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Exercise Thread ~ January 4th-10th


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Today I walked 90 minutes on the treadmill, and did some leg and core work after.


I know it's blasphemous to say, but I don't really like chocolate. I'll eat it, but I don't crave it. The upside to this: more for the rest of you! If we're talking about Gummi Bears, on the other hand ...

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Dh was off today so it became a rest day. The -15 windchill didn't help either. I did go to yoga last night and since tomorrow will again be subzero I plan on going to try an interval training class. Or saying screw it and running anywY. I'm beyond ancy here.


Chocolate is ok but chips, nachos, oozy melted cheesy fatty goodness? I'm there.

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Friday was a total bust.  My foot hurt enough to keep me awake Thursday night. Not good, considering it usually only hurts when I put weight on it and usually only when I first get up (plantar fasciitis).   I'm probably going to Dick's later today to find a good pair of sneakers that will help.  I don't want to stop exercising (even as light as I'm doing) but I can't be kept awake with foot pain either.

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Care to share your standard gym workout? ;)

I'm seriously just beginning but had the benefit of a trainer who doesn't believe in the phrase "I can't." And also I have an athletic 11 year old with me who has a few intense classes under his belt, so he's now an expert. Lol. It's a 1 hour workout with the goal of moving quickly between stations so that my heart rate stays up. If at any point I'm not breathing heavily, I jump back on the treadmill for 5 minutes.


I start with 7 minutes as fast as I can go on the treadmill. Then stretching with bands and pvc pipes. Then squats and lunges. Back to Treadmill 5 minutes. Then rotate on the weights (very light) legs, rowing machine, arms. Legs, rowing machine, arms. I keep doing that combo until I've done at least three leg machines and 3 arm machines. Then 20 minutes on the treadmill. To finish I grab a mat and do sit ups and stretches.


And today after all that, I asked DS if he wanted to do anything else before we left and he said "have you been out back, yet?" He slung open the back door and said "it's 400 yards to road. How many ya wanna do?" Lol. We had fun!! There was a lot of interesting stuff out there that we will try next time.

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Day 34/105: Full body weight training


Tomorrow is rest day and this finishes Alpha Phase for me.  :scared: It was such a good start after my 2 or 3 month burnout. So. much. sweat.


My4cowboys, I forgot to mention that the biggest improvement I've seen with T25 has been my hips and stomach.  :D


Lollie, what gym lets you bring an 11 year old?

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Finished week 1 of Couch25k, then walked 60 minutes on the treadmill. Also did a lot of crunches, some planks, and those Roman chair leg lift things.


Slache, hips and stomach improvement sounds very encouraging - exactly where my body needs the most help! I talked to DH about T25, and we're definitely going to order it in March. Congrats on finishing Alpha!

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I did yoga yesterday and today.  didn't walk (went to the dentist instead.  fun.)

My regular/fall-back yoga is probably going away.  my stepped up yoga practice is taking over the regular spot.  a satisfying way to measure progress.  I have some other stuff to mix in.

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Open mat today for 2 hours followed by kettle bell 100 swing challenge and a 2 mile walk with dh.  Still sore from goblet squats yesterday and I cannot eat more than a few bites without feeling weird.  I hope none of y'all get the wonder that was our version of the 2015 stomach apocalypse.


Hopefully I'll be up to running tomorrow.


Stay well everyone and I love seeing all the new names and new workouts that I have to google.

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