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DS just tested positive for Strep and Flu- Help!!!!


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We just got back from the dr and DS7 tested positive for strep & the flu- hence the 104 temp. My poor baby :(  He woke up seriously ill yesterday morning and will be out of school until next Monday.

The thing is, my DH is travelling on business for another 10 days, and I have a massage therapy practice and well, cannot get sick.  I just can't.   I won't lie- its already been challenging enough to balance a sick kiddo w/ my work schedule- I've been able to shuffle & cancel and stay home with home - but I have clients on Friday & Saturday and am nervous about exposing them not to mention, the possibility of getting sick myself. 

Anyway.  I know that I've already been exposed as DS has been ill for 1.5 days, but what can I do? Is it possible for me to avoid this?  

-Nasal colloidal silver

-Oregano Oil (internal pills)
-Thieves Oil on feet

-Echinacia, Kick a$$ immune support, Vit D, 

-Lots of tea & rest

Any suggestions?  I'm cleaning shared spaces, eating high quality foods and drinking lots of fluids...but can't help feeling like I live in a cauldron of disease right now- LOL

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One Christmas we had all 3 kids and mother-in-law (staying with us) all sick with flu at the same time. They all had positive tests. One so dd so bad she ended up in hospital. I cared for them all and I didn't get sick. It really was a case of the old and the young. I do quarantine as best I can, the sick ones stay in their rooms and use only specified bathroom. Lysol wipes used liberally on all doorknobs, light switches, faucets, high-use areas. Paper towels only, no hand towels anywhere. No sick one allowed in the kitchen or to help themselves to any food. I know it sounds tight, but it has worked for us. I serve the sick ones food in their room, they can watch TV there, I make sure they drink plenty, are well entertained, dosed with whatever they are taking, etc. 

All the best!

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Thanks!!!  Its shocking how little 'basic hand washing' I actually do.... Good reminder on the toothbrushes too!  I'm pretty spacey apparently.   Juggling too much with not enough sleep.

I'm trying to figure out if I should cancel all of my clients for Friday & Saturday.  I am still building my business and really hesitant to cancel more sessions (I had to reschedule an entire day), but at the same time would feel terrible if I unknowingly passed it along to others- even though I feel fine.    But I don't have 'sick' childcare for him on Friday anyway- .  Sigh....

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My family had this and IMO, you really need to cancel your appts. If you don't cancel you need to wear a mask while working with people that closely.


It was a terrible combo and my six year old ds was extremely sick and it was two weeks before he was back to somewhat normal. The flu that is with the strep is quite serious and can be deadly to some. I would not put clients at risk and if I was seeing someone and I knew they knowingly exposed me to that I would never actually see them again. That is how bad it was, it was not a small cold, I nearly took my ds to the hospital and if my nephew had been there I really don't want to know how seriously ill he would have been. It makes me sick just thinking about it.


I didn't actually get sick, I started taking meds with the kids but it all actually hit me quite hard because I was up with ds so much. I lost a lot of sleep. I would try and rest when you can and get plenty of supplies for soup and about a ton of your favorite tissues.


I wouldn't mess around with this, I would do the allopathic medication but JMHO. Whatever you give the kids also give yourself.

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We just got back from the dr and DS7 tested positive for strep & the flu- hence the 104 temp. My poor baby :(  He woke up seriously ill yesterday morning and will be out of school until next Monday.


The thing is, my DH is travelling on business for another 10 days, and I have a massage therapy practice and well, cannot get sick.  I just can't.   I won't lie- its already been challenging enough to balance a sick kiddo w/ my work schedule- I've been able to shuffle & cancel and stay home with home - but I have clients on Friday & Saturday and am nervous about exposing them not to mention, the possibility of getting sick myself. 


Anyway.  I know that I've already been exposed as DS has been ill for 1.5 days, but what can I do? Is it possible for me to avoid this?  


-Nasal colloidal silver

-Oregano Oil (internal pills)

-Thieves Oil on feet

-Echinacia, Kick a$$ immune support, Vit D, 

-Lots of tea & rest


Any suggestions?  I'm cleaning shared spaces, eating high quality foods and drinking lots of fluids...but can't help feeling like I live in a cauldron of disease right now- LOL

I would cancel your clients on Friday and Saturday. I'd be very grateful to you for the heads up if I were a client, and I'd never come back if you didn't tell me and had a sick kid there! 


As for you avoiding it, do what you are doing, and maybe add some vitamin C 

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I have respiratory masks at work for this reason (to use if I have any respiratory symptoms, ever).....and of course, at minimum will give my clients the information and let them make a decision. There's no way I'd just sneak it on them- that's terrible to even consider as it undermines everything I stand for in health & wellness. 

No, I'm just trying to figure out if I should just not even give them an option and simply cancel because I know how serious this is and don't even want to take the change....I'm thinking yes.  


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Every time we've gotten flu as a family, it was shared before the first member showed symptoms (i.e. boy got it from friend who's sister had confirmed flu.  Boy got sick on Wed, Girl and I got sick on Thursday, DH got sick a couple days later).  On the other hand, my dd had confirmed influenza B at age 4 and no one else got it.  So keep on handwashing!  We've never shared strep though - that has always been a one off thing here.  Honestly, I'd cancel those upcoming appt, and I wouldn't count on child being ready at all for school on Monday either.  We usually had fever for a good week with the flu and felt low and was coughing for a while after.  It is a long recovery.  Strep has always been a quick recovery here once on abx, but I'm sure it's complicated by being together.

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Every time we've gotten flu as a family, it was shared before the first member showed symptoms (i.e. boy got it from friend who's sister had confirmed flu.  Boy got sick on Wed, Girl and I got sick on Thursday, DH got sick a couple days later).  On the other hand, my dd had confirmed influenza B at age 4 and no one else got it.  So keep on handwashing!  We've never shared strep though - that has always been a one off thing here.  Honestly, I'd cancel those upcoming appt, and I wouldn't count on child being ready at all for school on Monday either.  We usually had fever for a good week with the flu and felt low and was coughing for a while after.  It is a long recovery.  Strep has always been a quick recovery here once on abx, but I'm sure it's complicated by being together.

We've never had the flu so I'm not sure what to expect...so, thanks for the heads up that he might not recover as fast as quickly as he would from something else.   Frankly, I can only hope that if DD & I are going to get it, that it will surface in the next 24-36 hours-Strange wish.  


Agreed- for us, strep has always been isolated to 1 person and a very quick recovery once abx are started.  

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Yeah, as one of several here who are sick with multi-week viruses that someone passed along to us, I vote for no clients this week. The flu is nothing to mess around with. Hope your boy is feeling at least a bit better as soon as those antibiotics can kick the strep to the curb.

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Did you get Tamiflu for your son? You could also ask the doctor for a prescription for yourself and your dd, as it works very well as a preventative.


Sadly no.  It was prescribed but we are doing a medi-share substitute instead of health insurance and so we self-pay for prescriptions.  Turns out Tamiflu is $287 for a juvenile dosage and frankly it may/may not have worked at this point for him anyway.   

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My family had this and IMO, you really need to cancel your appts. If you don't cancel you need to wear a mask while working with people that closely.


It was a terrible combo and my six year old ds was extremely sick and it was two weeks before he was back to somewhat normal. The flu that is with the strep is quite serious and can be deadly to some. I would not put clients at risk and if I was seeing someone and I knew they knowingly exposed me to that I would never actually see them again. That is how bad it was, it was not a small cold, I nearly took my ds to the hospital and if my nephew had been there I really don't want to know how seriously ill he would have been. It makes me sick just thinking about it.


I didn't actually get sick, I started taking meds with the kids but it all actually hit me quite hard because I was up with ds so much. I lost a lot of sleep. I would try and rest when you can and get plenty of supplies for soup and about a ton of your favorite tissues.


I wouldn't mess around with this, I would do the allopathic medication but JMHO. Whatever you give the kids also give yourself.

Echoing all of this. DS and I were both hospitalized due to this combo. We were kept in isolation rooms at the hospital. Awful experience. And I'm still not well, a month later.
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Sadly no.  It was prescribed but we are doing a medi-share substitute instead of health insurance and so we self-pay for prescriptions.  Turns out Tamiflu is $287 for a juvenile dosage and frankly it may/may not have worked at this point for him anyway.   


Ugh,,,bummer. :(


We have insurance but the juvenile dose was still $120. 

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I don't cancel things for a well family member because someone else in the family is sick. When any of us are ill we blame it on a trip to the grocery and not our friends or family. 


If someone got me sick I would blame the person who got me sick. I get really mad when people get me sick, I don't like it and if a professional health care provider got me sick I would be extremely cross.


Such an illness would put my nephew in the hospital. only recently he was in the hospital because someone got him sick at boy scout camp. No one wants the poor kid to be disappointed about missing camp but nearly killing my nephew isn't worth someone else's kid going to boy scout camp.


People need to be more careful about spreading germs. That is why flu spreads around like crazy, people need to keep their sick germs home where they belong.


If someone had strep + Flu I would cancel things for everyone. That flu is very serious, my friend was only this week posting on facebook how his daughter's best friend passed away from this illness. Whatever people have planned, it is NOT WORTH IT. 

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If someone got me sick I would blame the person who got me sick. I get really mad when people get me sick, I don't like it and if a professional health care provider got me sick I would be extremely cross.


Such an illness would put my nephew in the hospital. 


People need to be more careful about spreading germs. That is why flu spreads around like crazy, people need to keep their sick germs home where they belong.


If someone had strep + Flu I would cancel things for everyone. That flu is very serious, my friend was only this week posting on facebook how his daughter's best friend passed away from this illness. Whatever people have planned, it is NOT WORTH IT. 


Of course we never know who really gets us sick most of the time. That what's really difficult. In our world we are out and about many people all the time at different activities, stores,school, church, daycare, friends etc. I agree if someone is ill with flu or strep not to be around others. I'm so sorry about your friends daughter.  :grouphug:

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This combination is a very serious illness and should not be taken lightly.  Cancel your appointments and spend your time at home with your son.  He needs to be carefully observed, as things could go bad quickly.  He will be ill for five to ten days.  We have several children hospitalized for this right now, and they're quite ill.

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