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May the sun shine on you, Driver who Does Not Block Side Road. You are a rare and endangered bird.


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And may the sun shine on those who understand that when the obstruction is in their lane, they do not get to jump into someone else's and force other drivers to slam on brakes or squeeze onto the shoulder.


Stop and wait for oncoming traffic to pass and then go around that parked car, for Pete's sake.

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I remember once, trying to exit a parking lot -- the traffic was completely stopped. Completely, completely stopped. After 20 minutes of cars creeping past me, nose-to-tail, making sure that I couldn't possibly merge out ... finally, someone was a little slow and I managed to get into line.


The person was so mad that I'd dared to come in off the side road that they laid on their horn for 5 minutes straight while the traffic did not move an inch.


After the 5th minute (we were watching the clock in my car and boggling), for the first time ever in my life, I rolled down my window and flipped someone the bird. 


They quit honking. 

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I always avoid blocking side roads. Sometimes other people get impatient and pull around me, blocking the road. This drives me crazy. Did no one ever teach them this rule, or have they chosen to forget it?


You don't understand, clearly.


They are the only important people in the world. 


As a matter of fact, when you saw them coming behind you, you should immediately have pulled to the shoulder to allow them to proceed through.



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I've noticed here that most people don't think twice about blocking a side road. I do, however, occasionally find myself blocking a side road when I think the traffic is moving at a different pace than it actually is. I really hate when I'm the car blocking the road.


I did once think not to block a driveway while waiting in a long line at the red light. I debated with myself: what are the chances that a car would want to go into that driveway. Maybe I should block it. But what if . . . Maybe I shouldn't. I decided to leave it open and wouldn't you know it--a car from that house was going home and was able to turn into the driveway because I left it open. What are the chances, right? But it happened and I felt good about doing a small kindness that day. :001_smile:

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The law in some states is that totally dark traffic lights are to be treated as 4-way stops. If it is blinking yellow you proceed with caution and if it is blinking red you yield.


I feel the same way about drivers who actually stop at traffic lights that are not working and treat them like they are a 4 way stop sign. I'm sure they are of the same species.

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Wikipedia (yes, questionable source) says..In the United States, a flashing red light is the equivalent of a stop sign. In the United States and Australia, flashing yellow does not require traffic to stop, but drivers should exercise caution since opposing traffic may enter the intersection after stopping.


But I did some further googling and several pages of results for different states say flashing red light = stop then proceed.


I think you might be wrong about yielding...

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I remember once, trying to exit a parking lot -- the traffic was completely stopped. Completely, completely stopped. After 20 minutes of cars creeping past me, nose-to-tail, making sure that I couldn't possibly merge out ... finally, someone was a little slow and I managed to get into line.


The person was so mad that I'd dared to come in off the side road that they laid on their horn for 5 minutes straight while the traffic did not move an inch.


After the 5th minute (we were watching the clock in my car and boggling), for the first time ever in my life, I rolled down my window and flipped someone the bird. 


They quit honking. 


Is it common where others live to not let people in? Here someone will always let you in without much, if any, wait. I have my own issues with drivers around here, but I am very glad that people will slow a bit to let someone who's signalling change lanes and that I've never seen anyone unable to get out of a driveway like you describe!


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And to those who do not do dangerous/illegal u-turns wherever they feel like it.

I see people doing illegal u-turns Every. Single. Day.


Eta- it really isn't necessary where I live to be doing these u-turns, if they would just go another hundred feet or so they could turn around legally.

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And to those who do not do dangerous/illegal u-turns wherever they feel like it.

I see people doing illegal u-turns Every. Single. Day.


Eta- it really isn't necessary where I live to be doing these u-turns, if they would just go another hundred feet or so they could turn around legally.

Drives me bat **** crazy.

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I call down blessings, favors, good karma, and fairy dust whenever a driver waiting in the sometimes-horrid morning traffic on the road my driveway empties upon allows me out. Somedays I could wait there 'till lunchtime if nobody with a little mercy happens along. Those are the fine people of the world. Stamp it.

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My favorite people are the ones who...



when there are two cars side by side, going the same direction but at least one is turning...that the person who is in the taller car doesn't nudge their car so far forward that they are in the crosswalk and the other driver can't see what is happening in traffic that affects their lanes.  


There is an intersection here on the way to my daughters school that has no traffic lights. It is a side street that Ts into a major 5 lane roadway. There are mornings that I have to wait 5-10 minutes to make a right hand turn (should be easy to do) because there are so many tall cars that use that intersection to go the other way.  I have to wait and wait, not for traffic, but to be able to see around the car sitting beside me!  They are pulled all the way forward, into the cross walk.  I know they can see if they stay back where they are supposed to, because I can in my car. 

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Is it common where others live to not let people in? Here someone will always let you in without much, if any, wait. I have my own issues with drivers around here, but I am very glad that people will slow a bit to let someone who's signalling change lanes and that I've never seen anyone unable to get out of a driveway like you describe!



It was common when I lived near Chicago. People would see you signalling and speed up to make sure you couldn't get in. 

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It was common when I lived near Chicago. People would see you signalling and speed up to make sure you couldn't get in. 


I was thinking about Chicago and a lot of the midwest after I typed that. Yeah, they'll totally cut you off there, more often than not. Does the South have friendlier drivers? I've never driven there, but I picture them being more polite.

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And those who go more than 2 mph around a traffic circle. Or don't stop in the middle of a traffic circle.

it's funny how these complaints are regional, because if I were to stop in the middle of our traffic circles, I'd end up rear ended. If I went 2 mph, I'd have a chorus of honks asking me to step on the gas.


I think the flashing red lights depend on how many have the light. At a four-way flashing red, all stop. I've also been at flashing red lights in which a minor highway crosses a larger highway. The major highway has a flashing yellow - proceed with caution. The minor highway has a flashing red - stop, yield to traffic in major highway.


The PP who said rude driving is a result of over-scheduled chronically late drivers - absolutely. Of the many reasons I hate running late, the fact that I'm a terrible, anxious, selfish driver is at the top of the list. It's irrational, too, because I end up gaining just a few minutes when I drive like a side-road-blocking-jerk. I'm sure I take more than that off my life expectancy with the spike in cortisol the stress causes.

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My favorite people are the ones who...



when there are two cars side by side, going the same direction but at least one is turning...that the person who is in the taller car doesn't nudge their car so far forward that they are in the crosswalk and the other driver can't see what is happening in traffic that affects their lanes.


There is an intersection here on the way to my daughters school that has no traffic lights. It is a side street that Ts into a major 5 lane roadway. There are mornings that I have to wait 5-10 minutes to make a right hand turn (should be easy to do) because there are so many tall cars that use that intersection to go the other way. I have to wait and wait, not for traffic, but to be able to see around the car sitting beside me! They are pulled all the way forward, into the cross walk. I know they can see if they stay back where they are supposed to, because I can in my car.

Amen... And the kind people who actually trim the greenery so you can see around it without pulling out into the road.

People who actually use the blinkers :)

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