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I'm trying to help my youngest brother find an internship/ job. He has a BS in zoology with an emphasis in preditory birds. He has applied to all the zoos in the US and to a few internships he has heard about but so far hasn't found anything. The poor kid is so depressed about not being able to find anything.

Does anyone know of any thing outside of the US? Dh and I will help him in anyway we can to get him where he needs to go.

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Maybe amusement parks that have animals?


Or those rescue places everywhere? We have ones near us for large cats and also horses.


ETA: indeed.com has a listing for wildlife biologist For migratory birds in Alaska! That might be good IMO. For US fish and wildlife services. I just typed in zoology there and got several other ads, including zoos.


Maybe a falconer for a renaissance festival ? :) jk

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A few ideas: a wildlife preserve, fish & game department, state park, national park.


I once watched a falcon presentation at the Desert Museum outside Tucson.  Maybe he could search for places that do similar presentations.


Has he talked to any of his professors about options?

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Is the internship required in order to receive his diploma? What about volunteering at a zoo? It could at least help him get his foot in the door.

He already has his diploma, he currently volunteers at a nature center near him but he would like a paying internship or job. He is open to going anywhere.
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He already has his diploma, he currently volunteers at a nature center near him but he would like a paying internship or job. He is open to going anywhere.


A paying internship?

 Here you have to pay to do your internship.

 I am doing my teaching internship at the moment and paid $3000 to the university  for the 10 weeks, 3/4 of that money goes to the school as a sweetener to take me.

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A paying internship?

 Here you have to pay to do your internship.

 I am doing my teaching internship at the moment and paid $3000 to the university  for the 10 weeks, 3/4 of that money goes to the school as a sweetener to take me.


In order for a company to have unpaid interns, they must meet strict guidelines in the US. Most internships are paid positions because of this. I think it's unfortunate that non-profits are exempt from the regulations, personally, but it is what it is. 

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World Bird Sanctuary has lots of opportunities available. http://www.worldbirdsanctuary.org/index.php/about/volunteer


He would be wise to take a year to get some hands-on experience, even if that means working at McDonalds when he isn't volunteering. It might be a temporary blow to his ego, but working with birds for free now will give him the ability to achieve his dreams later. Paid internships are rare, very rare, for students with only a BS. Even more rare is finding an employer willing to hire anyone without experience, and without a masters degree, to work with their valuable birds.

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Boise is a good town for college employment.  The St. Louis area where the World Bird Sanctuary, not as much.  We have many college age relatives able to find work in Boise but even employment opportunities for college age in St. Louis are not as good.  If he can't find a paying position, I would recommend the Boise area and volunteering at the Birds of Prey center.

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