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Ok -- UNCLE!!! I give up!!


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VENTING otherwise I will explode!!


Thursday morning I wake up to dripping in my kitchen. A major ice dam has formed outside and the water is dripping in. I put down towels and hope it won't ruin the wood floor.


Friday I got home from work to discover my Swiss Mountain Dog has broken into the cat food and helped himself to half a bag's worth. This dog can eat anything non-organic and poop it out no problem, but introduce any type of new food and he will have pooping problems for days! So now we have at least 4 feet of snow surrounding the house and I have to keep letting him out every 20 minutes so he can poop. Which he doesn't want to do because of all the snow and the fact that it is about 5 degrees out. He hates getting his paws wet and hates the cold. Every time I sit down he comes over with the "I have to poop NOW" look on his face so I get up to let him out but then have to coax and yell for 10 minutes to get him to get out there. And I keep changing the towels from the ice dam dripping.


On this same evening I am waiting for my husband to get home from skiing. I am thinking he can help with the shoveling and the dog. We are scheduled to get ANOTHER blizzard on Saturday night and I need the extra help. He decided to take a few days and go about 3 hours away to ski. He calls to tell me he is not coming home because on his last run he fell and broke his ankle. I should feel sympathy but I don't - he always has to be the LAST ONE down the mountain on the hardest trail. He should be happy with two days skiing but no, it is never enough. He always has to do "just a little more". I finally stopped going running with him because he was always "one more street sign then we will turn around". When he would take my daughter to batting practice she would make him agree how many buckets of balls he would have her hit because he always made her do "one more" no matter how long she was in the batting cage. So this was just him being "one more run" even though he was tired and it was dark. And now he has pushed it too far and is three hours away with no way to drive his car home. I spend all weekend trying to brainstorm how to get him and his car home, figuring out where he should be operated on, etc. All while changing the towels from the ice dam dripping, letting the dog out to have diarrhea in the driveway, and hoping the power doesn't go out because we are having hurricane level winds.  


We have a steep, long driveway that we pay a snowplow guy good money to plow. For some reason this year he plows everywhere except for in front of the garage doors! When I open the garage doors Sunday morning I am faced with a snow bank that is about 4 feet high and 5 feet wide -- and then the rest of the driveway is cleared. What is with that!? My husband deals with the snowplowing and the shoveling, but HE IS STUCK 3 HOURS AWAY WITH A BROKEN ANKLE. So on Sunday I have to go out and try to shovel enough to get my car out. It was my time of the month and I had terrible cramps. I should have been in bed but I am now changing the towels from the ice dam dripping, letting the dog out to have diarrhea in the driveway, and hoping the power doesn't go out because we are having hurricane level winds, and shoveling my driveway with cramps.


Today I went back to work. We are getting another 3-5" of snow. I barely made it up my driveway when I went home for lunch because the plow guy hasn't been by yet. My husband won't be home until tomorrow. And my Swissy dog decided to break into the downstairs again where we keep the cat food, ate more cat food and then peed on the rug.


I am officially crying UNCLE while changing the towels from the ice dam dripping, letting the dog out to have diarrhea in the driveway, and hoping the power doesn't go out because we are having hurricane level winds, and shoveling my driveway with cramps and stressing that I won't be able to get up my driveway when I get out of work tonight!


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We've had winters like this.  The relenting snow that kept on coming - makes one want to cry.  The last straw for me was when it snowed a ton and we had a snow drift from the plow up to my shoulder.  There's nothing so discouraging as cleaning it up just to have to go out and do it again.  And then to have to do it alone?  Oy vey.

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Sounds kinda like my day. The day before we depart on a 2000+ mile roadtrip when the signal lights and remote start quit working and the registration was misplaced. So a planned one hour oil-change errand turned into an all day affair of emergency mechanical/electrical appointments + sorting through papers to find the misfiled piece.


I'm so glad I finished laundry and packing yesterday!

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