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Murray is missing (CC)

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Silly cat! Does he ever go outside? If not he may be scared and hiding. He will probably come out if he gets hungry.


If he isn't back by, say, tomorrow, you'll want to do some things. I will get info to you. My SIL's cat was missing recently, and she told me about a pet detective site online where she got some great tips. I just can't remember what it was. I do know about missing cats though so I will tell you more about this if the naughty boy stays out longer than he should.


In the meantime, I will be praying. BTDT, sweetie, and I know how it feels.

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Will pray for Murray.


This happened last summer with our indoor only cat (10 yrs old). I was sure he hadn't made it after about 10 days as I couldn't imagine he had the skills he needed to survive. I was pretty sure he had been in our backyard but he woulnd't come when we called. My Dad got me a humane trap which I put out with food inside. It worked that night. We caught him...a lot thinner and hopefully a little smarter. :)


I think some of the local humane societies have the traps that you can borrow if you decide to go that route.

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I'm praying for you for Murray.


This happened to our family with one of our indoor-only cats. He was young (2 years) and 4-paw declawed. I heard a cat howling loudly outside during the night. I checked my garage and my two outside cats were sleeping peacefully in their beds, so I went back to bed thinking, "Well, it's not one of my cats at least. I hope that poor kitty is ok whoever it is." It never occurred to me that one of my inside cats had somehow gotten out.


In the am my ds was standing at the kitchen window and happened to see a cat face peep out from under the neighbor's shed/barn. It looked like Theta, but, wasn't Theta sleeping in his bed? Nope. Checked the whole house. No Theta. We have NO CLUE how this cat could have gotten outside, and he never, ever makes a sound.


Ds tried to get him to come out from under the shed, but the cat was terrified and wouldn't budge even for his beloved boy. Ds finally got some smoked turkey (Theta's weakness) and the cat stuck his head out far enough for ds to grab and pull him out.


Poor cat was shaking like a leaf. Sat on a chair beside ds all day long shaking. He finally recovered and became his old, playful self, but two years later he still stays far, far away from any open door.


I pray you will find your Murray and that he will be forever content to stay in your house.

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He's back.


We got back from the ped and there he was, under the porch, rolling in the dirt. Dd got out and went to the porch and he got up, stretched and sauntered over to her with dirty paws, dust bunnies hanging off his whiskers and an attitude of, "What? Did I do something?"


Apparently, he's had quite the adventure. My neighbor said yesterday that she saw him up a utility pole. She didn't realize he was mine. She said he was creating quite a fuss, but didn't have time to coax him down. Obviously, he got down, and went out and about.


Silly cat.


Thank you for all your prayers for his safe return!

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He's back. Apparently, he's had quite the adventure. My neighbor said yesterday that she saw him up a utility pole.



Maybe he was practicing his Glen Campbell, "Wichita Lineman" song for American Idol?


Glad to hear you'll all sleep well tonight, especially Murray! :grouphug:



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