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Exercise Thread ~ September 21st-27th


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I was finally able to get to my yoga pratice last night.  I got in 30 minutes of practice right before Doctor Who started. Can't miss the Doctor. :)


This morning was a kettlebell practice, with Turkish get-ups, swings, push-ups, goblet squats, pull-up, and snatches.  I was able to up my weight to my normal squat weight for 2 sets.  My hamstring is still store.  I've been doing stuff doing my warm-up to target it.  I had thought maybe I could run this week, but I'm nervous.  There is still a soreness in that left hamstring.  I only feel it during certain moves, but it's there.  It's also very week.  I shake like crazy in any balance pose on that leg.  I would like to run, so I don't lose my cardio, but I also know that I could do serious damage to the hamstring if I don't give it time.  Blah.  So frustrating.  


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I would like to run, so I don't lose my cardio, but I also know that I could do serious damage to the hamstring if I don't give it time. Blah. So frustrating.

FWIW I couldn't run or do any real honest to goodness cardio except limping quickly wearing my boot for 3 whole months after I tore my gastro back in June. I thought I would lose all my cardio strength. I did what I could, including fitness blender and limping along in MMA during that time. Amazingly, although I lost a lot- it's coming back very quickly. In just 3 weeks I'm back to 3 miles of running - and at a good pace. I'm only stopping because I have to bring my calf along slowly. So don't despair- this is where your previous training pays off- your baseline was high so even if you lose some conditioning you are not going to have to start from scratch.


Today is my rest day so my dh and I have just a 2-3 mile walk.

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Tomorrow I have to be at the hospital with my dad so probable nothing will get done tomorrow.






I feel like scrambled eggs.   


In a couple of weeks,  I'll be coming up on one year of my new program.    If you're not keeping a progress journal, I highly recommend it.  Take lots of pictures, write down reps, and weight amounts or whatever you're keeping track of and then compare it over time.    It's very motivating to see progress, even in my case where for some elements the progress is slow.


Today skillwork, stretch, roll.



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Tuesday: MMA followed by kettlebell class. I moved up in weights on my swings and feel it in my butt today:) If it weren't for reading about all of you who do kettle bell I would never have tried it. I love Turkish-get-ups.



morning- 1/3 mile jog warmup with lunges and then 20 yard sprints x10 with all 3 younger boys, followed by a cool down walk. It was fun and noisy.

afternoon- 3 mile interval run in glorious autumn sunshine.

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I did my regular yoga practice.  I walked around a local small mall while killing time between appointments.  I still have to go to Costco and pick up a rx - so I should get some decent walk time in today -even if I dont' do my hill.  (it's stopped raining - and it was rain, not drizzle.)

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Hornblower, hope your cat recovers quickly. 



Crunch: Fat Burning Pilates

 That's a fun one. I miss Crunch being on Netflix streaming. 



I did day 2 of the 5 day jumpstart, upper body weights and then I did active stretch cause my hamstrings are sore. 


Yesterday was off day. I'd had a bad night and when it was time to get up I was too tired. Jillian's voice was in my head saying, "If you have to choose between sleep and exercise always choose sleep," so I did. 

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I've not been coming to this thread for quite some time. I haven't really been exercising much, but I have managed to keep off the 25 pounds I lost earlier this year. We are now cleaning the 10,000 sq. ft office 3 times a week, so I'm at least working up a good sweat for almost 2 hours each time. 


Dd and I are going to walk a 5K in October, and then walk another in December and try to beat our time. We just signed up and starting walking for 30 minutes last week. Maybe I'll lose a little more!

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Ok, I haven't been here much. I keep getting interrupted when I try to post, lol,


On Tuesday I went for a run/walk for 45 mins. Or rather, I went for a waddle. I do NOT run quickly.  I went a bit over 3 miles so...yeah :blushing:

I jumped three weeks into a C25K that I like. I can't start at the very beginning or I will go nuts.


Last night I did an hour of Tracy Anderson.


Tonight the plan is to go running again.


And I am having such a hard time finding time these days. I am so sorry I am not around that much. I really do try to make the space every day, but oh my goodness it is hard lately! I have the best intentions, but I am NOT lacing up my sneakers at 9pm.

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I walked today, 15 minutes briskly. 5 minutes on the slow down. I was freaked out so it helped me to just go and do it before the temperatures rose.

I can't find my little weights but have spent about the last hour and a half heaving tubby grandbaby around. I think he weighs 17 pounds. Hefty little guy.

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Forgot to post - rode bike & did Zumba Monday


worried about cat in surgery all Tuesday (that counts as workout, right?)


yoga stretching today & Zumba tonight



I hope your cat is well!


Today I'm doing some abs but nothing else. Tomorrow I belt test. I have to admit I'm a little scared. I love the testing days and always give 100% because I get into it- I just don't wont to blow out my calf. My PT says I'm ready...

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Yesterday I had one of the best yoga classes.  I was the only student and it was a new teacher (new to that place, not new to teaching yoga).  Her sequence was exactly what I needed and she made all sorts of little adjustments the entire time.  She helped push me a bit, and at the same time helped me watch my hamstring.  It was bliss.  


Today was a kettlebell workout.  It was a good, sweaty 30 minutes focusing a lot on my glutes, which need it.  

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Slept far too much and woke up too late. I need to get groceries done ASAP since the store has had the slowest service ever lately. The rest of the day will be hectic, but at least I get to treat myself to a Hot Stone Massage :) . Nonetheless, I hope to do something for exercise later - even if it's just 20 minutes on the rebounder.

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