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Exercise Thread ~ February 8th - 14th


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You have to be very careful if you go ahead and do extra anaerobic training, as this is where injuries can occur for us older folk. ;)  Teens and young'uns in their 20s (and Martial Arts instructors that are under 40) don't think about this. My instructor finally understood when he turned 40 and realized how much more fragile his body was.  :laugh:


Wintermom, thank you for saying this!  LOL     I keep telling the kids, "You'll get it when you're my age."   


On my way to the gym with the best workout partner. My son! We are sneaking out before everyone else wakes up. ðŸ˜


I  LOVE this.  

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Starting to feel as if I am getting a cold, so took it easy today.  Took a walk along the beach on a gorgeous, crisp winter day.  It's the beach where the first sequence of Chariots of Fire was filmed, and it's stunning on a day like today.  I just watched that sequence again, and it looks as if it was decidedly grey and chilly the day it was filmed....


13,000 gentle steps in all today.  Now for a cup of tea and an old film.

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Wintermom, thank you for saying this!  LOL     I keep telling the kids, "You'll get it when you're my age."   


I  LOVE this.  


Don't you miss those good old days when the body bounced back quickly from most things?


Now it seems like I just have to step out of bed in the morning and I discover a new sore joint or muscle. ;)

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ok, so bump in the road... yesterday I was taking my eldest and his friend to another friend's house so they could have a snowball fight/party (such a crazy crowd my kids hang with, lol) I was going to exercise with dh when I got back. But, instead I got rear-ended. We got hit so  hard we went spinning around and ended up in a ditch facing the other direction.


We are all fine and I am not even sore today or anything. But, yesterday was a lost day for sure. And now today we have a snow day and everything feels like it is all off schedule. Blech.  I didn't intend to give ds2 a snow day off from school but so much of the day has been spent on the phone with the insurance company and car rental and body shop blah blah that I just gave up trying to get to school work.


I might try to get in some cardio this afternoon, but I sort of just want to sit here like a blob.


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I'm sorry redsquirrel. You are given permission to be a blob. Although some cardio might make you feel better. Don't ever take a missed day as a bump in the road. Life happens. Don't be discouraged.




you are absolutely right that some cardio would help...I am just cold, lol.  February is the hardest month for me, motivation wise. I am sitting here with long underwear, jeans, 2 pairs of socks (one pair is wool), tank top, turtleneck, wool sweater, fingerless wool gloves, a scarf and a wool hat.  This is what I wear from January until the end of March. 


My desire to go upstairs and change out of my clothes into cold exercise clothes and get cold and sweaty and then change back into my cold clothes isn't very high right now.


So, my desire to be a blob is only in part to all of the annoyances related to the car.


BTW, the car that hit me is completely totaled. It's airbags went off and its engine was hanging out etc. It looked really bad.


I might get some kettlebell in tonight with dh. We can usually motivate each other, lol. But, I will have to walk across town with ds1 to piano lessons because we don't have a car. So, that might be enough for one day.

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A one-mile walk at lunchtime (all that I can fit in) then three miles this evening.  I've taken to accelerating up hills to increase my intensity - it's easier for me than trying to walk any faster on the flat.


Tomorrow morning I need to get up and walk first thing - not my favourite schedule, but everyone else is away at the moment, so that's the only time the dog can get a decent walk.  In the evening, I have yoga, then I'm treating myself to a meal out with some 75% off vouchers.

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I forgot to mention in my last update that I added some kettle balls to my gym routine on Sunday morning. Oh my! My arms are still sore and its Tuesday morning. I will go to the gym again this afternoon. I want to add hanging abs today, but I'm a little nervous without a spotter the first time. 😀. Hope everyone has a great day!

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Today was a yoga day.  I think I'm going to back off kettlebell for a while and focus on yoga and running.  I actually think yoga will be my first focus, then getting runs in when I can.  I think I was overdoing it.  My legs have been sore when I go to bed and I'm exhaused.  The teaching I've been getting at the yoga studio has been so helpful, and I want to focus on good form and strengthing my core.  I plan to keep up the pull-up/push-up work, I think, for me right now, that's the most important in regards to strength work (besides my core).  


And Red... :grouphug:  sorry about your car.  I'm glad everyone is ok.  That's scary.  

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I added zip and yoga last night. I'm strongly considering getting. Certified in April as a yoga fit instructor. We shall see. I'm going to go run after this coffee. It's the day I teach co-op science so I need to get going.

Kim-sounds like a good plan

Lucky ama-now that's good multi-tasking

Slache-glad you're feeling better

Snicker and Binip-the busy thing is irritating. I hate when real life gets in the way of what I really want to do.

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Rest day for me today, which will give my poor body a chance to recover from the skiing. There are a lot of new muscles needed in skiing - they didn't seem too pleased about being "woken up" in the middle of the winter like this! ;)


The rest of the week is wonderful!!  :hurray:


Thur - tennis

Fri - tennis

Sat - tennis



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Well, dh had something else in mind this morning so we didn't make it to the gym ;)




Today may become a rest day or I may do Pilates for an hour at home. I don't have time today for a gym visit.


Two things- 1. That counts as physical activity


                     2. I cracked up when I read this and then looked to see who posted it.  Your name is a perfect match to your                 post.g

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Two things- 1. That counts as physical activity


                     2. I cracked up when I read this and then looked to see who posted it.  Your name is a perfect match to your                 post.g


My thoughts exactly :lol:


Last night was martial arts.  I am ultra ultra sore from Monday night's wo; today- active rest day, so I plan on 1-1 1/2 hour of kata work at low intensity, just working on rhythms and then Thai combo and stretching.  

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I am ultra ultra sore from Monday night's wo;


Me too.  And after yesterday's MA, I just feel worn out.    When I laugh, my obliques hurt.   And my shoulders.   LOL  I don't even know where to begin with that.  :zombie:

But I'm kind of excited bc after passing progessions last month, today's WO is finally something new for all elements.  Yip!


WO stretch roll

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Me too.  And after yesterday's MA, I just feel worn out.    When I laugh, my obliques hurt.   And my shoulders.   LOL  I don't even know where to begin with that.  :zombie:

But I'm kind of excited bc after passing progessions last month, today's WO is finally something new for all elements.  Yip!


WO stretch roll


My abdomen muscles cramped when I bent over take off my socks!  :laugh:  Some kind of revenge from my muscles, I gather.

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You guys are much tougher than I am.  


Last night's yoga was rather gentle - I would have preferred to work harder, but oh well.  Today dog and I went two and a half times round the grounds of a local stately home.  Once fast up and down the hills; the rest of the time enjoying the snowdrops and the white-painted house glowing out of the woods in the failing light.  10.000 steps.

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