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Please pray: More moving nonsense...


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Weeks ago, I posted about my investor neighbor saying he and his GF wanted to buy my house which was great because we have a house WE want to buy too.  


Today, the house we want to buy officially went on the market, which we didn't want to see happen due to the risk of losing the house of our dreams. :( I am so sad over it.  I am trying to just trust God with this.  My neighbors continue to drag their feet. They are taking FOREVER to do something very simple that should have been done two weeks ago.  Our house is all ready to go.  They just need to put an offer in writing!!!! There is nothing else I can do but wait and pray that they figure out what they're doing soon.  Honestly, if we end up losing our chance at the new house we want, I don't think I even want to move anymore. Though we really don't fit here anymore either...sigh...


Please pray if you're the praying type that this all works out and soon! I am so tired of being in this constant state of "what's going on?" all the time.  Thanks! 




ETA: I realize this sounds ridiculous, but it's been a weird rollercoaster ride for the last month as we've dealt with all of this.  I am super thankful that THIS is the drama we have right now as it could be so much worse and has been in the past. Just still need prayer!

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Don't put your neighbor in charge of your dream.

He might want 'a really good deal' that will result in less money than you should get for your own home.

In fact, he almost certainly does.

He has made it clear that he is not in any hurry to buy it, and you are in a hurry to sell it.

So move on.

Put it on the market and put a contingent offer onto your dream house.

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Why not put your home on the market?  An experienced realtor could help you to price your home to sell, put in an offer on the house that you want, and advise you on how to juggle the closings of the two (e.g., bridge financing).


This exactly.   Don't let your neighbor be in charge of this transaction.  He will move fast if he realizes that you aren't playing games.

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Unfortunately, we can't put a contingent offer on the house we want.  It is bank owned and they want it gone.  They've had it in their possession longer than they wanted it already and they won't accept an offer that is contingent upon the sale of our house.  


And we actually ARE working with a realtor. Our current home, however, is not on the market because DH doesn't it to be. He is of the opinion that if this is the right move for us, then it will happen without our help.  I know God can do it.  I know He has this.  It's just hard to sit and do what feels like nothing.


Thanks for the hugs and the advice ladies!

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It's silly to know what you want and not offer it.

Yes, the bank might prefer a non-contingent offer, but OTOH, they don't have any other offers yet, and in the absence of exactly what they want, they might take a solid offer that is not ideal.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  There is no harm nor is there any cost associated with making an offer that will work for you.  The worst that can happen is that they say no.  Why not try it?  You have nothing by making an offer, and everything to lose by holding back.

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It sounds like your neighbor isn't serious about buying your house.


You don't want to put it on the market, though, and give someone who might be serious about buying it quickly have a chance?  It could be that your prayers are answered that way.  You never know.  It's a lot of power to give this one neighbor... the power to determine whether you move or not, and whether it happens in time to make an offer on your dream house.  If you were to put it on the market, it might speed up your neighbor, or it might open the door to the buyer that's waiting for you.  At least you would be taking steps to open the door for more opportunity, and for answers to come into your life in more ways than through your neighbor.


I hope you'll get the house of your dreams.  It's not fun to be in limbo.

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I talked to DH about all of this again after posting my original post.  He made some very good points.


1. Thanksgiving/Christmas/winter with snow in PA period are not ideal times to move unless we have a good reason (awesome dream house is a great reason).

2. There are no other houses currently on the market in a good area AND in our price range that we like that will work for our family.

3. Rushing into anything could make us lose more on our house than we can afford to lose, so we need to take our time and be logical.


Those are NOT his words.  They are my own summaries of what he said. I'm in a bullet-points, logical frame of mind today. ;)


So, if pokey neighbor doesn't get it together and make a paper offer, we will wait until the spring and list the house then. That gives us time to clean up, clear stuff out, collect boxes for moving, finish our school year in this district, and possibly save up a little more money toward a new house. Plus, DS14 might be done in PS by the time we settled here so he could easily help with the move (which he will probably want to do, btw).


The last time I spoke with the neighbor, BTW, was this morning. More excuses for why they aren't done. 

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Why not put your home on the market? An experienced realtor could help you to price your home to sell, put in an offer on the house that you want, and advise you on how to juggle the closings of the two (e.g., bridge financing).

Or just borrow a For Sale sign and stick it in your yard. If your neighbors are serious about buying your house, that might light a fire under them!


Honestly, why don't you just give them a call and let them know your predicament? Let them know that if they still want to buy your home, you need the paperwork by <very specific time>.

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And we actually ARE working with a realtor. Our current home, however, is not on the market because DH doesn't it to be. He is of the opinion that if this is the right move for us, then it will happen without our help. I know God can do it. I know He has this. It's just hard to sit and do what feels like nothing.


Thanks for the hugs and the advice ladies!

This kind of reminds me of the story of the guy who was in a flood and kept refusing all the people who tried to help him because he trusted that God would save him. Eventually he drowned and when he got to heaven he asked God why he didn't save him, God replied that he sent a truck, a boat and a helicopter but the man kept sending them away.

My point being God is not up in heaven waving a magic wand to make all our wishes come true. Most things require some action on our part too. I hope that this works out the way you want but I certainly wouldn't think you were lacking faith by also listing your house.

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