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Holiday vacation from school

Night Elf

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Our local public school has a half day on Wed this week. They will have 2 weeks at winter break, which is longer than usual.


Since your ds is in high school you need to consider how time off affects his plans to finish all his courses during this school year. My dd attends public high school. There are days off from attending school, but that does not mean not doing any school work. She will have projects and papers to complete over the winter break. They aren't due the day she returns, but if the majority of science research is not done over the break she won't have other time to do it. She does not get class time to do these assignments.


Just review where he is in his courses and where he would like to be at the end of school. Consider his work pacing and decide how much time off his pacing actually allows him to have.

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The local schools have Wed-Fri off.  We typically try to follow their calendar for our own holiday breaks because ALL of dd's friends go to public school and it is nice when they are all free at the same time to get together.  We are not taking the whole day off on Wednesday but we are sticking to a half day.  Same for Christmas break.  The schools have the whole two weeks off so we will takes those same days.

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I'm finding it hard to be constrained by another entity's vacation schedule.  My boys are in college now and I don't like the vacation schedule.  I always took the whole week of Thanksgiving off.  We have lots of family and everything was centered at my house.  For Christmas we took 4 weeks off - usually about a week before Christmas to start.


Christmas holiday was probably the only time that the boys eventually got bored.  Sometimes we did "school-lite" for a week or two before Christmas - mostly subjects that were easy for them to do on their own or with little supervision.  We often caught up on educational videos, etc.


I didn't plan the holiday schedule around the boys and their schooling; I planned the holiday schedule around my need for sanity :)

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We are taking off this whole week, and we will take three weeks at Christmas.  One of the weeks at Christmas is cookie baking week which has become a tradition for us..  DD will still have to go to her one class at the local school (drama), and of course we still have after school activities which follow the public school calendar, but it is nice to get a break from schoolwork at home.

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PS has off this whole week. We're working half days two days and a third day is a field trip. I may do another day of school this weekend as this week is so out of wack from lack of proper planning and switching Barton levels. We're also doing crafts and stuff if I can swing it.

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We're taking all this week off.  I like to do breaks in week-long chunks, because the schedule I have is based on accomplishing certain things on certain days of the week.  Then we have two more weeks left to finish our semester.  The original plan had us finishing the semester at the end of last week and then taking all of December off, but illness meant we had to adjust the plan.


ETA: We'll start back January 5 after Christmas break.

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How much time do you take off during the holidays? I'm letting ds have Wed. through Fri. this week. I haven't yet decided about Christmas though.

My kids have a chapter of science reading and a couple of chapters of literature to read today, and they each need to write a thank you note to a friend who gave them tickets to an event, and they have a two hour martial arts class tomorrow, and that is all for the week.


Then we will have two full weeks of regular schoolwork, and a week of light Christmas schoolwork -- crafts, baking, Christmas reading, etc. Then a full week off the week that has Christmas in it, and a full week off the week after that too. So, three weeks before we return to regular schoolwork. We will have DH around several days between Christmas and New Year's, and we will have company a couple of times in there too, so it makes the most sense to have a big break then.

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We are taking off this whole week.  Then we'll take off three weeks over Christmas & New Years.  Either 12/15-1/2 or more likely, 12/22-1/9. (I have dr appts I want to schedule for right after the first of the year so I figured it made more sense to take off that entire week.)  Or maybe we'll just have a light week that first full week of Jan.

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Ds2 attends private school so we break when he does. He has all this week off. Originally I'd planned to work Mon & Tues with dd but we have random appointments and it's just going to work out better to be completely off this week. We'll be taking 2 weeks off at Christmas. Ds's school starts back on 5 Jan so we'll start up again then too.

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