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Exercise Thread ~ December 28th - January 3rd


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After a disaster with a  trainer last week, yesterday I met with the trainer dh uses and worked with him.  Today he sent a text asking how I was feeling and told me to only do a medium cardio workout today and no high intensity interval training.  I was SO happy to hear I should only do that.  After dh, I think this guy is my new favorite man. g That's saying  a lot, as Robert Downey Jr. has been high on my list for years. 


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Strapped on my fitbit flex today. Coughing has prevented me from hiking but I'm perusing kettlebell videos and hoping to resume my wo schedule very soon. What the absence has taught me is how much of a reset button my workouts are for me. That's a really affirming thing to learn :D


Mom-ninja, doggie workouts are the very best kind because a smile somehow always manages to work its way into the picture.

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Seems unlikely that I'll do much at all today. There's always tomorrow. 


Reschedule today as a rest day and you won't feel behind:)


100 swings and 20 TGUs with 30 pushups.


15K may be cancelled due to vomiting sons, including my medically fragile 8 yo... so we are on hospital-watch.  On the upside it's been several hours of lightly sweetened tea and no problems:)

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We hit the gym this morning. Probably a bad idea. It felt like the only people there were super bodybuilders...I felt pretty out of place! But we did our 35 minutes of cardio and the HIIT workout our trainer gave us, and I feel better. 


I also talked to a man who is turning 92 in two months and he's been coming to the gym almost every morning for 6 years.  And he drove himself in 12 degree weather. So if he can do it, I can do it.  



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New Year's Blessings to all my workout sisters, here :D


And a big thanks to Negin for 'hosting' this thread. It's been a fun and inspiring place to visit and cheer (and get cheered) on.


Rieshy, I hope your family heals up quickly.


Today I'm coughing a lot less, the weather is clement and I'm planning a hill hike and a yoga-Pilates session. My fitbit told me that I got 7.5 hrs of sleep last night and that I woke 18 times. Twelve of those times were likely due to little doggie who, as it turns out, had an upset GI tract. I won't be sleeping with the fitbit on regularly but I'm curious to see how my sleep lines up. Today is my first day using it to really track steps. Hoping for at least 10,000.


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Our household is sick again. I had 3 kids throwing up last night, and I don't feel great either. That could be because my dh and I spent over an hour cleaning up vomit last night. My one son woke up throwing up and it got everywhere. I'm spending the day reading, if I feel well enough tonight maybe I'll try some yin yoga.



Hope your kids feel better soon and that you don't catch it. Ugh....the years of kids barfing in unison were awful.  


What a way to start your year. 

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Our household is sick again. I had 3 kids throwing up last night, and I don't feel great either. That could be because my dh and I spent over an hour cleaning up vomit last night. My one son woke up throwing up and it got everywhere. I'm spending the day reading, if I feel well enough tonight maybe I'll try some yin yoga.


Ughh- right there with you!  Bunkbeds are the worst.....  I'm just happy that our version is not the flu.  I hope you beat whatever version your family has soon.  My fragile son is pulling through, and I don't think he'll have to go to the hospital- WAHOOOOO! 


I just got a 3 mile run in.  It felt great- especially since I know I will be up all night checking on people.

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Our household is sick again. I had 3 kids throwing up last night, and I don't feel great either. That could be because my dh and I spent over an hour cleaning up vomit last night. My one son woke up throwing up and it got everywhere. I'm spending the day reading, if I feel well enough tonight maybe I'll try some yin yoga.

Gosh darn I wish you could all get well! This year seems worse in terms of sickness.

This morning was a late start and there are arctic winds blowing outside so... I did a pretty intense kettle bell thing ( my arms are noodley) and am going to the church to Walk Away the Pounds

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I've done yoga three times this week.  considering everything - that's doing well.  I'm feeling good, almost all poses are the full pose  (my knee still gives me trouble when I bend it.), so very little modification. 

but that also means I have two more days I can do yoga this week.  yeah.


it feels good.

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Had a great hill hike today. And I easily reached my 10,000 steps :hurray: Part way through my hill hike my fitbit vibrated. At first I thought, what the heck is going on, and then I figured I'd hit my 10,000 and it was letting me know. When I got back and synced it the data did indeed show that I'd surpassed my 10,000. I imagine by the time I go to bed I will have gotten in 12,000 and since this has been a fairly typical day for me, perhaps even a smidge less active, I'm feeling good about being able to meet my daily 10,000 on most days. Didn't get my yoga-Pilates in though.

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Can't wait to get to the gym today. I should be able to do everything except the treadmill and some of the leg exercises. I think I may have to get the foot checked out again. It's not getting better and it's been two weeks. Ă°Å¸ËœÅ¾


I set a few very modest fitness goals for the new year. The first, is to go to the gym 3 days a week and be able to join the cross fit class by June. The second is to plan at least once a month to have a major family outing revolving around fitness. Generally that will be a day of hiking or biking on some of our beautiful trails. Ă°Å¸ËœÅ 

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I set a few very modest fitness goals for the new year. The first, is to go to the gym 3 days a week and be able to join the cross fit class by June. The second is to plan at least once a month to have a major family outing revolving around fitness. Generally that will be a day of hiking or biking on some of our beautiful trails. Ă°Å¸ËœÅ 


I keep trying to tell people that these are the goals we should have. "Lose 10 pounds and learn spanish" isn't going to get you anywhere. Go to the gym 3X a week and use Duolingo 5X a week should be your goals. This is why nobody accomplishes anything.


Mine are to RUN my entire 5K this year, beat my Mount St. Helens climb, continue with the fitness programs I have planned (which is how I will accomplish the first 2), and drink no more than one soda a week.

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Kim, I can't believe you guys are sick again. Man, I feel for you as dealing with vomit is still very fresh in my mind. Not a good way for you all to start the year!


lollie, injuries take a long time to heal. Two weeks is nothing in healing time unless you are under the age of 6. It took my knee 6 months to be back to normal. It took my tailbone a full YEAR to stop hurting every day with every motion I made. It still aches if I sit too long or try to recline in any way. I injured my shoulder 4 (maybe 5 weeks?) ago now and it still hurts, and it it is no where near being back to normal.


That is one reason I feel so frustrated when I injury myself. I know how long recovery will take.


Yesterday, I again ran with my dog. Haven't decided what I'll do today.  

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I ended up being lazy yesterday.  Staying up past midnight to ring in the New Year and finishing a bottle of Cava with DH wasn't the best plan for getting a good, energetic start to the year  :laugh:.  This morning I did a slightly hilly two miles of mostly walking with a little running with the dog. Then after bringing him home, DD, who is 6 and absolutely fierce, and I went for a little more than two miles of jogging/sprinting/walking.  Then I stretched, and did a little ab work with our cat sitting on my yoga mat, sticking her nose in my face every time I brought my head up when switching from cat to cow :lol:   


We're supposed to get a wintry mix of freezing rain and snow tomorrow, so I might have to get on our treadmill tomorrow.  I fell on it two summers ago and got a badly sprained and scraped ankle.  I've had a really hard time getting comfortable running on it again, but I'm going to have to if I want to get all my runs in for training.  


I hope everyone who is sick/injured recovers quickly. 

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Lollie, I have lots of guilt free things because I eat healthy 95% of the time. If we go to the beach we get McDonalds on the way home, once a week we watch a movie and eat pizza and soda, and I get one chocolate bar a month. If we go out to eat, which happens about twice a year I get a Shirley Temple and dessert. But the rest of the time I eat healthy. Having the ability to partake in those things and having yummy healthy food is what keeps me on the wagon. I don't eat "health food", I eat peanut butter granola bars, roasted brussels sprouts, fresh fruit, colorful salad, etc. I'm a people, not a rabbit. :)





I've decided to take the rest of the week off. Next week is supposed to be my last week of alpha, so I'll do next week and then decide if I need another week before I move on to beta. Peace out y'all!!




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Rieshy, I'm so glad your son didn't end up in the hospital! These illnesses have been rough.


My kids are still sick (well, 2 kids are fine and I'm afraid that they will be sick for our 9 hr drive home) and I'm still not 100%, but I ran 3 miles and then did 45 mins of gentle yoga. I've run a total of 9 miles this week and my hamstring feels good.


I need to add that cleaning up dog mess/barf first thing in the morning is slightly worse, only because while cleaning up after my son I'm feeling so bad for my son and wanting to take care of him. When cleaning up after the dog I want to kill the dog. I love my pets but I hate cleaning up their messes.

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I have been sick since December 23 (the fever hit while I was in the grocery store, of all places). I am left with the residual cough and congested head. I haven't exercised since the 22nd :(


One of my 2014 goals was to exercise on average 5 days a week. I got up to 5.75 days per week---walk/run on treadmill, elliptical and Pilates :party:


Dh and I joined a gym this morning ("free" through his work benefits). I will be starting with a trainer next week :) The best thing---the gym is 1.5 miles from our house so I will walk/run there during decent weather!

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DH is sick now- I felt lousy but slept all day and feel much better- so I got up and did my 100 swing and 10 TGU's.  


It's a challenge from a fellow martial artist to do this everyday for the month of January.  Once I can do it all in under 5 minutes then I am supposed to switch to one handed and then when my time gets down again I am to up my weight.  It's fun and fast.  Today it only took 7 minutes.  



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Gosh, so many of us have been sick this holiday. Ds came down with the cold and dh is trying to outride it with Goldenseal. Sending healthy fairy dust to all the sickies.


Yesterday's steps totaled 12,000+ and today's are quickly adding up. Hill hike yet to do. I seem to be dragging my feet on getting back to my yoga-Pilates sessions.

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So I started working out again yesterday.  THis time I sticking with it come hell or high water.  Yesterday I did a 40 min walk with the dog, 5 minutes on my mini trampoline and day 1 of my 30 day challenges for both the wall sit(only 10 seconds but felt like forever), and the ab/squat challenge (10 crunches, 25 squats).

TOday I went tot eh gym, I did 20 minutes on the treadmill going 3.0 mph no incline, then did 3 sets of 12 reps on the leg press (30lbs), leg extension (20lbs), leg curl(20lbs), shoulder press (20lbs), pec dec butterfly(20lbs).  THen stretching.  Still to do tonight is my day 2 challenges and 5 minutes on the mini trampoline.  

RIght now my times and weights are small, I am so out of shape it is ridiculous but little by little they will increase.  THankfully because I am a student I get access to the gym on campus for only $10 for the whole time my classes are in session.  I want to get a family membership there so my teens can workout but for now it is enough for me to get there and do this.

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Oh yeeeeessss!   Nice!


Dah... You quoted a typo. Now my stupidity will be immortalized in your quote, and we all know nobody on the hive ever does anything incorrectly.



They're kinda neat. I have to spend some time with them. I was playing with the 40s while John (4) played with the 5s and said "This is hard Mama. You do it" and handed them to me.

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Typo fixed, although I am slightly more concerned about you injuring yourself than the typo.  LOL  Just sayin'


Luckymama, that is one long time to be sick.  I'm so sorry that many of you are dealing with this right now.      I'm going now to make ginger tea for everyone.  


Today stretch, roll

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Typo fixed, although I am slightly more concerned about you injuring yourself than the typo.  LOL  Just sayin'




My husband hurt himself doing exactly what I told him not to do. He's fine, but the second I heard the snap I yelled "You used the table as an anchor, didn't you?", and all I heard was "... ... ... Shut up!"

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My husband hurt himself doing exactly what I told him not to do. He's fine, but the second I heard the snap I yelled "You used the table as an anchor, didn't you?", and all I heard was "... ... ... Shut up!"

This made me laugh.


100 swings and 10 TGUs plus FB 100 ab challenge and a 2 mile walk with dh.  Currently I'm steam cleaning the carpets in the boy's bedroom because of the virus from hell.  That should count too:)

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Slache, how are you liking your jawbone?


Got in 12,000+ steps again yesterday. Wondering if I need to up my daily goal since most days that's what I'm getting in. Did some hang time, too, yesterday, first time in a while. I can really feel the stretch and lengthening along the sides of my core. Got to get back to doing this more regularly. Aiming for yoga-Pilates today as well.


Thank you for the ginger tea, SD. I'll bring some grain-free clementine muffins.


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This week I did Fire Starter. Next week I'm starting P90X3.


Have you done P90X3 before? I'm obsessed with P90X, but I wasn't impressed with 3 and didn't finish it.




Shukriyya, I couldn't give a pony's behind how many steps I take. I only get over 10,000 on days that we go for a hike. It does, however, make me think about what I eat, and encourage me to work out more. I like competing with my husband in calories burned and food score. He pretty much walks for a living and I'm stuck in an 800 sq ft apartment, so he tends to get about 10,000 more steps than me, but I burn more calories so booya. I love the alarm and powernap feature, as well as seeing my sleep patterns and considering lifestyle changes to improve my sleep and eating habits. I'd recommend it, though I know nothing about the FitBit, so I can't compare.  :cool:

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Shukriyya, I couldn't give a pony's behind how many steps I take. I only get over 10,000 on days that we go for a hike. It does, however, make me think about what I eat, and encourage me to work out more. I like competing with my husband in calories burned and food score. He pretty much walks for a living and I'm stuck in an 800 sq ft apartment, so he tends to get about 10,000 more steps than me, but I burn more calories so booya. I love the alarm and powernap feature, as well as seeing my sleep patterns and considering lifestyle changes to improve my sleep and eating habits. I'd recommend it, though I know nothing about the FitBit, so I can't compare.  :cool:


I thought I wouldn't care either and not only that I thought the whole thing was another ridiculous, non-organic twist on life as it should and could be lived. But now, oddly, I find tracking my steps intriguing. Last year at this time I was probably getting 3,000 steps a day and likely even less than that :eek:. Now I'm essentially walking 5 miles a day most days. So that's encouraging. The sleep patterns are interesting but I'm not going to continue wearing it to bed much longer as I already have issues with wearing a wireless device on my body. That's why I'm not sure how long the fitbit will work for me but for the moment I'm enjoying it.


Ok, off to do yoga-Pilates if the groundlings, er, dogs, allow it.


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I thought I wouldn't care either and not only that I thought the whole thing was another ridiculous, non-organic twist on life as it should and could be lived. But now, oddly, I find tracking my steps intriguing. Last year at this time I was probably getting 3,000 steps a day and likely even less than that :eek:. Now I'm essentially walking 5 miles a day most days. So that's encouraging. The sleep patterns are interesting but I'm not going to continue wearing it to bed much longer as I already have issues with wearing a wireless device on my body. That's why I'm not sure how long the fitbit will work for me but for the moment I'm enjoying it.


Mines not wireless. I have to plug it in.



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