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Do you get dizzy more easily since having kids?


Do you get dizzy more easily since having kids?  

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  1. 1. Do you get dizzy more easily since having kids?

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Since I've had kids, I notice that I get dizzy more easily. Many of the rides at an amusement park bother me now, although they didn't use to. At tae kwon do, I can only do a couple spin kicks before having to change to the other direction or I get dizzy. I don't think it's age related, since I had kids younger than average, although I have had a lot of health problems, so it's hard to sort out.


Is there any way to learn to tolerate things with less dizziness?

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I went on a cruise when I was in my early 20's.  The weather was rough for part of it and I got a bad case of seasickness.  That seemed to trigger something, because ever since then I've had bouts of vertigo, and as I've gotten older I have to be very careful about positional vertigo.  So seasickness was my trigger.  But it was before kids, and I didn't notice it getting any worse after they were born.  DH has developed some age related issues.  He's always loved roller coasters and never used to have any problem from riding them.  But in the past few years he's had to start taking Dramamine before he goes to an amusement park.

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Dizziness can have many causes, but since misalignment of the upper spine/neck can be a cause, it can actually be directly related to having children, more specifically, to carrying children. You might benefit from a visit to a chiropractor.


What I'm referring to is not dizziness at random, but from a cause, such as spinning around in tae kwon do or rides at an amusement park. Does your advice still apply?

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That's funny, I think I get dizzy less often than when I was young. I also spin around in circles less... I think when I do spin, I probably feel less comfortable being dizzy, but I assume that's just because I'm old. Old and lame and not rolling down enough grassy hills.

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No.  I have always had a problem with temporary dizziness when I stand up from sitting.  When I was a teenager, this sometimes resulted in fainting, but that doesn't happen now.  I think that is partly because I am better at recovering by simply standing with my hand on something to orient me and waiting.  My vision blurs when this happens, but it doesn't last, so if I just stand still, I am fine.  I have beautifully low blood pressure, but I am not sure that's what it is all about - I am told it's more how the body regulates blood pressure, so some people who don't have really low blood pressure still have this problem.

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For me it's vertigo. I had a really bad case of it when pregnant with dd--that's when I was officially diagnosed--but I'm sure it was going on before as spinning rides at the fair made me really nauseated. Now just looking at anything spinning or even sitting on the "wrong" side at church can make me feel a bit disoriented. It was quite a change for me as I used to like spinning rides and at one time was a Dizzy Bat champ--even though my head was spinning I could still run straight! :D

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I can't do rides anymore either.  I used to ride everything, even the craziest ones!  I can't even look at the spinny rides anymore.  :(


I do also have low blood pressure.  In fact, I was dizzy a lot during pregnancy.


But the meds I'm on now, one I cannot stand at all after taking it or I will faint.  It hits me hard about 20 minutes after I take it.  Often when I get up at night, I have to steady myself on the bed or nightstand so I don't crash into something.

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I definitely get motion sickness now, when I didn't before.  No more swings or roller coasters for me.  But the change happened when I was about 30 years old, before I had any children.  I went on an anti-gravity ride thingy, and got really dizzy, and sick from the motion for the first time in my life.  Since then, I can't ride roller coasters, or ferris wheels, or carousels, or even curvy car rides without feeling sick.  I don't know if that crazy ride caused my problems, or if it was just an age thing, and that was the first time it happened.  But it wasn't related to pregnancy or childbirth.  It happened three years before I had children.

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