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Green smoothie recipes, please


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We make green smoothies in our Ninja for the boys. It is the only way to get Brotherman to eat raw veggies without drama. Our "base" is 1 cup of spinach or kale, 1 carrot, and one banana (for creaminess and sweetness). Blend that for a minute or more. Then add frozen fruit of choice and a cup of liquid of choice and blend again. This is an adequate lunch for one, or a snack or part of lunch if being split.


Strawberry blueberry is popular here, with a little water and a little milk to make it more milkshake-ish. Also popular is frozen pineapple and mango with half orange juice and half water as the liquid for a tropical smoothie.

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And this is an a-ha moment for me.  We never add banana, as we have allergies to it in the house.  I wonder if that's the missing ingredient that would make our green smoothies more appealing, as we transition?  Hmmm... Food for thought.


We are dairy free, gluten free, peanut and tree nut free, banana free.  

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I rarely use banana, fwiw and no milks.


Baby spinach is the mildest green. Mango, blueberries and good fragrant strawberries tend to mask the flavour the most. You cans start with 2:1 volume fruit to packed greens (or 3:1 if that's what it takes) and work your way down to 1:1 Using frozen fruit or adding ice helps to make the flavour less intense as well. Then it just mostly tastes cold. If a smoothie turns out a yucky color, serving in a colored glass sometimes helps.


If you like lemonade type sour flavours, apple, green grapes and a peeled lime make a lovely tart smoothie.


Pineapple is nice but too much and it upsets my stomacach.


I have a vitamix since a couple yrs ago but used a store blender before. You just have to be more careful about the order you put things in. First greens and liquid, then fruit, then ice, blending at each step, is how I did it back then. Now I just dump it in whatever order....

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Here's our most common version:


1 pear (can sub an apple)

1 tablespoon of calcium enriched orange juice concentrate

1 cup or so of frozen pineapple chunks

1 cup or so of frozen mango chunks

Handful or two of baby spinach

water to blend (more or less depending on how thick you like it)


For creaminess/thickness, I've heard a handful of oats can help (haven't tried it), but I've found the mango does the job nicely. I don't care for banana, either and rarely add it.

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I suggest that you go easy on the fruit, it can really spike he blood sugar and most people go really fruit heavy!


My go to is:


large handful spinach or kale

1/3 c frozen berries of choice

protein powder of choice

1/2 cup kombucha with chia ( or use filtered water and add a tablespoon of chia or hemp seed)

1/2 c coconut milk 

Liq vitamins or minerals


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My green smoothie of choice is


.5 cup of fruit: either pineapple or a very small apple or .5 cup of blue berries or frozen mango are all things I use. I don't add banana b/c I don't like it in a smoothie. I keep it to .5 cup total fruit to keep the sugar low.

Kale: approx 50g

Romain Lettuce: approx 50g

Frozen spinach .5 cup (keeps it cold)

.25 of an avocado

1TB ground flax seed

2 cups water

I add a scoop of whey powder, but obviously you wouldn't add that.


You can play with the amounts, more avocado and less kale etc.

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My green smoothie of choice is


Frozen spinach .5 cup (keeps it cold)



I've read there's some controversy about using commercially prepared frozen spinach in smoothies because apparently in some jurisdictions it's allowed to have a higher bacterial contamination since the product is intended to be cooked prior to consumption.

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I've read there's some controversy about using commercially prepared frozen spinach in smoothies because apparently in some jurisdictions it's allowed to have a higher bacterial contamination since the product is intended to be cooked prior to consumption.


I don't use commercially frozen spinach, but if I find a good deal on raw spinach I buy lots and freeze it in the bag. It works very well for smoothies that way.




And this is an a-ha moment for me.  We never add banana, as we have allergies to it in the house.  I wonder if that's the missing ingredient that would make our green smoothies more appealing, as we transition?  Hmmm... Food for thought.


We are dairy free, gluten free, peanut and tree nut free, banana free.  


The avocado a pp mentioned will also help make your smoothie more creamy, though not sweeter. You could use a full-fat coconut milk for both creaminess and sweetness I think. Good luck!

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I've read there's some controversy about using commercially prepared frozen spinach in smoothies because apparently in some jurisdictions it's allowed to have a higher bacterial contamination since the product is intended to be cooked prior to consumption.


What can I say, I like to live on the edge.

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I've read there's some controversy about using commercially prepared frozen spinach in smoothies because apparently in some jurisdictions it's allowed to have a higher bacterial contamination since the product is intended to be cooked prior to consumption.

I typically buy baby spinach, then wash and blend it right away in a bit of water. Then freeze it in ice cube trays. Just add one or two cubes to the smoothie as needed. Takes up less space, doesn't spoil, and keeps the smoothie cold.

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We started with the following ratio: 2 c liquid, 2 c greens, 3 c fruit.  (This makes about 4-5 cups of smoothie, which serves my whole household as a hearty snack.)  As everyone got used to drinking "green things" I've slowly reversed the fruit and greens ratio.  I also consider "sweet" vegetables like pumpkin, beet, sweet potato, or carrots as fruit.  


On hot summer days when everyone's been outside a lot, I love using coconut water (plus the little bit of sweet helps with the greens).  On days we're feeling decadent (or I have some I need to use up), I use almond milk or coconut milk.  Usually I use just plain water.


If I use all kale, my picky eaters balk.  Spinach is a good place to start, and then work up to half and half.  Also, I occasionally use fresh herbs (a little goes a long way), but cilantro and parsley can add some refreshing zing to a smoothie.


If bananas are a problem, avocados definitely help with the creamy, as a PP mentioned.  This time of year I will also throw in some pureed pumpkin, which is yummy.  Also dates - a date or two can add some sweetness.


And many people overlook spices - a little vanilla or cinnamon or nutmeg can liven up a smoothie and help if the greens are a little overpowering.


I didn't think I would like citrus fruits in a smoothie, but it turns out that oranges, grapefruits, and pineapple are some of my favorite additions.  Kiwi are also surprisingly good as an overlooked fruit.  When I'm wishing I were on the beach, I throw some coconut milk, spinach, pineapple, and mango into my blender and pretend that the toddler's running footsteps are the waves on the sand.  It works for about 30 seconds, but they are delicious!





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I do this one most mornings and it serves the three of us that drink green smoothies.

500ml coconut water

2 kiwi fruit

1/2 cup frozen mango

1/2 avocado

7 dates

1 lemon or lime, peeled

1-2 Tbspns coconut oil

5 large silverbeet or spinach leaves

Good handful of lettuce leaves

Good sized bunch parsley


It's nice and filling and keeps us going till lunchtime.

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