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Need Highchair Recommendations


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We have a 15 month old who has outsmarted our 8 year old highchair.  He has figured out how to remove the top tray (not just the removable insert but the whole tray, it comes off by pushing release buttons on either side), and has figured out how to kick off the lower tray.  He rocks back and forth (front to back) in it so I would be hesitant to get a chair that attaches to a table or regular chair as I am worried he would fall or tip it over, I like the extra wide support that comes with the span of regular high chair legs.  Anyone have any suggestions of highchairs that they really like?  I would particularly love to know of any recommendations on chairs that the tray would be difficult for a toddler to remove. Any suggestions would be wonderful?  Thanks! :001_smile:






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He sounds ready for eating at the table. Maybe consider a booster seat, or an ikea tall-chair (not a high chair, more like a child-scale wood chair with long legs like a stool.


Jolly jumper sells 5pt harnesses that you can attach to nearly anything for added safety.

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I love love love the ikea one. Inexpensive and super easy to clean. As long as he is buckles my 18 month old can't get out. We don't remove the tray cause it's too hard for us ;)


I despise the type you posted though. Too big and bulky and hard to clean. Prior to this one we used the kind that strap to a kitchen chair. We uses those(simplest ones we could find. NO padding etc)for many babies/toddlers. I liked that they could sit with the family at the table.


The ONLY reason I bought a free standing high chair was we bought an old school lunch table(folding) as our main kitchen table and we no longer have chairs in the kitchen. (8 almost 9 kids and we LOVE our lunch table)


I was dreading getting a high chair as I hate them so much until I saw my sil's ikea one. Then I knew I had found the perfect one!

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We abandoned the high chair when walking started.  I have this old side table that was meant for plants so it has two levels.  I'd set it next to the table and one day while I was cooking she crawled up it and sat down.  It hasn't moved since then except for vacuuming, even though she is probably a little big for it.  But being able to go to the table and sit completely independently is wonderful for her and us.  

The high chair did get used for tooth brush time for about another year though.  

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At that age I'd get a Tripp Trapp.  Check Craigslist first.  We love ours, and they've grown with the kids.  Ergonomic.  They are great for handwriting since young kids can have feet fully supported.  Just something to consider.  They are expensive, but you can resell for a decent price, and you may decide to keep it fairly long.  No tray needed.

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We have one almost identical to this.  It cost a lot, but we've been using ours since Han Solo was about 8 months old and could sit up on his own.  He wasn't really eating solid foods then, but we put him in it and let him sit at the table with us during meals.  He's 3 now and still using it.  You can move the seat down as he grows, and not have to use a booster seat when he's older.   You can probably find them cheaper on ebay or crag's list.  I highly recommend them.

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Thank you all for your responses.  My kids have been sick, so I finally found some time to read through all of your recommendations.  These all look like great chairs. I would have never thought to look at any of these, thank you.  It seems like a lot of you like the Ikea chair.  Is it sturdy enough to handle a large toddler rocking forward and then throwing himself backwards against the back without tipping over?  I know that sounds like a silly question but it is my Ds's favorite past time while in the high chair  ;), and he is a big boy.   I also like the look of the wood chairs like the trip trap.  Could that handle that as well? Thanks! :)

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We had an IKEA white plastic and metal one.

It was wonderful!  It lasted for ever and was easy to clean.


We had another IKEA wooden one.

Great too.


If it doesn't work for you, you will only be out a little bit

of money because it's super cheap.

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We use wooden ikea chairs when the kids are done with the tray - they're not high chairs, just slightly taller chairs with a narrower seat.  There is no buckle.  If a kid is goofy in it, they fall out.  And I think each of our kids has fallen out at least once, onto the tile floor.  And then they learn not to be goofy in the chair.

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