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Pity Party


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I'm throwing myself a pity party.  I have the flu.  My sister, her husband, and their four kids got into town on Sunday evening for our Mom's 70th birthday party which we held on Monday.  Monday evening I had an itchy throat.  Tuesday-wham!  Sick as a dog.  And Wednesday.  And today.  I finally drug myself to the Minute Clinic this morning for an eval and came away positive for flu and directions to a pharmacy 30 minutes away as the closest one with Tamiflu (which may or may not work given that I'm on day 3...).  My sister leaves tomorrow and I'm so sad that I missed pretty much her whole visit.  They had to drive 22 hours to get here, so this was a big deal.  I'm just really bummed.

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Awwww, I'm sorry. How heartbreaking. Sending hugs.


Can I join your party?


You're not alone. The flu struck here Monday morning as we loaded the car to go visit my mom. I haven't seen her in forever, and really miss her. :( 3 of us have Flu A, and two of us have strep on top of it. Both kids are volcanoes that erupt predictably and regularly - making for lots of extra clean up and laundry. I wanna cry. And our car is *still* loaded!


Knowing just how you feel, and sending sympathetic thoughts... Along with virtual chicken soup.

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Awwww, I'm sorry. How heartbreaking. Sending hugs.


Can I join your party?


You're not alone. The flu struck here Monday morning as we loaded the car to go visit my mom. I haven't seen her in forever, and really miss her. :( 3 of us have Flu A, and two of us have strep on top of it. Both kids are volcanoes that erupt predictably and regularly - making for lots of extra clean up and laundry. I wanna cry. And our car is *still* loaded!


Knowing just how you feel, and sending sympathetic thoughts... Along with virtual chicken soup.


Of course!  Misery loves company.  ;)  I was pretty sure I wasn't alone.  I'm sorry you got to miss your visit with your mom.  As of right now, I'm the only one sick out of my family of 7 and my sister's family of 6.  I do hope it stays that way.  I have never had the flu before.  This is so miserable.  The lady at the clinic said she's seeing a fair amount of people with strep on top of flu.  That's even worse.  :(

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I'm sorry you missed your sister's visit! That sucks!

Can I come to the party too? This is my third day sick...missed two days of work and thankfully the weekend is here so I can rest up some more and hopefully be feeling fine for work on Monday. Is it normal that the whole family doesn't believe mum is really sick? I'm sure everyone thinks I'm being a complete princess, but this pretty much feels how I felt in the middle of chemo 4 yrs ago! Not fun!

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