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How should I use my REI dividend money?


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I have about $50 in REI money that I completely forgot about that expires in a few days. I have NO clue how to spend it. We're not super outdoorsy. We have all our basic camping gear - tent, camp stove, sleeping bags. Everyone's bike works. The kids like rock climbing, but they do it at a gym - no need for equipment. All the other outdoor things we do are like walk and test stream water for fun. I don't need new shoes. I need new yoga type pants for yoga but major brands of exercise clothes never do right on my body, though probably tops could work maybe, I'm just not into sporty clothes for the most part.


Ideas? I hate to waste free money...

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Socks. They sell great socks. My sons love the smartwools, and so do I.


ETA- in the years we have a sizable dividend, it usually goes to socks because it's hard for me to spend that much on socks even when they are on sale. But they last a long time. My younger son is wearing ones we got for my older son 4-5 years ago!

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Socks are always useful.


If you view it as free money... splurge on nature guides or rei's house brand binoculars.


We used our last couple years of dividends and return credits to partially fund buying luggage this fall. Their house brand rolling duffels and carry-ons are nice.

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SmartWool socks are wonderful.  Leaving in Texas I never gave much thought to socks until I got a pair of SmartWool.  I bought a pair of REI brand hiking socks recently and love those, also.  There were some smartwool sweaters and hats that looked (and felt) wonderful when I was in the store last week.  If anyone in the house in into cycling, they have some great knee and are warmers.  If you can't figure out anything else, you could always stock up on Kind bars.

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Socks are always useful.


If you view it as free money... splurge on nature guides or rei's house brand binoculars.


We used our last couple years of dividends and return credits to partially fund buying luggage this fall. Their house brand rolling duffels and carry-ons are nice.


These are almost the exact things that got us the dividend in the first place. :) Except the socks.

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first - change your attitude.  this isn't "free" money.  this is money you have already paid them - and they are giving it back to you as a percentage of what you have already spent.


shoes, sandals, jacket, blankets, skirts, tops, yoga equipment, etc.  good quality long underwear?

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Thanks for the ideas. I shopped a bit. Remembered I sort of could use new Keens. None of the kind I want in my size though. Didn't like any others. Poked around. None of the clothes seemed right. Couldn't quite get with the sock idea.


And then I gave up and asked my way more athletic sister if she and her bf would like it for their bicycle everywhere, climb rocks everywhere, hike the world as yet childless lifestyle. They would. That's good because I got her a very small Christmas gift and she has seen all my kids' crazy performance opportunities and is an awesome person. Ah. Problem solved. Money gone to good use. :D

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