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My daughter's car accident -- vent


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I am so tired of stupid drivers. We live out of town a few miles. The only road into our area in off a state highway. When we moved here it wasn't very busy, but 22 years later it is.


Anyway, my almost 21yo daughter was leaving for her class yesterday and left our area and entered the acceleration lane to enter the highway. About 100 feet later she is sideswiped by a drilling rig truck that has decided he wanted to use the acceleration lane to park his rig and wait for the rest of the crew.


What really makes me furious is that after the crew parked they stood there talking among themselves. No one came to see if she was OK. I arrived just a few minutes later and went to say something to the guys.


The one who hit her told me it was her fault because she failed to yield when turning into the turn lane and he was only going 45 mph.


I looked him straight in the eye and said there is no yield sign and has never had one because the lane is for acceleration. It is not a turning lane because there is nothing but a fenced cow pasture to turn into.


His response was that I needed to calm down.


No I don't need to calm down. You just hit my daughter and you don't really care. You just need to learn how to drive and also to recognize an acceleration lane!



Edit -- more info in post 12


She is not hurt (just shaken and bruised) but this could have been so much worse. And he did not care. He would not even admit he was wrong. The police came. He was wrong.

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I'm so sorry! And shame on those men for not rushing to make sure your dd was OK!!!!


No wonder you were so angry! That idiot could have killed your dd and he wasn't even concerned about her! :angry:


I'm so glad she's all right. :grouphug:

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I think insurance tells people not to admit to anything and to wait for the police... but the fact that no one came to her aid is just awful.  What is wrong with people!!??  If the company who owns the truck contacts you I'd definitely be mentioning this to them that this is a reflection of their company.


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If PD (or DPS or your county's SO) actually gave the other driver a ticket (and sometimes LE will simply file a report w/o finding fault), make sure your dd tells her/your insurance company.


I'm very glad your dd is fine. So, many times the drivers of big trucks follow the rule of the sea (big boat has the right-of-way) rather than the actual rules of the road.

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Telling someone to calm down is never the right thing.  Ever.  Especially not if you've just struck their daughter's car with your big dumb truck. 


I'm glad your girl is okay.  And I hope the guy got a big ol' ticket.  And I hope you call his people and report not only the incident but his behavior.

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First, he did not get a ticket because it was in the county, not the city and sheriff can only give a ticket if there is damage to county property or if there is an injury requiring ambulance transport. Neither of these happened.


Second, this is a company that drills wells for homes. The driver of the rig was the owner of the company! This company actually has replaced our well pump when it went out. But that was the original owner. This is either a son or nephew.


The driver should have know this was an acceleration lane only because the original company owner had a house just a few streets further in that has been sold in only the last 5 years! The guy that hit her probably grew up just a few streets from where we now live.


I'm certain he will want to fight it, but the sheriff said he told the guy he was in the wrong and they have to tell people to move their vehicles all the time. When the guy said something about the yield sign, the sheriff said that there is no need to yeild when you are entering the dedicated entrance to the highway.


I told my 14yo when I got home that I wanted to give this guy a class in logic. He may know how to drill wells, but he sure needs to know how to think.

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I'm sorry, and am SO glad she wasn't hurt.  My daughter was in a car accident a couple months ago and it really shook her up.


I wonder if that truck had an 800 number on the back that you could call to report him?  Sometimes they do.

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He was smart not to admit fault. He was a total jerk to not see if she was okay/call for help.


It sounds like the sheriff's report should help with insurance.


I'm glad she was okay. Texas drivers and roads can be terrifying. Last time I visited my hometown, all the highway speed limits had been jacked up.


My personal dis-favorite are 2-way frontage roads.

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