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I hate to fly, but... (SWA & CC)

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I just snagged seats 16-20 on my Southwest flight tomorrow. dance019.gif (subdued, Presbyterian happy dance.)


Could you say a prayer for me please, seriously. I really struggle since the early deaths of 3 of my family members in the past three years. Can I tell you how annoying it is for me not to trust God's will? Or to live in fear? Ugh, anyway, prayers and good thoughts appreciated.

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:grouphug: (subdued Presby group hug for ya)


I hear you, Karen. It's irrational, I know--we're in more danger driving to the market, yada yada yada. But I still crave a wee little Valium when I fly. And I've been crossing the country by plane since I was 6 months old!


Sending up a little prayer for you today! :001_smile:

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DH used to fly professionally. He gave me stats, basic flying tips, etc. However, emotions and logic have nothing to do with each other. I say a prayer before the flight, ask for a hedge of protection around our aircraft, and entrust my life to the pilot. Then hope the flight attendant has the Bailey's ready and waiting :) Or splurge on a Diet Coke to pacify me. Once we're airborne, I'm fine. And logically speaking, I know we're more likely to arrive safely to our destination than any trip on I-35.

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Prayers and :grouphug: Presbyterian back pats - can't let our emotions run wild, can we?;)


I just snagged seats 16-20 on my Southwest flight tomorrow. dance019.gif (subdued, Presbyterian happy dance.)


Could you say a prayer for me please, seriously. I really struggle since the early deaths of 3 of my family members in the past three years. Can I tell you how annoying it is for me not to trust God's will? Or to live in fear? Ugh, anyway, prayers and good thoughts appreciated.

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I just snagged seats 16-20 on my Southwest flight tomorrow. dance019.gif (subdued, Presbyterian happy dance.)


Could you say a prayer for me please, seriously. I really struggle since the early deaths of 3 of my family members in the past three years. Can I tell you how annoying it is for me not to trust God's will? Or to live in fear? Ugh, anyway, prayers and good thoughts appreciated.


Try to get on the exit row - you'll have more leg room. love your presby dance as well :)

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I just snagged seats 16-20 on my Southwest flight tomorrow. dance019.gif (subdued, Presbyterian happy dance.)


Could you say a prayer for me please, seriously. I really struggle since the early deaths of 3 of my family members in the past three years. Can I tell you how annoying it is for me not to trust God's will? Or to live in fear? Ugh, anyway, prayers and good thoughts appreciated.


Good thoughts coming your way.


When I lived in Texas, I always felt that if I *had* to fly, at least I could fly Southwest. Don't they have the best safety record of any airline, besides possibly Quantas?

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Good thoughts coming your way.


When I lived in Texas, I always felt that if I *had* to fly, at least I could fly Southwest. Don't they have the best safety record of any airline, besides possibly Quantas?


Yes. Did you see that Quantas flight last week that had an oxygen tank (I think) in the luggage compartment blow a hole in the side of the plane? I think everyone was alright though.

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I'm praying for you, that all will go well, that you'll be able to relax, that you'll remember what we talked about before, and that you'll have a great vacation.


(Trying to have a subdued Presby hug/happy dance but Calvary Chapel is bursting out...sorry!)

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More even than peace, I pray you have FUN. There are some goofy flight attendants on board with Southwest and I hope you get one that makes you laugh.


Dh and I know lots of Southwest pilots and a few maintenance guys. All are class acts.


Praying for smooth air, too.

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I'm praying for you, that all will go well, that you'll be able to relax, that you'll remember what we talked about before, and that you'll have a great vacation.


I'll try. :001_unsure:


More even than peace, I pray you have FUN. There are some goofy flight attendants on board with Southwest and I hope you get one that makes you laugh.


Dh and I know lots of Southwest pilots and a few maintenance guys. All are class acts.


Praying for smooth air, too.


Thank you. Oh yes, we love the flight attendants on Southwest. One guy who was from Orlando gave us a hysterical "insiders tour" one year as we were preparing to land.:lol:

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