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What book should I read while wasting away hours in the Loire Valley, France?


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I will have something I almost never have, owing to homeschooling, working, commuting and a toddler: 3 hours to myself each day for a week. DS is doing an immersion program in Sancerre. Can you recommend a book to go with this trip? It doesn't have to be related at all, just... atmospheric? Oh, I just want a good vacation read I guess :) Thank you!

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The Virgin Blue?  Not the same area, but France.  I liked it several years ago.


Five Quarters of the Orange is set in the Loire Valley.  


There's another from book set in that area that I liked... Can't recall the title.  Let me see if I can find it on the shelf, and I'll come back and post.  I think it was a YA title.



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I agree with Kareni, though Florand's first book in the Amour et Chocolat series is not my favorite (even though it is well-written, engaging, and funny).


Another Karen :)


And I agree with you, Luckymama.  I think the series has improved over time!




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Peter Mayle has written some delightful memoirs, as a retired Brit settling in Provence.


"A Year in Provence", followed by "Toujours Provence" and another one.

He & his wife stumble through the year, trying to learn French, get their home remodeled, and fit into the small village life.  Fun.



It was adapted to a delightful BBC mini-series (1993), with John Thaw & Lindsay Duncan:



I haven't read any of his novels.


Another good friend is in France for a few weeks, and is (planning to read):

First French Essais: Venturing into Writing, Marriage and France by K Espinasse


It's a spinoff of her blog:



Enjoy soaking up the French air!



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Thanks, everyone. I've fed the Kindle!
For those asking, this is a language school in Sancerre, the only one I could find that worlds with children (the rest are teen and up). I can't provide a review yet as this is our first time but happy to do so when I return.


ETA: The Enchanted April seems to be free on Kindle today

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I have a lot of great books on my Kindle you can try. Thing is, I'll have to come along to make sure you can operate the Kindle. ;) C'est très jolie!

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