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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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-cello, piano lessons

-Full list for boys

-do CC prep



-mail trunki 

-library returns & pay fine

-cook something for football game


Before Trip on Saturday

Finish Limoncello

Wash boys linens and blankets

Change water in aquarium

Make list for housesitter

Pack & mail cello

School: prepare/bring the majors + music history workbooks, Bible curric?,

Empty Fridge

Get airplane snacks, dollar store junk for toddler

Download lightbot, rush hour, trainyard,

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Today is "easy."


- Don't eat.

- Computer and TV news killing time until the guys get up.

- Don't eat.

- Shower.

- Don't eat.

- Kill time - MAYBE doing something, but not with critters since I already showered.

- Don't eat.

- Drive to surgery center for carpal surgery in the middle of the day.

- Ok, this part I don't have figured out yet, but I think I get to eat if interested!


ps  I'm not hungry and don't expect to be since radiation took that feeling away last year, but it sure is HABIT - thus - the continual mental reminders.

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Good Morning!


It's a cold, icy and rainy day here.  I hope coffee will help me get my motivation in high gear! 



  • must do--classroom and basement -should only take me 1/2 a day, but must be done today
  • cook loaded nachos for dinner--my guys are so excited..lol
  • laundry
  • vacuum the main floor 
  • Most important--play with Sophia Grace as her Mama went back to work today

Have a great day everyone! 

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Good morning!


Back to the old grindstone today as we start back to school.




breakfast and lunch for dh

printed school lists



To Do:

breakfast for the rest of us


dd sign on to her online class 

go to bank and get cash

take dd to purchase her book for class

lunch out for first day back

tidy house

go to tea



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Creekland, hope surgery runs smoothly and recovery is quick.
Tammy, it's about the same here weatherwise and right now I want to pull the covers back over my head! I've said buy to coffee until after this baby since my blood pressure has been creeping up the last few days. It's going to be a long 3 weeks!

Sleep is getting harder and harder so most mornings I feel extremely exhausted and unmotivated. The next few weeks are going to be me doing the bare minimum to keep this house running.

- get school done
- laundry washed, folded, and away
direct kids in cleaning the mess they've created in computer room

- straighten up downstairs
- pay bills
-finish pulling out baby clothes

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creekland, I hope the surgery is smooth and successful!


For me:

--ignore the sinus headache (thanks, nasty rain!)

--school w dd

--just stretching and some ab work today; day off from gym

--usual house things

--bring boxes and totes down from attic now that it's not freezing up there

--pack away Christmas things that we gathered in dining room

--prep dinner

--some vacation things (10 days...)


Have a good day :)

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Creekland, good luck on your surgery!


Luckymama I hope your headache gets better.


Not much on my plate today.


I've already done all my morning chores


need to write out this weeks lesson plans (quickly)


Taking youngest to ENT to check progress on her broken nose, it happened years ago but the break was on the growth plate and they can't fix it til she is done growing.  Poor thing can only breathe out of one side of her nose.  She is hoping surgery can be sooner rather than later.


It's in the 40's today, a break in the cold, it's not going to last, but it is nice.


Stalking the postman, years ago, we bought oldest an Astak EZ Reader Pocket Pro, it was really expensive and it was one of the finest e-readers, in my opinion, ever made.  It broke a few years back, they don't make it anymore and I've been looking to replace it but afficianados kept the prices up around $300 so there was no way.  I found one last week on Ebay for $50 and it is supposed to be here today!!!!!!  Hope it lifts her spirits.


and....figure out supper.  again. 


Have a great day everyone!

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Good Morning!


Feels like I'm moving through molasses!  Slooooow morning.   


so far:




garbage out


to do:

tidy up my room

tidy up everything else

get laundry going

laundry fold

laundry put away

my studies

dd's mission blog


make grocery list



beef and broccoli and rice for dinner


healthy habits:

no sugar day 12

run (too icy right now, maybe this afternoon)

water x x x x x x

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Good morning

- continue flu recovery- just a cough but blah

- dishes- done and did again

- fold laundry- all but socks/undies done

- tidy house- round 1 done

- call school to let know I'm getting dd1- done

- transfer money- done

- get money- done

- pick dd1 up from school- done

- return movies- forgot them

- buy coffee- done

- take dd1 to try out for a play- done, she's Tilly the mermaid

- dinner- done

- baths- skipped

- bedtime routine- 1 down one to go

- would like to try walking on my treadmill for a little bit today- nope

- planner stuff

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We survived the weekend! Got the cold water plumbing done, next weekend will be the hot and install the tub and entry closet shelves (well, that's the plan as of now anyways). 



E-mail to dd's friend's mom...DONE


Fold 3 loads of laundry

Menu plan the week out

Figure out what I need from IKEA, going tomorrow for kitchen command center stuff and closet organization items

Figure out what to do with old greeting cards, and do that today to get them out of the living room.

E-mail to aunt about bridal shower for future sister-in-law

Return DVD bins to basement

School...can't forget about school

Wash Jeans

Clean up spilled miracle gro in the utility room

Sewing machine moved back downstairs

clean off counter


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Well my nephew never showed up for school today so with just my kids here I'm not doing anything formal.  We read a chapter in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and have played some board games to help with math skills.  I'll most likely have my oldest read out loud to me later but other than that I'm calling it a day.


They are relaxing with a show or 2 so I can take a nap before preparing lunch since I slept terribly last night.

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Good morning! Creekland, I hope your surgery goes well. I am back from the meet. It went well, very tiring driving and ds3's bus didn't get in until 10:40 pm last night. Everyone is going to work anyway and I have Christmas decorations to put away (grumble). They were supposed to be done when I was gone. So I am doing that, probably dusting as well. And then a nap.


To do:

go through mail

school administration

oversee dd1, dd2, and ds2

put away decorations

motivated moms stuff

PM practice/aikido


Have a great day, everyone!


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Creekland, a reminder!  Don't eat!  


Praying for you and the surgery today :grouphug:






To do:


declutter closet


take dd to lunch, have one of those "life" discussions, as in "...do you want to go through this lazy phase the next seven years?"  This WAS my overachiever.  Is this puberty-related?   :scared:   


call doctor for test results, if any available

take ds for swim team tryout/practice

take tour of gym

watch football 


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Jean and hjjfkj, sorry you both aren't feeling well! Feel better soon!



I just talked to my sister, and she was getting dizzy while driving. She pulled off and her in-laws were actually very close by are driving her home. I told her I'll come back to TN if she needs me, so I'm doing some more laundry and getting together a plan in case I go.  I might leave the kids here to manage the house and school without me. I'd be more focused on my nephew and sister. 




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Surgery is done.  I can eat now.  ;)


The Dr. said there was a significant pinch, so if true (and not the autoplay line he tells everyone) then hopefully this will be the beginning of the end of nerve issues.  I'm hopeful!


And I have a Dr's excuse to be lazy today and tomorrow.  It could be a worthy time to more or less start following instructions.  :D  After that life returns as normal - if normal is truly out there that is.

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Hope you rallied or at least gave in to the read in jammies all day. 


Ha!  After my little fit here I did rally and get to work.  My kid is studying, my labor-saving machines have all been running, and I'm back for a break in an immaculate kitchen :-)  At this point I just need to tidy the LR, rotate laundry, and do math.  After that I'm free until I teach a 6 p.m. class.  Luckily the students come to me and I don't have to leave the house for that.  Dinner is a school fundraiser and DH will pick up Shophouse (the Chipotle company has an Asian flavors version of rice-with-stuff.) later and the Fine Arts Boosters will get 50% of the proceeds.  I'm charitable like that.  At some point I will begrudgingly knit a stripe of grayish-white onto my Sky Scarf that has been a lovely blue for a few days.

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Nap refreshed me enough to get things done.  I roasted a chicken while I napped so the main part of dinner is done now I just need some veggies to finish it off.  Laundry is mostly folded and put away only 2 more loads to go on that front.  Computer room is cleaned and my desk is nicely organized!  I even got some reading in which I was really wanting time to do.

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House cleaning 

Outside Time

Read Aloud





So, far its been good. Momma's tiered but everyone has cooperated! I swapped the read aloud for a fun movie. I do need to spend more time with the fun readers with my girls. 

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Good Morning!


It's a cold, icy and rainy day here.  I hope coffee will help me get my motivation in high gear! 



  • must do--classroom and basement -should only take me 1/2 a day, but must be done todayDone  :party: 
  • cook loaded nachos for dinner--my guys are so excited..lolDone :thumbup: 
  • laundryDone
  • vacuum the main floor--didn't get to it, but tomorrow I will
  • Most important--play with Sophia Grace as her Mama went back to work todayShe came down to check on Nana today...she had a blast playing.

Have a great day everyone! 

I got it done....the basement is finished (or as finished as possible today) . All 5 billion boxes put away and it's clean down there...like spotless. :)   Dinner is simmering, 1 little load of laundry got done.   I got lots of hugs and snuggles from SG today when she came to check on me.    


Dh is rewarding me with a large glass of riesling and I'm going to test out our huge tub tonight by candle light.  


Hope everyone had a great day!

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I managed to strain a tendon in my wrist while sitting almost perfectly still (talent!) and I do not want to do anything today. Glad to have the accountability to myself here. 



-cello, piano lessons

-Full list for boys

-do CC prep OR decide to skip it... 



-mail trunki 

-library returns & pay fine

-cook something for football game


Before Trip on Saturday

Finish Limoncello

Wash boys linens and blankets

Change water in aquarium

Make list for housesitter

Pack & mail cello

School: prepare/bring the majors + music history workbooks, Bible curric?,

Empty Fridge

Get airplane snacks, dollar store junk for toddler

Download lightbot, rush hour, trainyard,

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We survived the weekend! Got the cold water plumbing done, next weekend will be the hot and install the tub and entry closet shelves (well, that's the plan as of now anyways).



E-mail to dd's friend's mom...DONE


Fold 3 loads of laundry...Done

Menu plan the week out...Done

Figure out what I need from IKEA, going tomorrow for kitchen command center stuff and closet organization items...in progress

Figure out what to do with old greeting cards, and do that today to get them out of the living room...in progress

E-mail to aunt about bridal shower for future sister-in-law. ..Done

Return DVD bins to basement...Done

School...can't forget about school...Done

Wash Jeans...Done

Clean up spilled miracle gro in the utility room

Sewing machine moved back downstairs

clean off counter...in progress

Working on my Ikea list now

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All laundry is away. All infant clothes, blankets, and sheets have been pulled out and will be washed and put away tomorrow. The downstairs got pretty straightened up but still needs a good dusting and sweeping which will happen tomorrow. Now I'm going to read till I fall asleep.

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