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Nothing New/Mindful Spending Week Seven


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The "rules" of this challenge are self-defined. Anyone can join in at any time. The aim of the challenge (for me) is to combat consumerism, wastefulness, mindless buying, and overspending. It is meant to nurture creative problem solving, ecology, frugality, intentionalism, and resourcefulness. To support these goals, I seek to buy nothing new. I aim to use existing resources, borrow, hand-craft, and buy existing second-hand materials to the greatest extent possible. However, I recognize that life is unpredictable, and family life increases this factor exponentially, so I will buy new in the following cases, when a non-buying option does not present:


Food, health, and necessary household goods excluded.

Requirements for school, work, or health and well-being which cannot be obtained used.

Gifts, when a creative non-commercial option will not suffice.

Anything animal or gardening related that cannot be obtained used.

Fuel/energy sources.


Posts will appear each Saturday, referring to the week that is ending. Post your successes, creative solutions, relapses and weak moments. It doesn't matter if you have a weak moment! Just keep swimming!


How is everyone doing? I'm still on track with not mindlessly buying things. DD and I went to JMU last night/today, so there were expenditures (hotel, food), but nothing outrageous. I didn't even buy a JMU sweatshirt, but I wanted to! The hotel was not the cheapest; I have already decided I don't choose hotels on price alone anymore. There is something to be said for not having a paper-thin door opening to the exterior and hearing people talking/laughing/partying at all hours of the night. (True story from a previous college visit where I was bargain-hunting.)


Last week I bought three (new) books about ROTC and military service for DS who may go this route for college. Other than that, I have kept a decent cap on my book-buying addiction thru copious library requests and Amazon used marketplace (though I admit it is hard to wait for a "normal" shipment when you've gotten spoiled with Prime, or digital downloads that appear immediately. ;) First World Problems.

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Last week I bought three (new) books about ROTC and military service for DS who may go this route for college.

My dh just received orders for an ROTC instructor position. He's pretty excited.


We bought a new dog bed for our greyhound - $27 at Costco.


My parents came for a visit this weekend. They pretty much live just to spoil my kids. They took them shopping today for new summer wardrobes, shoes and pajamas. That saved me a few bucks! Dh and I took advantage of our child free time and went to a movie. $25 for our date - well worth it! 😄

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I found a killer deal on a gas grill for my married son and his wife. $20! I had been thinking of getting them one when I go visit them this summer. But a friend of mine was selling hers because her dh got a new, bigger one for Christmas. So it works great and is in great shape. Score! So now in addition to the entertainment center that I'm transforming into a kitchen for my gdd, I will also be hauling a grill on my 22 hour drive to their house. If we take the grill apart and put all the back seats down (we have an SUV) it will fit. Thank goodness it will be summer and we won't need to pack many clothes.


I did take my daughter to Five Guys Burgers and Fries yesterday for lunch, which wasn't necessary, but sure was delicious!

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Ugh what a week.


The second fridge died. I threw out a lot of warm perishable food. The wine was saved. Important things, yah know? I thought I could get $50 from the electric company for the fridge, but it's too new of a model, and they want working ones.


Spent $95 on steaks (Valentine's Day/DH's birthday) and replacing warm food. At least the steaks were very good. :-(


Baseball registration was yesterday. $160. I also have gymnastics performance fees and soccer registration coming up. I need to see which kid needs new gear and start checking resale shops.


The kids are studying Japan, so we went to a nearby Japanese place for lunch. It was terrible, bland and way too greasy. Waste of $25. We can make way better sushi at home.


And insurance won't cover part of my dental work. Apparently it is not medically necessary to have molars.


I don't think I bought anything non-consumable though. There is that.

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I did pretty well this week, but part of that was fueled by a purchase we made early in the week. Dd is leaving next month to study in Japan and I bought her plane ticket. That was enough to keep me out of the stores this week! 


I did meet a friend at Culver's so I spent the $3 and had custard.  Well worth it- I love that gal and really enjoy getting together with her. 

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The usual groceries, no gas needed


I bought a new cookbook (The Complete America's Test Kitchen TV Show Cookbook) because I couldn't renew it from the library. We has loved every recipe I had made from it during the three weeks. I'd call that mindful yet not-absolutely-necessary spending.


Some social spending last night---went to a tapas restaurant with friends before a concert (season tix to the university series---this was an amazing saxophone quartet).


But big discretionary spending on the horizon. Dd asked to attend the four week Arabic session at an immersion language camp (Concordia Language Villages). She actually had to present the idea to dh as a pitch. We paid the deposit yesterday. She is writing the scholarship application as a condition to attend. We doubt she'll get any of the (need-based) money, but having to "express why you wish to become proficient in this language and on now learning this language might make a difference in your life" will be helpful to her in the late when she has to convince the university Arabic faculty to let a sophomore in their class!


And then dd was officially invited to TX to spend up to two weeks with her bestie who moved away. We knew that was going to happen :) So she'll need (affordable, thank goodness for Southwest!) airfare and a smidge of spending money.


I forsee babysitting or tutoring in dd's near future!

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Not a bad week for me. I did purchase a couple of cosmetic items, but they were on sale and were items I need. Waiting until I need something seems to help me appreciate it more.


Found dd a dress for our home school group's dance. It was on the sale rack at Dillard's and was 30.00.


Our family ate lunch out yesterday since we were out doing shopping. Thirty dollars for lunch for three people. Then dh and dd got ice cream at a new ice cream place in town. I feel fine about these expenditures because it helped make for a nice Valentines Day and we have been doing less shopping and going out to restaurants lately.

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This past week, I bought a new diaper bag for baby on the way. I also bought a few nursing bras and cute non-skid socks for the hospital. I decided to only buy things on the baby list that I need to pack for the hospital. Then I will re-evaluate the list after the baby shower. Its just a family only shower since this is our 3rd so I am sure there will still be more things I need. But hopefully doing it this way will cut down on returns. Oh, and I almost ordered the carseat online, when at that very moment mil called dh and asked him to email a few links to carseats we liked because she wanted to get it for us. Woohoo!!! Had she called 5 minutes later, I'd have already ordered it!!!


Dh bought a few things to set up the coffee bar again. He hadn't been drinking coffee, thinking that was causing his heartburn. Turns out it was the Claritin and switching to Zyrtec cleared up the heartburn. For the last month or so, he's been buying coffee at coffee shops and convienence stores, so making coffee at home will save us in the long run.

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I don't report weekly but I do enjoy reading everyone's posts.


One of the non-profits for which I volunteer asked me to serve on a state advisory board which means that I occasionally attend meetings that last several days.  I am reimbursed for mileage, have hotel and meals provided, and spend the time learning/networking which for me is a sort of vacation.  So I was at one of the meetings this week--and was so busy that I did not even think about spending a dime except for a cup of coffee to keep me awake on the drive home. 


May I ask you a question in light of this challenge?  One of my son's friends recently had a baby.  She and her husband both work but they are just making ends meet.  I would like to give them a baby gift which could be cash or could be a gift card.  I am thinking about buying a cardboard number book (my traditional baby gift given who I am) along with a Target card and maybe a card to a place like Panera so that the family could grab a sandwich or salad when totally exhausted.  Do any of you have a better idea?

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I used my Christmas money this week; I got a new functional tote bag to replace one that had been given to me years ago that I hate. (Marie Kondo's spark joy question caused me to shop---no other option presented itself). I also got a pair of turquoise moccasins that sparked joy when I saw them at TJ Maxx. I needed new house shoes.


My non-mindful spending was cinnamon bears at the hardware store. I needed a new doorbell and front door locks per our realtor, and those cinnamon bears are a weakness of mine.

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I did well this week, we had a dessert date for Valentines (cheap date but babysitting was $$), I bought my middle child boots because the ones I bought for her birthday were too small. Since we got such a good deal on the boots, I also let her have a cute dress from the clearance rack, she could use another for church. Those clothes were $30 total. Other than that, I bought a latte once this week. Oh and when Tuesday was wretched, I sent the kids to bed on peanut butter and jelly and bought take-out for DH and I. :/ That was $20. 


Everything else was ordinary and necessary expenses (groceries, haircut, gas....)

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My parents came for a visit this weekend. They pretty much live just to spoil my kids. They took them shopping today for new summer wardrobes, shoes and pajamas. That saved me a few bucks! Dh and I took advantage of our child free time and went to a movie. $25 for our date - well worth it! 😄


This is awesome! What a treat! :)

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My only frivolous spending was $30 for sushi with the kids, a friend, and her kids. We hadn't seen them in months, so it was money well spent.


The food budget is a little off thanks to DD being placed on a restricted diet. I spent $580 on Bar exam registration and $25 for a haircut in advance of a job interview.

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Jane, we give board books for baby gifts, too :) I think combining it with a gc to Target and Panera (or similar, depending on where they live) would be a lovely gift for the parents. I greatly appreciated the food gift certificates we were given when we were really struggling.


My grandmother used to send us a check at our anniversary marked to be spent on a restaurant date :)

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JaneNC- I think your ideas are good, another gift, which is really non-exciting is diapers. Disposable diaper costs really add up quick and it can be one less expense. 


I just looked over our expenses but my mind is blanking bit. I bought night lights for the kids- $6. Last night at the grocery store I bought us some treats for V-Day- on-sale g-free cookies and a larabar for me- $4.5


Dh spazzed a bit buying things for their camping trip but I think it was less than $20, that hasn't went through yet and I haven't talked to him. 


We went skating, planned $13 and rented movies $2.5.


Grocery spending has been higher than usual but we are not wasting food and are eating more fruits and veggies, so I'll consider that good overall. It seems appetites have just been up and I've been craving veggies. 


Next week: 

planned sleepover event for girls $20

planned taking kids out for icecream- $15-20


I haven't bought any more books and besides dh's work boots we've not bought any clothes.

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Hmmm. I've been recovering from my csection for the last 2 weeks so dh has been doing all the spending. The unnecessary spending has only been on take out a few times and I'm OK with that. If getting take out helps dh spend more time taking care of me and the kids then by all means get take out! The way I see it is we've spent nothing on gas the last 2 weeks so we aren't messing up the budget with the extra take out.

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I don't report weekly but I do enjoy reading everyone's posts.


One of the non-profits for which I volunteer asked me to serve on a state advisory board which means that I occasionally attend meetings that last several days. I am reimbursed for mileage, have hotel and meals provided, and spend the time learning/networking which for me is a sort of vacation. So I was at one of the meetings this week--and was so busy that I did not even think about spending a dime except for a cup of coffee to keep me awake on the drive home.


May I ask you a question in light of this challenge? One of my son's friends recently had a baby. She and her husband both work but they are just making ends meet. I would like to give them a baby gift which could be cash or could be a gift card. I am thinking about buying a cardboard number book (my traditional baby gift given who I am) along with a Target card and maybe a card to a place like Panera so that the family could grab a sandwich or salad when totally exhausted. Do any of you have a better idea?

Sounds good to me. I love board books, would appreciate a Target gift card loads, and being able to grab a bite to eat some difficult day would be a godsend!

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My only frivolous spending was $30 for sushi with the kids, a friend, and her kids. We hadn't seen them in months, so it was money well spent.


The food budget is a little off thanks to DD being placed on a restricted diet. I spent $580 on Bar exam registration and $25 for a haircut in advance of a job interview.

Oy! Those examination "fees"! They are crazy-dollars!

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We're doing really well. Mostly its down to tracking everything with YNAB - that "confessional" element where I have to be honest about where the money went (must be my Catholic unbringing). That and the weather here - its really hot and humid and I hate to think of DH working really hard while I fritter away his earnings.


For those of you who can't resist buying books on Amazon, why not try the Australian experience: multiply the value of the book by 10 and then add another $20 to get an idea of postage, devalue your dollar by 20% before paying, and when the book arrives, fold it in half a couple of times, drop the package on three of the four corners, then hide it in the cupboard for another three weeks before you can use it. Trust me - you'll be frugal before you know it!

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We bought a car last week. :( Not completely unplanned since we knew it would be needed eventually, but spur of the moment. The transmission went on my husband's car for driving to work, and with the ridiculously high mileage on the car (almost 300K?) it just hasn't been worth it to keep fixing it. The replacement is cheap and used, but the last cheap car ran for 8 years so hopefully we get a similar lifespan from this one.


We had money back from Sams Club that all went to cough drops and Tylenol and frozen pizzas while we battled the flu. We bought a few extra medical things that we didn't end up needing, but I won't mind having on hand for the future. We have to watch a couple of my kids carefully when they are sick because they can't always clear their airways effectively, but thankfully they barely got sick compared to the rest of us.


We have a few bulk purchases we will need to make before long, but we are waiting for our tax return to do that.

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For those of you who can't resist buying books on Amazon, why not try the Australian experience: multiply the value of the book by 10 and then add another $20 to get an idea of postage, devalue your dollar by 20% before paying, and when the book arrives, fold it in half a couple of times, drop the package on three of the four corners, then hide it in the cupboard for another three weeks before you can use it. Trust me - you'll be frugal before you know it!

Haha! Thanks for the laugh! Is it really like that for you folks Down Under? Seriously, that would put the kabash on over-use of Amazon. Most of my Amazon addiction is based on my complete and total lack of patience!

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