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Does anyone want to start an accountability group?

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I love blogs, which is precisely why I would prefer an independent, non-blog linked thread. If I click on a blog link or two or three...it is hard not to get sucked in, read more on that blog, and find (sooooo many!) other links to click on. It seems that the majority of bloggers put links directly into their posts. Must be taught in Blogging 101: Keeping Readers Hooked. :tongue_smilie: That is the opposite of what I need right now. I am prioritizing time with self-ed and direct teaching more than ever. The fewer distractions the better.

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Hmm...should we have separate threads for different stages? One for each grammar stage, one for logic, one for rhetoric? Or elementary, middle, high school? I'm afraid it might become counter productive and time consuming to read and be supportive to a wide mix....


Some families have kids across different stages though, and trying to report on several threads might just make things too complicated. I'm inclined to try a single thread and see how that goes, then if people think split threads would work better we could go to that.

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My progress for the weekend so far... I went into HST+, rescheduled any outstanding assignments, made lesson plans for one curriculum that one of my children recently switched to, assigned everything for the week (leaving Thursday mostly open because we'll be taking a field trip that morning and have karate in the afternoon). I made a new "schedule" (really a routine), so we can know what to do when so that Mom is able to work with everyone as needed.


I still need to locate all pencils and at least one eraser. I found one pencil today, so I think I have some idea of where 3 or 4 pencils are. Not sure what happened to our eraser. I need to buy more erasers. We HAVE pencils. We don't have erasers. :tongue_smilies: I'll order erasers today when I order toner. My printer has run out, and the papers aren't usable at all.


Books for each kid are in piles. I need to get something to put them in.


Looking forward to this week! :D

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I vote for one thread. I've got 6th, 4th, and 3rd, but those are just age-grade levels and don't reflect the uneven level of work we're doing. But that is kind of irrelevant to me really, because the fact is that an accountability/support thread isn't about the kids at all. It's all about ME! LOL Truthfully, the more time that goes by and the higher the grade level, the less I need true accountability and the more I just plain need to be able to say what I did "out loud" or, occasionally, receive acknowledgement from someone other than myself that this (currently) thankless task is getting done step by step, and that it is good and worthwhile. All these years in, I've finally accepted the fact that it isn't going to come from anyone but myself and posters here, and my self-talk pep-talks are getting wearisome. That gets a :( or a :tongue_smilie: depending on the day. Personally, I kind of think of this thread as a virtual teacher's lounge, catching up with your co-workers on your successes and challenges at the end of the day or week.


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I still need to locate all pencils and at least one eraser. I found one pencil today, so I think I have some idea of where 3 or 4 pencils are. Not sure what happened to our eraser. I need to buy more erasers. We HAVE pencils. We don't have erasers. :tongue_smilies: I'll order erasers today when I order toner. My printer has run out, and the papers aren't usable at all.


LOL! I have two boxes of those awesome erasers and I KNOW I have three or four boxes of Black Warriors somewhere, but I can't find them, so we are working with our supply of cheapo holiday pencils I give them through the year. I had a little meltdown over how light DS11's math work was last week though. Seriously, I have to go buy dark pencils for him, because he doesn't press down hard enough with those cheap pencils for my old lady eyes to read his work. It might as well be invisible ink! 

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I would like to participate! Thanks for suggesting the idea. I have 2 dd in 6th and 8th, but I will also be helping homeschool 2 other 6th grade girls this year. They will be at our house 2 days each week, and I am feeling the pressure to keep our "school" more organized, not to mention keep the house cleaner, hope they like the way I teach, and just do well by this other family. I know their parents well, but the girls always seem so quiet when our families get together. I just hope they talk to me!


Today I got the home school room in tip top shape, thanks to my dd13 who kept me on task, LOL. What I do for her in math, she does for me in organizing! At least we should be off to a decent start. Now, just to keep it in order.

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Ah... OK. I think I was picturing something a little different. Looks like I'm in the wrong place. :tongue_smilie:

Everything is in the study where we left it at 5:30pm on Friday evening...erasers included. ;)


Carry on! :)   :seeya:

Out of curiosity, what were you picturing? I am thinking of it as a sort of public ticking off of checklists, reporting on to do/done, or thereabouts, with a bit of conversation and support as desired. I'm wondering what you are picturing that would be specific to age/grade? I don't think it is about erasers, LOL, unless making sure supplies are in place is a line item on someone's to-do list.

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Out of curiosity, what were you picturing? I am thinking of it as a sort of public ticking off of checklists, reporting on to do/done, or thereabouts, with a bit of conversation and support as desired. I'm wondering what you are picturing that would be specific to age/grade? I don't think it is about erasers, LOL, unless making sure supplies are in place is a line item on someone's to-do list.


Right now my biggest need for accountability is to be doing self-education while dd is doing her independent work that I don't try to do as well. (For example, I work on AoPS when she does, but when she is doing history, I am on here way too often. :blush: )   I would imagine our day to day reality is very different from someone dealing with mostly littles. 


I don't really need a place for ticking off checklists, etc. Scrolling through the lists of others would probably not be a good use of time for me. Not that there's anything wrong with that! It's just sort of the opposite of what I need to be doing. :)


It's like joining an online support group for internet addiction.... :lol:

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Right now my biggest need for accountability is to be doing self-education while dd is doing her independent work that I don't try to do as well. (For example, I work on AoPS when she does, but when she is doing history, I am on here way too often. :blush: ) I would imagine our day to day reality is very different from someone dealing with mostly littles.


I don't really need a place for ticking off checklists, etc. Scrolling through the lists of others would probably not be a good use of time for me. Not that there's anything wrong with that! It's just sort of the opposite of what I need to be doing. :)


It's like joining an online support group for internet addiction.... :lol:

So you basically want a self-ed thread? What did you work on this week kind of thing? You should start that, although I don't think it would need to be grade specific either. I have my own checklist just like each of the kids, because I think it sets a good example and helps me prioritize self-ed, but then I am not chasing little people around anymore either. It gets done, but mostly after bedtime these days.

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Amen on the self-education, but not just for me. I opted to work on the same materials that the boys will be doing, only at a higher level. They are doing Ancient History, so I'm reading Ancient History. They are doing their First Form Latin: I need to be staying ahead of them in that and building my vocabulary. They are to be reading Homer--I've got translations I've been picking up all summer at the used Bookstore to read. They've got their math: I need to be hitting algebra this year so that I'm ready to teach it when they get to it. 


I'm hoping that by working on a lot of the same things in history and literature, and in writing as well, that we will have a lot of discussion that we wouldn't have had if I'd been relying only on teacher manuals or notes in a book. That's the idea anyway.

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I like the idea of an accountability thread for getting things down with schooling and also self-ed. Life is starting to get easier with the baby getting older and recovering from Hashimotos but I'm still not near what I need to be.


I've been reading Jot It Down this weekend, getting ready to start the Fairy Tale project this coming week. I think I'm going to do this with my almost 5 yo as well, she longs to belong with us and she would be very interested, although of course she'll be able to do less. I've been previewing math books for dd1 as well, I'm switching her and we have some holes due to differing scopes and sequences, so I need to go through and make a list of topics we need to hit. I need to have her do the placement test as well. 


I also want to do a quick skim of the exploration and Native American section of book A of the concise version of The Story of US to see what I want to do for read-aloud from this next week. 


Planning wise I need to examine our LA and content more. I need to re-read my Narnia books to see where I want to go next.

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My accomplishment for the weekend is getting the last of my books ordered.

And I've read two chapters in The History of Art by E.H. Gombrich. I'll probably stop there and reflect for a while, but this will tie in very well with Sister Wendy's Story of Painting.


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So you basically want a self-ed thread? What did you work on this week kind of thing? You should start that, although I don't think it would need to be grade specific either. I have my own checklist just like each of the kids, because I think it sets a good example and helps me prioritize self-ed, but then I am not chasing little people around anymore either. It gets done, but mostly after bedtime these days.

After thinking about it some more, I'm not even sure I want to start a self-ed thread. I'd feel too obligated to keep up with it, and my self-ed time would be spent on the thread. ;)

Amen on the self-education, but not just for me. I opted to work on the same materials that the boys will be doing, only at a higher level. They are doing Ancient History, so I'm reading Ancient History. They are doing their First Form Latin: I need to be staying ahead of them in that and building my vocabulary. They are to be reading Homer--I've got translations I've been picking up all summer at the used Bookstore to read. They've got their math: I need to be hitting algebra this year so that I'm ready to teach it when they get to it.


I'm hoping that by working on a lot of the same things in history and literature, and in writing as well, that we will have a lot of discussion that we wouldn't have had if I'd been relying only on teacher manuals or notes in a book. That's the idea anyway.

That's actually what I do too... or at least that's what I'm supposed to be doing. ;) I'm doing well with math, science, Spanish, and a few other subjects. It's mainly during history I've fallen into bad habits. If I'm completely honest, I've been sneaking in time on the boards during the other subjects as well. Those minutes truly do add up to hours, no matter if they come all together in sets of 60 or in shorts bursts of 10 min here and there throughout the day...
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I found most of my math books, but cannot locate Horizons Pre-algebra. Not that I really need it to get school started, dd is still working through MM6A. But now I'm going to feel stressed until I can locate that book! I have the teacher's manual, just not the student book...

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My accomplishment for the weekend is getting the last of my books ordered.

And I've read two chapters in The History of Art by E.H. Gombrich. I'll probably stop there and reflect for a while, but this will tie in very well with Sister Wendy's Story of Painting.


Oooh, are you going to use this for your boys this year? I've had this book a while and been chomping at the bit to use it with the kids, but I keep thinking they are too young. DD is the art lover, so I thought it best to wait until she is a bit older. I've been considering getting the Hewitt syllabus just for my own use. Not sure how much meat there is to it though. 

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I would love a Social Group or pinned Thread for this! 

We have been busy all summer and I am healing from surgery last week.

I have to get our PC worked on and a laptop... I can't print any math worksheets out right now.  I also can't print out the planner I have on my laptop. 

We are doing Math and Latin, and read alouds.  

I am waiting on a grammar book to arrive and Mega words.

Oh and I have 2 boxes of tomatoes I don't want to go bad.. so I need a new blender to get the sauce made.


I am selling a lot of books we don't use anymore or don't have time to use and need to replace.

This pushes me to peruse the boards for other reviews of new books I have never heard of and am researching.  

I am biting the bullet and trying new science books.

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Right now my biggest need for accountability is to be doing self-education while dd is doing her independent work that I don't try to do as well. (For example, I work on AoPS when she does, but when she is doing history, I am on here way too often. :blush: )  


Me too. I've got Physics, Mandarin, and Latin to get through.  And I find it *very*difficult to do when sitting next to my younger.  I just get interrupted too often, or some how feel like I have to be available so never "get in the mood" to do my work.  This means that I am stuck doing it after 'school' and on weekends.  sigh.


I think it would be very good to have a separate thread on self-educating accountability.  We wouldn't have to post too much, just say our goals and then if we meet them. So right now I am way ahead in Mandarin, but behind in Latin.  Physics is on a hiatus while ds is doing the big math exam.  But because I did not do any Latin this weekend, I will have forgotten all my new words.  It will be like a restart on Monday, rather than a review.  I just really really need to commit to everyday with the cards.  Especially Mandarin, which is way worse than Latin!  My mind is like a very large-holed sieve. :crying:


I would *love* to have your help keeping honest!


Ruth in NZ

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I printed out the placement tests for dd and have picked some areas we need to focus on for the coming week. I haven't got in our new books anyway. Looking at the placement test we aren't doing too bad, she just needs some more practice in a few areas. I think we should be ready to move on in a week, 2 weeks at most. I'm praying and hoping she will finally be settled and we can get caught up then and stay that way. Heaven help me I never want to switch math programs again, she has been so hard to place. 


I'm read through the first 5 chapters of The Story of US Book A, I really like it, now I'm trying to decide if I want to do it as a read aloud or have him read it. It is pretty easy reading so he could do it himself quite easily. I'm going to go through my books about Native Americans again and decide. Yes, I should have already did this! This summer was not good. I should have already done all of this. As I believe I said previously here this is our first year of more in depth content studies so I've got lots of kinks to work out. 

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I'm also more in need of a self-ed accountability thread than a homeschool thread.


I hear you, Ruth, on the difficulties with vocab. It's amazing looking back how easy it was in High School with vocab for English&French&German&Latin&Greek. Nowadays, reviewing Latin en learning new Greek words is making my head explode.

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We will be camping most of next week, so I'm tackling some organizational projects today in order to make the following week more successful. I organized the kids art area (which is our dining room). I have always kept things like markers, crayons, and colored pencils available, but never paint or other messy or expensive items. What ended up happening is that nothing ever got used, because they didn't even know what I had hidden, and it would forget as well!


So, I made a bench seat out of an ikea Expedit 1x5 shelf. I laid it on it's side, and put all art supplies into baskets-the small crafting items (pom poms, pipe cleaners, rhinestones, scraps of fabric, ect) in gallon zip lock bags and into one, all paper (scrap booking, origami, construction, ect) into another, play doh, clay and their tools into another, and paint, brushes, stamp pads in another. All of our crafting and art books go in the last space.

I'm hoping that the new set up will facilitate more open ended crafting...without total disaster.


Next project will be the school room closet. Ugh.

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I couldn't say on the art books. I'm no art person, AT ALL. I like to draw and paint, but I've never actually even been to a museum of art. EVER. So my background knowledge of art history is nil. But I was lucky enough to pick up Sister Wendy's book for 4$ at the used book store, and when I was ordering Gombrich's Little History of the The World for extra reading I saw his History of Art and got that. 

I wanted to add a little Art study weekly, so History of Art is for me, and I will have the boys go through Sister Wendy's book a little at a time. If it's soup and not meat, that's alright. It will be our first introduction to art history, so better a little light than too heavy.


And I'm thinking that there is a museum of art up state that is going to get put on our must see--it has a huge park with it, and I've a mind to take the bikes, and a picnic basket and make a day trip of it.

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DH took the kids to a railway fair all day today. I'm hoping to get a lot of my resources into HST today. I keep thinking of more:


Books I bought on Amazon so I can grab ISBNs from there

ISBNs with scannable bar codes

ISBNs not scannable

Pre-ISBN books

Library lists at different libraries




Sigh. It will be good to have it in one place.

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For the upcoming week (Sept 1-5) I need to:


* rotate library books for history and science (we picked them up yesterday)

* do our nature walk in the first half of the week, as the weather looks iffy starting Wednesday

* update our memory notebooks

* read ahead in history and science to identify key words/terms

* continue reading ahead in The Handbook of Nature Study to prepare for upcoming nature walks


The list could go on, but that seems like a big enough chunk for now.  I'm headed to the self-education accountability thread, and then I'll get to work on updating memory notebooks while DS is napping and DH/DD are still out at the waterpark.

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