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Death at racetrack today


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Dh races motorcycles as a hobby. Today, his friend was involved in an accident at the race. The other man involved in the accident broke his neck and died. :( dh and his friend were so distraught.


Please keep the loved ones of this man in your thoughts or prayers. Such a sad outcome. :(

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How awful for everyone involved. I'm glad your dh is safe and that his friend will be ok. Coming face to face with mortality is a frightening experience for those who witness a sudden, untimely death. Just give your dh a big hug and let him know how much you love him and that you are thankful he's ok.



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I'm so sorry.

My husband races too - it's less risky (autocross) but I still am nervous every time he goes out.

He has had some close shaves over the years. One accident did cause him to consider quitting. Realizing that he could have been killed or lost his leg was sobering. But he did resume, obviously. He admitted that he did not want to tell me about this tragedy today, for fear that it makes me worry anew.

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Oh how heartbreaking. :( I've had 2 family members die on motorcycles and several family friends. My dad died just before turning 50 when I was pregnant with my second. My first was only one. They never knew their grandpa. He'd been riding since before I was born. I miss him.

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How sad for the family of the deceased! I truly hope that he died doing something he just absolutely loved doing, I hope that fact will make it easier--if only a tad bit--for the family to accept his sudden death. (I hope that doesn't sound really tacky or crude)


I'm glad that your husband is safe. I'm glad that your husbands friend is safe and I hope that he'll be alright. It is so hard to face our mortality up close!

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