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Weekly Wrap Up - blog or not - come post!

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There is a lot of discussion on this board about accountability - so join us! Share a link to your blog or just the "Roses and Thorns". What went well? What can you share? What failed? Any good field trips? Breakthroughs?


Maybe as we get into the year we can merge a goal thread with a review thread.



Here is mine in my blog: http://friedclamsandsweettea.wordpress.com/2014/09/05/weekly-wrap-up-5-sep-2014/

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This is our first week back and it went so much better than last year.


This is our second year homeschooling and I decided to make a schedule instead of the "we'll get to it when we get to it" attitude of last year. My kids love it! I didn't realize they were such box-checkers. The subjects they do on their own are color coded differently than the ones we do together. My early bird son gets up and just starts on his work so he can finish asap. My daughter knows that she has to finish those tasks even if she doesn't get started until 10am or works slowly because of her perfectionism. They are learning some personal accountability. :)

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It was our first week of first grade, and it went pretty well. I think I may need to remove some toys in the living room that are in the line of sight from where we read on the couch. His first piano lesson went well.


Next week, we're ramping up a bit in reading (went at half speed this week to gauge the time).

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This was our first full "official" week back, about a month later than we usually start because August was just so.much.fun. In summary:


DH is taking the reins on math this year (algebra). I think he's finally seeing the light--it's so fun for me to listen in on their lessons and see how amazed DH is at how intuitive this stuff is for DS. :). He's loving algebra so far, and thinks the Jacobs book is hilarious. He's really enjoying the clever number games and solutions. Plus, math is off my plate now so I'm definitely doing a happy dance! It's going to be a different set of expectations now: reviewing upcoming lessons in the evening, then doing the work independently during the day. He's totally ready and eager to take it on.


DS is already loving history (middle ages) and willingly did an art project today. We drew blueprints of an imaginary monestary while listening to Gregorian chanting. He loved the music (and the Byzantine music we listened to yesterday) and was really detailed in his drawing. Why did I never think to use graph paper before? Apparently it unlocks his creativity. Score!


We did a couple science labs outside, which he totally got into. And he's been willing to write anything I've asked him to so far, and he's really taking pride in his work. Everything he's done has been really pretty and intentional.


After a long, difficult and emotionally pre-teen angst filled spring and summer, he's back to himself...and then some. He's fully embraced running again, and has set himself a lofty running goal for the month, which he's faithfully tracking on Strava. Strava has become a huge motivational tool and I'm glad to see him put so much effort into something that he enjoys so much.


Overall it's been a fantastic first week, and I think it's going to be a great year. He's been really joyful and eager, and that tends to feed more good things in our household and homeschool. Looking forward to Week 2! :)

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No blog link :) but here's a recap of our second week of ninth grade:


We are gradually ramping up to a full load. Dd started AP Human Geography (sm group of 3 w my nephew and a friend from their Lego League years; I wrote the syllabus for approval by the College Board) and AoPS Number Theory in July.


Last week we added her outsourced English class (through Blue Tent Online as last year; highly recommended) and chemistry.


This week we added ancient history and her Monday-Saturday ballet schedule of 2-6 hours a day :eek:


(Next week we'll add her outsourced Arabic 1 class (through Potters School) and Intro to Archaeology. She will resume precalculus from the AoPS book at the end of September.)


What was done this week (non-outsourced classes):



Watched and discussed three Crash Course Chemistry videos :D

Read and discussed half of a chapter in Chang's General Chemistry

Worked problems


AP Human Geography

Began a yearlong developing country project (she chose Ethiopia)

Reviewed chapters 1-3 in the Rubenstein textbook before a test next week


Ancient History

Listened to 3 lectures in the Great Courses' "History of the Ancient World: A Global Perspective" series while taking notes

Read the preface to The Human Record: Sources of Global History

Read and discussed an excerpt from the Babylonian "Epic of Creation" (found in the first volume of The Bedford Anthology of World Literature


I have noticed incredible growth in maturity since last spring. There have been no, nada, zip, zilch complaints or whines or flops-onto-the-table about her school work. When she needs to annotate her English reading (they're doing "Beowulf" right now), she just does it! When I go to the basement for an hour-long workout, she continues working and moves on to something else as needed! We sit together on Monday mornings while she schedules her work for the week---no problems! While we eat breakfast each morning, she lets me know when she would like to work on our "together" subjects (my schedule is fluid since she's the only one home now).


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :party:


Hopefully this pattern will continue after her late two subjects are added in!

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I didn't post last week, so this week's post covers two weeks: Aztec Hot Chocolate, Mayan Math, and Incan Corn


A lot of stuff went well! But we (especially I) are soooo tired. We have head colds, etc., and I'm just dragging through the weeks here. Since we start in January, this is our February/March syndrome y'all get, I think. Whew! Need some encouragement this week to keep plugging away!

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Ok, I'm back. Here is mine! 




I still haven't figured out how to make my link not be just the URL link and have it say something fun! Sorry 


It's really easy! When you go to add a link just highlight the word(s) you want to embed the link in and then click the "link" button. Copy/paste or type the web address in and click ok. That's it!

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We are heading into Spring here - I posted about only one day this week (blog link in signature), but the rest of the week went fine. Our year ends early in December so we are heading for a break soon before the final quarter of the year and mostly we are in a routine now that the children are used to. Everyone is tired at the end of winter and with quite a change in the weather which has brought on allergies and general exhaustion. At the same time we have bursts of energy as the sun breaks through and we are just waiting for the rains to start in earnest when I think we will all begin to feel better. 


My DD wrote a grade assessment early this week - it is advertised as an olympiad and is of a higher standard than the annual testing, but DD managed very well in all the subjects she wrote. 

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We had our first week back, and I have to say, I think it was one of the best first weeks we've had yet, and we've been at this for a while!


You definitely had an amazing week! I'm thankful for all of your links too; it's fun to check them out. If I "like" you here, that means I read your post, but found it tedious to sign into blogspot with my wordpress profile. But I do read them!

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We are heading into Spring here - I posted about only one day this week (blog link in signature), but the rest of the week went fine. Our year ends early in December so we are heading for a break soon before the final quarter of the year and mostly we are in a routine now that the children are used to. Everyone is tired at the end of winter and with quite a change in the weather which has brought on allergies and general exhaustion. At the same time we have bursts of energy as the sun breaks through and we are just waiting for the rains to start in earnest when I think we will all begin to feel better. 




Oh my, I could have written this...it's what I was trying to say, but you said it so much better. Congrats on the nice testing results.


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This first week didn't happen for us...Instead I wrote a poem to commemorate the week.


My mom has alzheimer's, and is fairly advanced. Last week she had complications from a failed angioplasty and was developing gangrene. By Saturday the decision to amputate was made and the surgery was done. It was an incredible shock to our family, and we experienced a level of grief we have not previously known on this journey. I drove the three hours to see her and stayed with my sister. It was a busy, sad time, but had its moments of beauty and serendipity.


That said we did not start school. We will start tomorrow. That is about three weeks later than I had hoped to start, but that is okay...some things are more important.





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Ok, I'm back. Here is mine! 




I still haven't figured out how to make my link not be just the URL link and have it say something fun! Sorry 


Highlight the word(s) you want to carry the link. Click the link button above (looks like a chain link with a plus-sign) and type or paste the link you want it to go to in the box it provides. Like this! Easy!


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I did really well this week, which is good because I did horribly last month (We started in June). We did 4 good days of school, but I am still struggling with doing the extra, fun stuff... like science.  I am not a crafty person or a project person and I know this will be my issue throughout my homeschooling career.  My goal is to do science twice next week and another 4 days of school.  I can do it!


Oh, and I need to figure out memorization.  I was really good about it last year but this year it just isn't happening.  I need to work something else out because I really want to keep up with it.

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Aw, I blog, but I haven't done a weekly wrap up. I'll wrap up here though!


This week was ....not typical.  My mother-in-law was put in hospice, so we packed up and drove down to see her.  She passed away on Thursday and the remainder of the week was spent making arrangements for her memorial service, preparing for incoming family and making desserts for the lunch afterward. But, it was right to set our agenda aside and honor her this week. With that and Memorial Day, we only got in 2 1/2 days of good school. 


The highlights:


Saxon Math: This continues to be a solid math program for us.  I know how to teach it so well that I hesitate to switch at this point!  I'm surprised at how little ds and dd forgot over the summer, though we dabbled in math facts a bit.  


Ds, the sophomore, is doing the remaining lessons of Algebra II along with a friend whose mom is teaching. Woop!! In turn, I'm teaching writing. We're all happy with the trade.


VP Self-Paced History:  I like this program, but I'm a bit steamed that I bought it on sale for $99 in April with the condition that it was only good until this April.  I figured for that sale price, we'd work our way through it quickly.  Now it's on sale again at the same price, so I could have had it for the conventional school year.  Not sure that's a great business practice, but we'll make it work.


Regular Seat Work for ds comprising Classically Cursive and Orbiting with Logic: Ds enjoys both. CC gets the job done with a great copywork and Orbiting with Logic requires some good thinking skills and puzzling out. 


Regular Seat Work for dd comprising Explode the Code, Two Plus Two is Not Five and copywork Dd is not so independent. She can do the work, but she chats as she's doing it and likes immediate approval of what she's done so far.  A bit of reminding and training there. 


Read Aloud: We finished up Pilgrim's Progress, adapted by Mary Goldophin and illustrated by Robert Lawson, along with the Progres of Pilgrim Mouse for youngest. I love both of these for early and late elementary.  The Goldophin adaption is just classic as it retains the rich language with just enough ease to make it understandable to an older elementary student.  We stop every now and again to make sure they understand the characters and the story line. Good stuff!


Bible: I handed out our Precepts study on the first 6 chapters of Daniel for the older boys. A few days later, discovered it wasn't being done.  SO. Had THAT talk 7 days into the school year and told them t work double time on it.  Ds10 is doing the younger version, You're A Brave Man, Daniel, also by Precepts. It's a chunk of work for him (about 30 minutes of looking up verses in the Bible, filling in blanks, answering questions) but he gets up early so it's easy for him to get started on that. 


This week we fold in:


science through co-op

geography through co-op

R & S English

Classical Writing Aesop


Full plate this week. Praying our routine and my earnestness holds!



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