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Cool middle school engineering resource kit for free!

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Hi, all,


Someone on another board posted about this impressive-looking resource and I wanted to share:




It is a free four-week instructional engineering kit from the Dyson foundation (and no, I don't have a Dyson vacuum) where kids get to disassemble a Dyson vacuum. The site says they will send you the kit and return it for free, as long as you hit the four-week window. It does look fairly classroom oriented, but I don't see why we can't make this work for the homeschool environment. It is aimed at fifth through eighth graders.


I've spent some time today trying to figure out how I can work this into our science for next year. As a four-week unit after physics maybe? I can't tell if it is completely different and just needs to be its own "engineering" thing we do for a month or if I can tilt it toward/use it as science.


Anyway, just wanted to share,



Edited to fix the URL.



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I would love to hear from some of you about how long it takes for the kits to arrive (and whether they are as cool as they sound!). I couldn't tell if it was pretty quick or if there is a wait. Would help to know these things as I plan for next year. 'Cause you aren't completely busy educating your own children or anything . . .




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I would love to hear from some of you about how long it takes for the kits to arrive (and whether they are as cool as they sound!). I couldn't tell if it was pretty quick or if there is a wait. Would help to know these things as I plan for next year. 'Cause you aren't completely busy educating your own children or anything . . .





I just got an email from them saying that they give priority to teachers in schools and that their inventories are allocated until Feb 2015. They are willing to put homeschoolers on waiting lists if we are interested. HTH with your planning.

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I feel like the Grinch who stole Christmas!! Sorry, all, for the disappointment with this. I had no idea that they had a wait list or that they prioritized p.s. teachers over homeschoolers. Boo hiss.


The only reason I hadn't put in for the kit is that our year of science is packed and we are already behind, plus it is human body science and my son is on the lowest end of the age range. Since he's a young fifth grader, I figured we would wait a year or two so we could get more out of the kit.


I wasn't trying to make any of you the guinea pigs--promise!



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I understand why they prioritize classrooms.  Sharing the kit with 30 is probably more in line with their goal than sharing it with one or two students.  But they shouldn't even have that as an option or just be upfront.  Maybe I'll tell them so.


Luckily this is the first time I've ever had that kind of response when requesting educational materials.  I once requested to borrow a model of a dissected cat and they were extremely awesome about dealing with a homeschooler. 

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