was ready to try something new today, considering a Yoga30 subscription. I have a Rodney Yee video but I just don't like it, I had Bryan Kest before and liked it well enough but I'm not that advanced right now, I'm getting there.


May walk today if the sun comes out, this is supposed to be the last day of rain for awhile, I'm ready for it.

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We had to drive 11 hours on Tuesday to get to a Wednesday funeral. Driving home today. I did get a 2 mile run in Tuesday evening. Wednesday I stretched and grappled with 18 yo dd and then 7 yo- fun and relaxing.


Long drives and weird food= arthritis flare up.

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Who missed me?!


I injured my heel something awful, but it was a two week waiting period to see the doc, so I just rested. I raised the kids from the couch (sword fighting while laying down is awkward), and my wonderful, wonderful husband did most of the housework when he got home. I've gone from not being able to walk to walking over 3,000 steps before the pain kicks in so I started the NROLFW thing. I'm afraid to do more MMA for now.


Squats, dumbbell rolls, push ups, and swiss ball crunches. I drank 48 ounces of water during my workout!

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