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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Ugh!  Feeling overwhelmed just thinking about it!


Dh working all day


I have to pick up ds at friend's house (45 min away)

Meal planning/coupon clipping

Grocery shopping

Finish unpacking from camping

Put camping gear in storage

Get homeschool books for sale out of storage

Sort & price books in prep for sale on Tuesday

Call my sister (who cancelled her wedding because she thinks I don't care because she misinterpreted my actions/non-actions) & pray it's not a 3 hour conversation

Lesson for Junior Church

Go to bed early!  (Unlike tonight!)

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Dh is off on a hike with friends; the girls are still asleep (no need to get up for intensive or work today!). My house is very quiet :)


I will probably


--reply to emails

--weed, yuck

--do something with ripe peaches

--continue w the bookcase rearranging for the new year/books into the attic job

--make sure dd sews the ribbons and elastic on her newest point shoes so they can be broken in next week


I may

--go to the orchard for a 10lb box of blueberries because I'm sad the season is just about over

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Good morning

- take girls to parade

- meet lady at Walmart around 4 to sell some clothes

- dishes

- tidy house

- dinner

- read/crochet/self educate

- bedtime routine

I'm sure I'll be roped into staying after the parade for kiddie what ever the who so some things may not get done.

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We are all sleepy here today. Went to the minor league bball game last night and got home late. But it was fun! :)


Today, grocery shopping and then just hanging out at home. A little cooking, a little housework, review my SS lesson, making lists, working on some school things if I have time.


Dh is taking Ds to flag football evals this morning.

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Congrats to all of you who have fruit to can. How fun! Kathryn, I'm sorry your baby is not sleeping through the night. That is rough. I hope it's a short phase. Sherri in MI good luck talking with your sister. That doesn't sound pleasant at all.


I am still in bed (It's 6:30am here). :) So, to do:


Get out of bed!

Tidy all the toy mess from yesterday

Make sandwiches and chill Gatorade for hubby and his two buddies who are riding 100miles today. We (the kids and I) are the feed crew halfway through.

Mop the floor

Prepare for a co-op planning meeting that may or may not happen this afternoon at 2:30.

Plan menu for week

Grocery shop

Pick up master bedroom and vacuum it

Continue prereading


Have a fantastic day!

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Today I am taking ds to BB&B to shop for bedding and things for college. I may insist that he have a cup of coffee to get the "decision-making" part of his brain awake.


Other things for today:

Check emails to verify meeting time with violin student

Finish an arrangement or two - print and play through all parts for editing

More research on playing violin left-handed

Read book

Have girls put away their laundry

Swim towels into washer/dryer


Lunch - ?

Dinner - ?

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I feel so free now that my class is over. Not that I don't like taking classes, but a break is so great!


I have canned 16 pints of pickles today. So, yay me! I won a first place ribbon at the county fair for my dill spears. Ha! Isn't that funny?


I need to can tomatoes, too.


Took dd to work. Need to get her later. Take ds to a party. Go to dinner with dh. >>looking forward to that so much!


Clean stuff.



That might be all. 

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Pay bills

File papers


Finalize beach rental

Submit health care receipts



To do:

Clean out car

Shopping list

Organize kids closet and clothes to grow into

Clean off deck

Clean off patio

Dog heart worm pill

Journal for kids

Finish soccer roster

30 min basement clean up/organize

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Good Saturday morning to you all!


Saturday morning chores (both mine and the kids')

Swept all the backyard patios and walk ways

Picked tomatoes

Made a pretty bouquet for the table (tiny red zinnias, purple salvia and 1 white flower from my chives that are going to seed, all in a blue and white vase)


To do:

Meal planning and grocery shopping for next week

Finish getting ready to start school next week

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Good Afternoon  :seeya:


I've finished ds transcript and it's up to date now and had dh to check it and make sure I didn't make any mistakes.

Washed towels and put them away.

Swept the porches off.

Went to Aldi for cheese.


Dh is making bananas Foster right now to go with coffee  :001_tt1:


To do:

Dinner--tonight I'm making chicken parmesan with pasta, salad and bread sticks 

Watch a movie on iTunes 


Have a lovely afternoon! 


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